24 Articles tagged with "adaptive comanagement"
Coproduction mechanisms to weave Indigenous knowledge, artificial intelligence, and technical data to enable Indigenous-led adaptive decision making: lessons from Australia’s joint managed Kakadu National ParkPDF
Linking equity, power, and stakeholders’ roles in relation to ecosystem servicesPDF
Learning and linking for invasive species managementPDF
Mangroves, fishers, and the struggle for adaptive comanagement: applying the social-ecological systems framework to a marine extractive reserve (RESEX) in BrazilPDF
Diagnosing adaptive comanagement across multiple casesPDF
Are adaptations self-organized, autonomous, and harmonious? Assessing the social–ecological resilience literaturePDF
Special Feature
Partnering for bioregionalism in England: a case study of the Westcountry Rivers TrustPDF
Using the politicized institutional analysis and development framework to analyze (adaptive) comanagement: farming and water resources in EnglandPDF
Prescriptions for adaptive comanagement: the case of flood management in the German Rhine basinPDF
Manager perspectives on communication and public engagement in ecological restoration project successPDF