12 Articles tagged with "coral reefs"
Assessing spatiotemporal change in coral reef social-ecological systemsPDF
Whose right to manage? Distribution of property rights affects equity and power dynamics in comanagementPDF
Human Dimensions of Coral Reef Social-Ecological SystemsPDF
Coupling Biophysical and Socioeconomic Models for Coral Reef Systems in Quintana Roo, Mexican CaribbeanPDF
Factors Influencing Adaptive Marine Governance in a Developing Country Context: a Case Study of Southern KenyaPDF
Social-Ecological Guilds: Putting People into Marine Historical EcologyPDF
Understanding Resilience in a Vulnerable Industry: the Case of Reef Tourism in AustraliaPDF
Linking Ecological and Perceptual Assessments for Environmental Management: a Coral Reef Case StudyPDF
Exploring Social Resilience in Madagascar’s Marine Protected AreasPDF
Adaptive Harvesting in a Multiple-Species Coral-Reef Food WebPDF