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Manyani, A., R. Biggs, L. Hill, and R. Preiser. 2024. The evolution of social-ecological systems (SES) research: a co-authorship and co-citation network analysis. Ecology and Society 29(1):33.ABSTRACT
Social-ecological systems (SES) research has gained substantial momentum, as witnessed by the growth in SES publications, theories, and frameworks, and the traction these concepts have gained in development and policy arenas. However, the growth and development of the SES field has only been partially examined, which limits our ability to make sense of and support the future development of the field and its ability to inform pressing sustainability challenges. The aim of this study is to understand how SES research has grown and changed over time as a field of study using bibliometric methods, co-authorship and co-citation network analysis. Our study is informed by broader bodies of work that have sought to understand the development of scientific fields, concepts, and research agendas. We highlight key trends that have influenced the organization of the field as well as how key thematic areas of SES research have evolved over time. Our results indicate that the research on SES is (i) mainly carried out by authors located in North America and Europe, (ii) characterized by changes in the terminology employed, as identified through our search terms, (iii) linked to the emergence of major conferences and centers dedicated to SES research, as well as its growth over time, (iv) characterized by a highly interconnected structure, with almost 80% of scholars being connected to each other, and (v) characterized by a shift in citation patterns, with newcomers in the network carving out their niche and replacing the founding figures as the central focus. We discuss the implications of these findings, including the nature of SES research as an “epistemic network,” the highly collaborative nature of SES research, and the role played by open-access journals in the growth of SES research in the digital era. We further suggest that the SES research field is at a critical transition point, with contending visions of its future following a more disciplinary path or remaining as a more open interdisciplinary space. We conclude with the questions this raises for future SES research regarding the implications of this duality on the nature, production, and validation of knowledge and its evolution.
There is growing recognition that addressing the complex sustainability challenges of the Anthropocene demands new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary forms of knowledge production that span the social and natural sciences, and academia, policy, and practice (Lang et al. 2012, Fischer et al. 2015, Tengö et al. 2017, Norström et al. 2020, Folke et al. 2021). The past few decades have seen the rise of a variety of interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and systems-oriented approaches that aim to better understand and support action in relation to the interlinked sustainability challenges and risks facing humanity and nature (Brandt et al. 2013, Fazey et al. 2020, Clark and Harley 2020). Some of these efforts are occurring within the confines of existing disciplines and research areas, but many of these efforts transcend the traditional academic domains of the university, and have had to forge their own interdisciplinary institutional homes. Many of these new research areas have collected under the banner of the emerging domain of “sustainability science” (Clark and Dickson 2003), which includes a variety of different frameworks and emerging research traditions, including coupled human and natural systems (CHANS), Earth system governance (ESG), socio-technical transitions, environmental justice, the conceptual framework developed by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), amongst others (Clark and Harley 2020).
This paper focuses on one prominent emerging field within the larger emerging domain of sustainability science, namely the field of social-ecological systems (SES). Although the SES field links to, overlaps, and interacts with a number of other fields within sustainability science and beyond, it has had a particular institutional trajectory and has become a relatively dominant research area (Colding and Barthel 2019, de Vos et al. 2019, Folke et al. 2021). An important feature of SES research is that it is based on a complex adaptive systems (CAS) perspective that serves as a “conceptual point of departure” (Preiser et al. 2018). Social-ecological systems research further assumes that human–nature relations are integrated to the extent that the delineation between social systems and ecological systems is artificial and arbitrary (Berkes et al. 2003, Biggs et al. 2015), and that understanding SES as CAS provides insights that can better contend with the challenges of the Anthropocene, including the intertwined nature of SES, cross-scale dynamics in SES, and the potential for systemic tipping points and transformational change (Reyers et al. 2018, Reyers and Selig 2020).
