Home > Special Features Understanding Human Resilience in the Context of Interconnected Health and Social Systems Dec 2015 Guest Editors: Astier Almedom and Johan Bergström Guest Editorial Understanding human resilience in the context of interconnected health and social systems: Whose understanding matters most? PDF Icons/Download Astier M. Almedom Insight Bridging the Macro and the Micro by Considering the Meso: Reflections on the Fractal Nature of Resilience PDF Icons/Download Johan Bergström, Sidney W. A. Dekker Measuring resilience is not enough; we must apply the research. Researchers and practitioners need a common language to make this happen. PDF Icons/Download Douglas M. Glandon Research Emergence of human resilience in coastal ecosystems under environmental change PDF Icons/Download Nilufar Matin, Richard Taylor How does social support enhance resilience in the trauma-exposed individual? PDF Icons/Download Lauren M. Sippel, Robert H. Pietrzak, Dennis S, Charney, Linda C. Mayes, Steven M. Southwick Synthesis Principles of epistemological accountability with methodological implications for measuring, assessing, and profiling human resilience PDF Icons/Download David O'Byrne, David O'Byrne, David O'Byrne See all Special Features