36 Articles tagged with "small-scale fisheries"
Special Feature
Building blocks for social-ecological transformations: identifying and building on governance successes for small-scale fisheriesPDF
Special Feature
Postharvest fish losses and unequal gender relations: drivers of the social-ecological trap in the Barotse Floodplain fishery, ZambiaPDF
Identifying potential consequences of natural perturbations and management decisions on a coastal fishery social-ecological system using qualitative loop analysisPDF
A Bayesian belief network model for community-based coastal resource management in the Kei Islands, IndonesiaPDF
Understanding social-ecological change and transformation through community perceptions of system identityPDF
Social benefits of restoring historical ecosystems and fisheries: alewives in MainePDF
Special Feature
Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource managementPDF
Special Feature
Strengthening threatened communities through adaptation: insights from coastal MozambiquePDF
Special Feature
Overfishing Drivers and Opportunities for Recovery in Small-Scale Fisheries of the Midriff Islands Region, Gulf of California, Mexico: the Roles of Land and Sea Institutions in Fisheries SustainabilityPDF
Special Feature
The Chilika Lagoon Social-Ecological System: An Historical AnalysisPDF