According to a recent review by Colding and Barthel (2019), the concept of SES was coined five decades ago. It was, however, first formalized just over two decades ago by Berkes and Folke (1998) in a framework that represented a shift in thinking about human–nature interactions, regarding them as integrated SES with CAS properties, rather than separate social and ecological systems with only weak connections. Since then, the concept has gained momentum, as evidenced by the rapid growth of publications using the term (Colding and Barthel 2019, de Vos et al. 2019), and there has been a proliferation in the theory and frameworks that inform research in this field (Biggs et al. 2021). Furthermore, in the last two decades, several networks and institutions have emerged that focus on SES research, such as the Resilience Alliance (RA), the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS), the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at Stockholm University, and more recently the Social-Ecological Systems Institute at Leuphana University. These networks and institutions have supported the development of interdisciplinary journals, such as Ecology and Society and Ecosystems and People, to support the publication of SES research (de Vos et al. 2019), as well as conferences to allow for knowledge sharing and networking amongst SES scholars, including the RA (Parker and Hackett 2012) and the PECS conferences (Norström et al. 2022).
Although there has been a significant increase in the number of publications, conferences, and networks dedicated to SES research (Colding and Barthel 2019, de Vos et al. 2019, Preiser et al. 2018, Biggs et al. 2021), certain uncertainties persist. Reflecting critically on the development of SES research, some scholars suggest that the concept of SES lacks a concise agreed-upon definition (Herrero-Jáuregui et al. 2018, Colding and Barthel 2019). There exists diversity in perspectives within the SES research community concerning methodological approaches. Social-ecological systems researchers use both social and natural science research approaches (Biggs et al. 2021), and this results in a “lack of methodological identity” (Partelow 2018, de Vos et al. 2019). Furthermore, there is no general agreement on the status of SES research. Scholars refer to SES research as an emerging field of study (Preiser et al. 2018, de Vos et al. 2019), a boundary object (Hertz and Schlülter 2015), a discourse (Colding and Barthel 2019) and an epistemic object (Becker 2012). These varying perspectives are also reflected in discussions about the future of the field (Haider et al. 2018, Biggs et al. 2021). Social-ecological systems research is therefore conducted in a context of a variety of perspectives and some tensions at a conceptual, methodological, and institutional level, with implications for the questions and approaches scholars explore, as well as the institutional support they receive.
The aim of this study is to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the field of SES research as a distinct field or research tradition within the wider domain of sustainability sciences and reflect on possible future directions. Our study is inspired by broader bodies of work that have sought to understand the history of science, focusing on the development of research agendas, concepts, and niche focus areas within new scientific domains. This study centers on a bibliometric analysis of SES research, using the Web of Science (WoS) database to explore the co-authorship and co-citation networks in the field to understand the nature of collaboration in the SES field. We also examine the specific research topics that have garnered attention within this scholarly community and contemplate potential future directions for the advancement of this field, including potential implications for institutional support. Before describing our study, we give a brief overview of the different frameworks for understanding the development of scientific fields, which we draw on in interpreting our analysis.
Understanding the development of scientific fields
A number of contending frameworks exist for understanding the emergence and development of scientific fields. An important theme in the history of science is the relative significance of intra- and extra-disciplinary influences in the emergence of new fields of enquiry. Influential early scholars, such as Thomas Kuhn (1970) and Robert Merton (1973), tended to emphasize factors considered internal to disciplines or in the wider relatively autonomous domain of “science,” such as new discoveries, new methods, and theoretical disputes. Within the very influential Kuhnian tradition, Nicholas Mullins’ (1962) pioneering work on the origins of molecular biology is instructive. Mullins explored the role of intellectual and social activities in the emergence of molecular biology. The intellectual activities that marked the development of the field included (i) paradigm shift/ development, (ii) problem success, and (iii) “puzzle solving.” This was accompanied by several social activities including (iv) communication, (v) co-authorship, (vi) colleagueship, and (vii) apprenticeship. Mullins (1962) asserted that scientists engage in these intellectual and social activities within a scientific community, and that the patterns associated with these activities during the growth of a speciality will indicate the stage to which an intellectual group or field has developed.
