59 Articles tagged with "agriculture"
Constellating cultivation: texturing agroecological legacies with a mixed-methods approach in HawaiʻiPDF
From primary data to formalized decision-making: open challenges and ways forward to inform representations of farmers’ behavior in agent-based modelsPDF
Caring for standing crops in the Himalayas: embedded notion of saving to savePDF
Resilient and sustainable natural resource production: how are farmers and foresters coping?PDF
Trade-offs in adapting to changes in climate, land use, and water availability in CaliforniaPDF
Small-scale fisheries and agricultural trade networks are socially embedded: emerging hypotheses about responses to environmental changesPDF
Special Feature
Everyday adaptation, interrupted agency and beyond: examining the interplay between formal and everyday climate change adaptationsPDF
Special Feature
Governance and everyday adaptations? Examining the disconnect between planned and autonomous adaptation through justice outcomesPDF
A missing piece of the puzzle of on-farm freshwater restoration: What motivates land managers to record and report land management actions?PDF
Spatial distribution of bat activity in agricultural fields: implications for ecosystem service estimatesPDF