33 Articles tagged with "complexity"
Special Feature
Implications of Panarchy for ecosystem service research: the role of system dynamics in service deliveryPDF
Wayfinder: a new generation of resilience practicePDF
Navigating wicked water governance in the “solutionscape” of science, policy, practice, and participationPDF
Understanding the context of multifaceted collaborations for social-ecological sustainability: a methodology for cross-case analysisPDF
Nurturing resilient forest biodiversity: nest webs as complex adaptive systemsPDF
Adopting process-relational perspectives to tackle the challenges of social-ecological systems researchPDF
Panarchy, ontological and epistemological phenomena, and the PlaguePDF
Anticipating future risk in social-ecological systems using fuzzy cognitive mapping: the case of wildfire in the Chiquitania, BoliviaPDF
Special Feature
How game changers catalyzed, disrupted, and incentivized social innovation: three historical cases of nature conservation, assimilation, and women’s rightsPDF
Addressing complexity and uncertainty: conceptual models and expert judgments applied to migratory birds in the oil sands of CanadaPDF