Thomas Kuhn’s widely celebrated and seminal account of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn 1970) provided a discontinuous image of scientific development that broke with the positivist image of science as a continuous and cumulative process. Instead, Kuhn framed scientific progress in terms of the alternation of periods of “normal science” and “revolutions.” A revolution produces a “paradigm shift,” which resolves previously intractable problems. Successful problem solving in this new perspective enables the establishment of a new “normal science,” which Kuhn describes in terms of a new “paradigm” that re-establishes the rules and standards for scientific practice (Kuhn 1962, 1970). Kuhn’s work is “disciplinary” to the extent that it is built on a physics-centered image of science as a relatively closed system. As Bourdieu (2004:15) notes, the “paradigm” (a term that had a prior history in linguistics) is “the equivalent of a language or a culture: it determines the questions that can be asked and those that are excluded.” The image of “revolutionary” change notwithstanding, Kuhn’s work assumes a significant level of scientific autonomy: problem solving is largely the work of scientific communities insulated from the external world.
In recent decades, many authors have criticized the depiction of how science is conducted as an autonomous enterprise. In this regard, we offer a brief overview of the concepts put forth by Robert Frodeman (2015), Jürgen Renn (2018), and Silvio Funtowicz and Jerome Ravetz (2020), which provides alternative ideas on how scientific fields emerge. These authors engage in the philosophy, history, or sociology of science, exploring and analyzing the nature, methods, and development of scientific inquiry. Any overview of such literature will acknowledge that scientific autonomy has traditionally been institutionalized on two levels: the (departmental) discipline and the Humboldtian research university, built on the fundamental faculty-level division between “the natural” and “the social.” Frodeman (2015:5) describes the modern university as “a closed epistemological circle” where disciplines function as internal markets for the production and certification (through peer review) of knowledge. Frodeman argues that this view of disciplines applies to “the age of disciplinarity,” which he argues is now passing: “Knowledge circulated among disciplinary-based researchers, then to researchers in other disciplines and to students. It reached the larger world only through indirect means and as a finished product. The flow of information was patterned as a one-way process, from the disciplines outward and downward. The transmission of knowledge was understood as mainly automatic in nature and little theorized as a socio-political act. Communication with those outside one’s discipline, and especially with the public, was described in terms of “dissemination,” “outreach,” and “dumbing down”—hardly the language for groups viewed as equal partners in the production of knowledge” (Frodeman 2015:5).
In a similar vein, Jürgen Renn (2018), in his essay on “The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science in the Anthropocene,” and Silvio O. Funtowicz and Jerome R. Ravetz (2020), in their essay on “Science for the Post-Normal Age,” criticize the classical image of scientific disciplines as relatively closed systems. Their work situates the development of scientific knowledge within the context of the Anthropocene and the sustainability challenges of the modern era. Against the grain of the classical assertion that science builds on precise and value-free facts, they stress the significance of values, stakes, and decisions. In “post-normal science,” it is recognized that other forms of knowledge play a crucial role, which they refer to as an “extended peer community” where non-specialists and non-scientists contribute their own knowledge, wisdom, experience, and skills and thereby complement those of accredited scientists within traditional “normal science” (Funtowicz and Ravetz 2020).
Whereas the Kuhnian understanding of science tends to foreground knowledge housed in specialized disciplines, compartmentalization, and knowledge dissemination through peer-reviewed publication (Kuhn 1970), post-normal science highlights the potential that new forms of digital communication present for the re-organization and evolution of scientific communities (Renn 2018). Renn (2018:17) argues that scientific knowledge emerges initially within “epistemic communities”—often within dedicated institutions—which may then expand into “epistemic networks.” Digital communication networks provide the context in which epistemic networks develop. The internet offers a knowledge-sharing context for ideas to be formulated, results to be compared, and replications and improvements to be made (Collins 2010). The various online platforms available to researchers offer the potential to enhance current knowledge systems through global co-production of knowledge and the development of new methods for organizing, learning, and implementing scientific knowledge. Renn (2018) alludes to a future “epistemic web” that would potentially allow for open access to traceable and reviewable knowledge. In post-normal science, the importance of communication via the internet cannot be overemphasized (Marinetto 2018, Renn 2018, Wenzel and Gill 2019). Marinetto (2018) asserts that without online visibility through accessible journals, academic fields and disciplines risk their scientific endeavors becoming obsolete. Furthermore, within this understanding, the role of conferences and informal conversations with colleagues is vital for scientific communication and the dissemination of ideas (Collins 2010, Wenzel and Gill 2019).
