93 Articles tagged with "biodiversity"
Special Feature
Databases, Scaling Practices, and the Globalization of BiodiversityPDF
Biodiversity, biodisparity, and bioequivalencePDF
Biodiversity and BiodisparityPDF
Many Eyes on Nature: Diverse Perspectives in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve and Their Relevance for ConservationPDF
Why Shade Coffee Does Not Guarantee Biodiversity Conservation.PDF
Birds and the City: Urban Biodiversity, Land Use, and SocioeconomicsPDF
Beyond Forest Cover: Land Use and Biodiversity in Rubber Trail Forests of the Chico Mendes Extractive ReservePDF
Philosophical Issues in Ecology: Recent Trends and Future DirectionsPDF
Functional Links Between Biodiversity, Livelihoods, and Culture in a Hani Swidden Landscape in Southwest ChinaPDF
Integrating Ethno-Ecological and Scientific Knowledge of Termites for Sustainable Termite Management and Human Welfare in AfricaPDF