22 Articles tagged with "agency"
Capturing emergent phenomena in social-ecological systems: an analytical frameworkPDF
The promises and pitfalls of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change as a vehicle for social empowermentPDF
Special Feature
Promoting agency for social-ecological transformation: a transformation-lab in the Xochimilco social-ecological systemPDF
Special Feature
Sustainability science as if the world mattered: sketching an art contribution by comparisonPDF
Special Feature
Probing the interfaces between the social sciences and social-ecological resilience: insights from integrative and hybrid perspectives in the social sciencesPDF
Special Feature
REDD+ policy networks: exploring actors and power structures in an emerging policy domainPDF
Sustainability transformations: a resilience perspectivePDF
Agency and Resilience: Teachings of Pikangikum First Nation Elders, Northwestern OntarioPDF
The Interplay of Well-being and Resilience in Applying a Social-Ecological PerspectivePDF
Can We Be Both Resilient and Well, and What Choices Do People Have? Incorporating Agency into the Resilience Debate from a Fisheries Perspective.PDF