A commonality across all these different frameworks is that the level or nature of collaboration over time is central to understanding the development of a research field. An effective method for assessing patterns of collaboration can be done through bibliometric techniques such as co-authorship and co-citation analysis (de Solla Price 1963, Beaver and Rosen 1979). According to scholars of the history and philosophy of science (Crane 1972, Latour 1987, Kaiser 2005), new concepts or techniques would typically not only lead to a growth in the number of scientists and articles in an emerging field, but also to stronger and tighter collaboration, made possible by the shared language and concepts that develop. As fields or subject areas “nucleate” around shared concepts and techniques, collaboration may become more widespread (Bettencourt and Kaur 2011). The successful growth of a field is therefore evidenced by the growth from an initial small number of small clusters (connected components in a network) to a giant component (emergence of larger compact components linked together) (Bettencourt et al. 2009). Bettencourt et al. (2009) assert that, although the size of a field may vary, the structural transition from small-isolated components to a giant component in collaboration marks the success of a field. In addition, the use of temporal patterns of change in research areas or topics through citations helps to identify the dependencies and interdependencies among scholars in a field of study (Newman 2001, Barabási et al. 2002).
According to Crane (1972), collaborations involve not only senior researchers, also known as “the stars,” but also less established researchers who work closely with them to form ties. The most productive scientists establish informal connections with other groups, forming what Crane describes as an “invisible college.” This network allows highly productive scientists to stay informed about research developments, connect with other scholars, and keep up with new findings on the research front (Crane 1972:35).
We use these insights to analyze and interpret our data and link it to the different frameworks for understanding the evolution of scientific fields.
Bibliometric analysis constitutes a combination of methods used to analyze a set of publications, characterized by variables such as authors, citations, associated subject keywords, and places of publication (Janssen et al. 2006, Hung 2012). In our application of the method, we employed the following steps (Fig. 1.):
Step 1: defining a search strategy and the selection of documents
Although numerous terms have been used to describe interlinked human and environment systems, this study focuses on research using the term “social-ecological systems,” which forms the lynchpin of the SES field. Our choice was further guided by initial scoping activities, during which we compiled a broader list of terms used in research focusing on the relationship between humans and nature. This list was drawn from various sources, with primary reference points being the recently published Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global Assessment (Brondizio et al. 2019) and peer reviewed articles by de Vos et al. (2019), Colding and Barthel (2019), Herrero-Jáuregui et al. (2018) and Binder et al. (2013). Our initial list of terms comprised: (i) human nature; (ii) nature–society*; (iii) coupled human*; (iv) human environment*; (v) social environment; (vi) social-ecological; and (vii) socio-environmental. Using the Web of Science (WoS) database, we executed these search queries, employing the Boolean operator “AND” to integrate the term “systems.” This integration was driven by an intent to determine whether articles using any of these terms were theoretically informed by a systems thinking approach. Our initial analysis confirmed the findings of a recent review (de Vos et al. 2019), which showed that the term “social-ecological” has become substantially more dominant than other terms used to describe human–nature relations (Fig. 2).
Given the centrality of the term “social-ecological systems” to the SES research field and tradition, we restricted our subsequent analysis to “social-ecological systems” and its variants. Although narrowing our scope to only these terms might raise concerns, we wanted to avoid a potentially unwieldy and incoherent sample of research within the wider sustainability space, given our specific interest in the evolution of the SES field and tradition, and its particular theoretical frameworks and firm grounding in a CAS perspective. In the second part of our scoping we therefore searched for (“social-ecological system” OR “socio-ecological system” OR “socialecological system OR “socioecological system”). We found that the exclusion of the terms “socio-ecological system,” “socialecological system,” and “socioecological system” in the recent review by Colding and Barthel (2019) missed a substantial number of articles clearly situated in the SES discourse.
