139 Articles tagged with "sustainability"
Analyzing the Concept of Planetary Boundaries from a Strategic Sustainability Perspective: How Does Humanity Avoid Tipping the Planet?PDF
Special Feature
REDD+ for the poor or the poor for REDD+? About the limitations of environmental policies in the Amazon and the potential of achieving environmental goals through pro-poor policiesPDF
Ex Ante Scale Dynamics Analysis in the Policy Debate on Sustainable Biofuels in MozambiquePDF
The Interplay of Well-being and Resilience in Applying a Social-Ecological PerspectivePDF
Special Feature
Progress Toward Sustainable Mussel Aquaculture in Mar Piccolo, ItalyPDF
Transforming Innovation for SustainabilityPDF
Communicating Ecology Through Art: What Scientists ThinkPDF
Social Learning and Natural Resource Management: The Emergence of Three Research PerspectivesPDF
Innovation, Cooperation, and the Perceived Benefits and Costs of Sustainable Agriculture PracticesPDF
Special Feature
Jatropha in Mexico: Environmental and Social Impacts of an Incipient Biofuel ProgramPDF