130 Articles tagged with "governance"
Special Feature
The governance of adaptation: choices, reasons, and effects. Introduction to the Special FeaturePDF
Effects of protected area downsizing on habitat fragmentation in Yosemite National Park (USA), 1864 – 2014PDF
Special Feature
Review of the flood risk management system in Germany after the major flood in 2013PDF
Addressing surprise and uncertain futures in marine science, marine governance, and societyPDF
Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for actionPDF
Safeguarding what and for whom? The role of institutional fit in shaping REDD+ in MexicoPDF
Understanding social-ecological change and transformation through community perceptions of system identityPDF
Special Feature
Local perceptions on social-ecological dynamics in Latin America in three community-based natural resource management systemsPDF
Implementation arrangements for climate adaptation in the Netherlands: characteristics and underlying mechanisms of adaptive governancePDF
Special Feature
Turning points in climate change adaptationPDF