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François Gillet
First published in Ecology & Society in 2013
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6 published articles
Aug 2019
Action-orientated research and framework: insights from the French long-term social-ecological research network
Vincent Bretagnolle, Marc Benoit, Mathieu Bonnefond, Vincent Breton, Jon M. Church, Sabrina Gaba, Daniel Gilbert, Sandrine Glatron, Chloe Guerbois, Nicolas Lamouroux, Marc Lebouvier, Camille Mazé, Jean-Marie Mouchel, Annie Ouin, Olivier Pays, Christophe Piscart, Olivier Ragueneau, Sylvie Servain, Thomas Spiegelberger, Hervé Fritz -
Sep 2013
Sustainable Land Use in Mountain Regions Under Global Change: Synthesis Across Scales and Disciplines
Robert Huber, Andreas Rigling, Peter Bebi, Fridolin Simon Brand, Simon Briner, Alexandre Buttler, Ché Elkin, Heike Lischke, Willi Zimmermann, François Gillet, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Christian Hirschi, Ché Elkin, Heike Lischke, Willi Zimmermann, Roland Werner Scholz, Roman Seidl, Thomas Spiegelberger, Ché Elkin, Heike Lischke, Willi Zimmermann, Ché Elkin, Heike Lischke, Willi Zimmermann, Harald Bugmann -
Aug 2013
Past and future landscape dynamics in pasture-woodlands of the Swiss Jura Mountains under climate change
Jun 2013
Modeling Social-Ecological Feedback Effects in the Implementation of Payments for Environmental Services in Pasture-Woodlands
Mar 2013
A Contextual Analysis of Land-Use and Vegetation Changes in Two Wooded Pastures in the Swiss Jura Mountains
Dynamics of Forage Production in Pasture-woodlands of the Swiss Jura Mountains under Projected Climate Change Scenarios