28 Articles tagged with "social-ecological resilience"
A scoping review of how the seven principles for building social-ecological resilience have been operationalizedPDF
Special Feature
Keeping up with the landscapes: promoting resilience in dynamic social-ecological systemsPDF
What comes after crises? Key elements and insights into feedback amplifying community self-organizationPDF
Voicing resilience through subjective well-being: community perspectives on responding to water stressors and COVID-19PDF
Social-ecological resilience through a biocultural lens: a participatory methodology to support global targets and local prioritiesPDF
Special Feature
Transforming asymmetrical conflicts over natural resources in the Global SouthPDF
Resilience as a framework for analyzing the adaptation of mountain summer pasture systems to climate changePDF
Special Feature
Reconnecting art and science for sustainability: learning from indigenous knowledge through participatory action-research in the AmazonPDF
Special Feature
Legal and institutional foundations of adaptive environmental governancePDF
Culturally significant fisheries: keystones for management of freshwater social-ecological systemsPDF