We used the Thomson Reuters’ (2014) Web of Science (WoS) citation index for the literature search because, in our preliminary search, it indexed more journal articles over a longer time period and also included more subject areas than the Scopus database. We searched all publications with the identified search terms, limiting the query to the search terms appearing in the title, abstract, and keywords fields. We did not exclude any subject areas (e.g., psychology, mental health, and information and technology) and verified that their inclusion did not make any substantive difference to the analysis we present. The inclusion criteria were limited to English-language scientific articles. Our final search was conducted on 22 July 2020 and yielded a result of 3,873 documents. The citation and bibliographic information contained in these documents, including author name, year of publication, number of citations, abstract, keywords, and titles, were downloaded. Data from WoS were then loaded into the OpenRefine software (, which is used for cleaning data, particularly for disambiguation of author names (Kumar 2015). For instance, issues of an author with two or more names who were captured twice, such as “L. Gunderson” or “L.H Gunderson,” were resolved. This process also removed duplicate author names.
Step 2: analysis of co-authorship networks
Co-authorship analysis is one of the most well-documented bibliometric techniques (Umadevi 2013, Liu and Xia 2015) used to study scientific collaborations among authors in relation to specific journals, countries, and research communities (Janssen et al. 2006, Abrahams et al. 2019). Co-authorship networks can reveal the impact of a field of study (as noted in work by Fraccascia et al. 2018), impact of a set of researchers, and the impact of a particular paper (Thanuskodi 2010, Tsay and Shu 2011). Co-authorship networks comprise nodes, which represent individual authors. These are linked to one another via co-authored scientific articles, which represent the links or the edges (the relationship between authors) (Umadevi 2013, Liu and Xia 2015). A high number of co-authored papers in a field might indicate a culture of collaboration and interdisciplinarity, suggesting that the field is complex and requires diverse expertise (Kim and Perez 2015, Liu and Xia 2015). This might indirectly indicate the field’s importance and its capacity to tackle complex issues (Kim and Perez 2015, Liu and Xia 2015). Co-authorship network analysis also enables the relationship between authors to be modeled graphically (Kim and Perez 2015). This allows for the application of graph theory and network science properties and metrics (Table 1).
The metrics in a co-authorship network can be divided into two groups. Those that focus on the macro-level represent the overall structure of the network, and this process includes the identification of the Giant Component (GC). According to Newman (2004), the GC describes the largest group of authors, who have the densest interlinkages between them. The size of the GC is calculated by measuring the fraction of the nodes in the GC relative to the total number of nodes in the network (Kumar 2016). The presence of a GC is important in that it reveals how cohesive (a community of authors that are closely linked to one another) or fragmented (a community of authors that are not linked to one another) a network is (Kumar 2015). It also reveals the “core” activity of the whole network, where the main intellectual activity happens among researchers (Newman 2001, 2004). In contrast, the micro-level properties focus on the individual authors, identifying the dominant or central authors and newcomers in the field. The micro-level properties are often analyzed using centrality measures (degree, betweenness, closeness, eigenvector) (Table 1) (Newman 2001, 2004), and were used to analyze the evolution and structure of the SES field.
The Sci2 Tool ( was used to extract the co-authorship networks from a “comma-separated values” (CSV) file extracted from WoS. The co-authorship data set was grouped into five time periods to allow for a temporal analysis of changes in SES research: 1981–1999, 2000–2004, 2005–2009, 2010–2014, and 2015–2019. Given the limited number of papers before 2000, we clustered these together. The temporal analysis aimed to reveal the evolution of the GC, individual small clusters and isolated nodes in the field. The co-authorship networks were visualized in Gephi 0.9.2, an open-source network analysis software (Bastian et al. 2009).
Step 3: analysis of co-citation networks
Co-citation analysis is also a well-known bibliometric method that analyzes references in order to understand the knowledge structures, core topics, and concepts of a scientific field (Small 1973). This technique describes the frequency by which two documents are cited together by other document(s). Two documents are strongly related if they are frequently cited together by other documents (Small 1973, Shiau et al. 2017), in other words these two publications are assumed to have a high degree of similarity. According to Shiau and Dwivedi (2013) and Small (1973), the more co-citations an article or publication receives, the more likely the two documents are related or focused on the same topic. Co-citation analyses are therefore seen as a representation of the “fields view” (Tang et al. 2014:337).
