24 Articles tagged with "drought"
Understanding pastoralist adaptations to drought via games and choice experiments: field testing among Borana communitiesPDF
Praying for rain, resilience, and social stability in Murcia (southeast Spain)PDF
Toward a feminist political ecology of household food and water security during drought in northern NicaraguaPDF
Special Feature
Are generic and specific adaptation institutions always relevant? An archetype analysis of drought adaptation in Spanish irrigation systemsPDF
Expert views on strategies to increase water resilience: evidence from a global surveyPDF
The role of capital in drought adaptation among rural communities in EswatiniPDF
Climate change beliefs and forest management in eastern Oregon: implications for individual adaptive capacityPDF
Vulnerability of dryland agricultural regimes to economic and climatic changePDF
Socio-environmental drought response in a mixed urban-agricultural setting: synthesizing biophysical and governance responses in the Platte River Watershed, Nebraska, USAPDF
Differences in resource management affects drought vulnerability across the borders between Iraq, Syria, and TurkeyPDF