Citation patterns can signify a change in intellectual activity of a field over time (Small 1973). The nature of co-citation allows scholars to readily determine the underlying topics, star publications, and texts dominating a certain field of study, and therefore gain insights in the intellectual structure of scientific fields and disciplines (Chi and Young 2013, Shiau and Dwivedi 2013, Tang et al. 2014). For example, Meerow and Newell (2015) used co-citation analysis to explore the growth of the concepts of resilience and complexity. However, one of the drawbacks of co-citation analyses as well as co-authorship analyses is that they are biased toward the most productive authors (i.e., those that publish the most papers) (Garfield 2001).
The CSV file containing the bibliographic data of the 3,873 articles was imported into Bibexcel, a software package that is designed to do most of bibliometric analysis (Persson et al. 2009). Co-citation network files were automatically generated and then transferred for visualization in Gephi. This was done for the full network, 1981–2019 and then also for the time periods 1981–1999, 2000–2004, 2005–2009, 2010–2014, and 2015–2019. Within Gephi, modular optimization, which is used to determine the natural grouping of articles that cite each other (Blondel et al. 2008), was used to identify the groups or numbered clusters across the whole network and for the five consecutive year ranges. The modularity algorithm in Gephi identifies clusters/ groups in a network based on closeness. Running this algorithm on the co-citation data sets resulted in clusters that are divided by their connections in the network. The ordering, numbering, and color of clusters of the co-citation network in Gephi are all arbitrary.
Step 4: visualization of the co-authorship network and co-citation network
To visualize the co-authorship networks and co-citation network, we used Gephi and the Force Atlas 2 algorithm, which brings nodes closer together if they have more interconnections. For the co-authorship network, the collaboration patterns of SES research based on the five time periods and the institutional network based on co-authorships were visualized. The GC was revealed by using automatic filtering algorithms. Node size was set to depict the number of co-authored works (i.e., the larger the node size, the greater the number of articles co-authored) (Umadevi 2013). The thickness of the ties, links, or interconnections between the nodes represent the number of co-authored articles between those two nodes. We used cluster analysis to gain an understanding of the authorship structure of SES research by using the community detection algorithm in Gephi (Blondel et al. 2008), which decomposes networks into clusters of highly interconnected nodes. We only applied this to the GC of the network as we identified that other authors were relatively isolated or on the periphery of the network. To enhance the readability of these clusters, we limited the GC to nodes with edge weight greater than two (authors who have co-authored more than two articles). The proportion of each cluster relative to the identified 12 clusters was detected by the clustering algorithm. Each cluster was assigned a unique color using automatic algorithms in Gephi. We then did a literature scoping to understand the identified clusters and their background. We used centrality metrics (degree, closeness, eigenvector, betweenness) (see Appendix 1: Table 3) to identify the top 20 scholars within the SES research in the giant component from 1981 to 2019. The centrality measures were restricted only to the GC, because measures like betweenness are affected if applied to a network with disconnected clusters and many peripheral actors as they block the flow of information from node to node (Newman 2004).
In the visualization of the co-citation network, we identified the scholarly clusters or main research areas, similar to the co-authorship network, using the community detection algorithm in Gephi (Blondel et al. 2008). For this analysis, a community detection algorithm in Gephi (Blondel et al. 2008) was used that decomposes networks into clusters of highly interconnected nodes. These clusters were then assigned a name based on an analysis of key information in the texts of each individual cluster. In addition, each cluster was assigned a unique color using automatic algorithms in Gephi. To understand and name the clusters revealed by Gephi, additional information needed to be added to the cited references. The top 500 co-citations of each cluster were therefore selected, as providing the most information about each cluster due to their high connectivity. The selected articles were subjected to thematic analysis, after the primary emphasis of each article was recorded, and cluster themes and names were developed for each cluster.
Growth of social-ecological systems research over time
Our results show a notable increase in the number of publications reporting on SES research based on the search term “social-ecological system(s)” and its variants over the past two decades (Fig. 3a). Before 2000, the number of articles using SES-related terms was less than five. The term “socioecological systems” was used predominantly between 1980–2003, but since the turn of the millennium, the term “social-ecological systems” has gained more momentum than the other three terms (Fig. 3a).
Publications from North America and European-affiliated authors have dominated the field from its inception and have continued to grow over the years (Fig. 3b). Since the early 2000s, all continents have had a notable growth of journal articles in this field, with Africa entering this space last. Between the years 2005 to 2010, the USA and Europe tripled their SES-related journal article output, while the other four continents continued to progress at a lower rate. In the year 2019, Europe had an output of five times the number of SES-related journal articles published for both Africa and South America.
Co-authorship patterns between 1981 and 2019
Social-ecological systems research in the period under study has 11,559 nodes (authors) and 64,095 edges (links between authors, i.e., co-authorship) (Appendix 1: Table 1). The network has an average path length (a measure of information flow for the whole network: the shorter the path, the more efficient the network) of 5.184, which represents the cohesive nature of the field. The average degree is 11.09, which indicates that in the given period an SES research author has approximately 11 co-authors per published article. The network is highly connected as it has a large GC. We found that the size of the GC contains 8,193 nodes (70.88%) and 57,497 edges (89.71%) (Appendix 1: Table 1). The network has only 222 isolated nodes, which are separate from the GC. Thus, this field has many of its components linked rather than working in isolation.
Figure 4 (a–e) shows the structure of the co-authorship network at five different phases of the development of SES research. From 1981–1999, the field of SES research was still emerging, as authors employing the SES field terminology are largely isolated with only six articles published. From 2000–2004, the number of authors (61) and articles (29) increased, and there is evidence of clusters of authors developing. This is also true for the years 2005–2009 when the number of authors and articles increased rapidly, with evidence of more clusters on the periphery. The last decade has witnessed further rapid growth in the SES research field. The period 2010–2014 has 3,482 authors and 1,111 articles, and the period between 2015–2019 is double the size of the previous period, with a total of 8,741 authors and 2,512 articles.
Figure 4 (a–e) also shows the dynamics of the GC formation, which is the largest connected subgraph in the network, representing the networks or the relationship between authors. In the first phase 1981–1999, the SES research network only had a GC with two nodes. The years 2000–2009 see the growth in the connected authors from 25 nodes in 2000–2004 to 74 nodes in the period 2005–2009. The number of weakly connected authors increased from 17 in 2000–2004 to 109 in 2005–2009. The further development of the SES field in the past decade is reflected in further expansion of the GC (Fig. 4d-e). The community is linked through dense links to each other. In the last decade, the GC also added more nodes, as more than 50% of the network is connected. The connections between authors also increased substantially, compared with the number of links between authors in the previous phase (74 nodes in 2005–2009 to 1,586 nodes in 2010–2014). The years 2015–2019 saw a further expansion of the GC (5,603 nodes out of 8,741 are connected). These changes illustrate the evolution of the SES field network from isolated nodes, which are segregated, to a core-periphery structure in which the field has become more cohesive in the last decade, as evidenced by the rapid expansion of the GC.
Key authors and institutions in social-ecological systems research
The GC in the co-authorship network is made up of 12 major clusters (only edges >2) of authors (Fig. 5) who collaborate with each other on specific research topics (see section below). The top cluster in the SES field is led by Carl Folke (16.8%) and includes Brian Walker, Terry Chapin, Per Olsson, Stephen Carpenter, Garry Peterson, and Reinette Biggs. Carl Folke, affiliated with Stockholm University and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, is the top author in this community, both in terms of the number of authored works and the number of times his work has been cited (Appendix 1: Table 2). The second largest cluster (13.5%) centers around Berta Martín-López from Leuphana University in Germany, and the third cluster centers around Peter Verburg (12.7%) from Vrije University in the Netherlands, and the fourth cluster centers around Graeme Cumming (11%) from James Cook University in Australia. Other significant clusters center around Joern Fischer, Maja Schlüter, Fikret Berkes, Joshua Cinner, John Anderies, John Dearing, Craig Allen, and Michael Mitchell (Appendix 1: Table 2).
Most of the clusters in the SES field have their top authors affiliated with European institutions, followed by Australia, and then North America. Ten out of the 12 clusters have a male lead author (Appendix 1: Tables 2 and 4). A closer look at the authors who make up the GC shows that many of the top authors in the clusters are the most prolific authors in the field, based on degree centrality (Berta Martín-López, Carl Folke, Garry Peterson), betweenness centrality (Carl Folke, Berta Martín-López, Graeme Cumming), and closeness centrality (Steve Carpenter, Belinda Reyers, Elena Bennett) (Appendix 1: Table 3).
Social-ecological systems research hubs with strong collaborations are mainly based in Europe, North America, and Australia, with little representation in South America, Asia, and Africa. The top five SES research hubs (based on degree centrality) are Stockholm University, Arizona State University, Stanford University, James Cook University, and University of Maryland (Fig. 6). These top SES research hubs are a function of the dominance of individual authors and their influence in the network as identified in the GC. For instance, Stockholm University hosts Carl Folke, Garry Peterson, Per Olsson, and Maja Schülter, who are all leading SES researchers. Although most of the SES research hubs are based in the Global North, a couple of hubs feature in the Global South, mainly in South Africa (Stellenbosch University and University of Cape Town) and also in South America (Pontificia University Catolica de Chile) (Fig. 6).
Most SES research is conducted within universities (Fig. 6). A closer look at the top institutions reveals that most of the work is done in centers or schools in the university. These centers are interdisciplinary centers hosted within departments and faculties or other university structures. For instance, the dominant space where SES research is conducted at Stockholm University is at the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), and there are other key hubs at Arizona State University, Stanford University, University of British Columbia, James Cook University, McGill University, Humboldt University, University of Bern, and University of Stellenbosch (Fig. 6). There are also key institutions outside of the university system, including the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia, UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany, and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa (Fig. 6).
Publication types
Our results show that the peer-reviewed articles have been the dominant type of document used to disseminate work on SES research, with nine articles in the period 1981–1999 increasing to 2,722 articles in the period between 2015–2019 (Appendix 1: Table 5). However, there has been a gradual increase in other document types, including book chapters, proceeding papers, and editorial material. Most of the work published in SES research has shifted to open access, from only one article between 1981–1999 to five articles in 2000–2004, 65 articles in 2005–2009, 530 articles in 2010–2014 and 1,753 articles between 2015–2019. The availability of pre-prints/ early access was recorded for two articles between 2015–2019 (Appendix 1: Table 5).
Key research topics
The structure of the overarching co-citation network from 1981–2019 shows four broad clusters of SES research. Based on the key texts in each cluster, we identified these as: (a) coupled social-ecological systems dynamics, (b) resilience, (c) institutional governance, and (d) adaptive management (Fig. 7). These broad clusters consist of various thematic areas as shown in Table 2. Each cluster has its own landmark texts and influential scholars, which also corroborate the key scholars as identified in the GC (Fig. 5). At the same time, there are strong interlinkages between all four clusters (i.e., adaptive management vs. institutional governance), showing that the field is highly clustered (Fig. 7). We briefly describe each of these clusters below.
Coupled social-ecological systems dynamics
This is the largest group in the network, and the publications in this group mainly address the impact that humans continue to have on global ecosystems, identifying the underlying processes that drive ecosystem change and the benefits that humans obtain from nature. The most influential text (most frequently co-cited with other texts) is by Fikret Berkes and Carl Folke (1998), Linking Social and Ecological Systems: Management Practices and Social Mechanisms for Building Resilience. Other influential texts, as indicated by node size and high degree centrality, include Jianguo Liu and colleagues (2007), Johan Rockström and colleagues (2009), Reinette Biggs and colleagues (2012), Stephen R. Carpenter and colleagues (2009), F. Stuart Chapin, III, and colleagues (2010), Marten Scheffer and colleagues (2001), Simon A. Levin (1998), and Robert W. Kates and colleagues (2001). A wide range of ecosystem types are investigated in this cluster, including urban systems (Grimm et al. 2008), marine systems (Hughes et al. 2005), and diverse social knowledge systems (Tengö et al. 2014). This cluster also contains sub-groups or emerging research agendas that include typology, classification, valuation, benefits, and measurement of ecosystem services (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment [MA] 2005, Bennett et al. 2009, Reyers et al. 2013), research on SES as CAS (Levin1998, Levin et al. 2013), and work on critical transitions as evidenced by a seminal paper by Scheffer and colleagues (2001) and ecological regime shifts by Biggs et al. (2009). The main scholars in this group mostly have natural science training.
This cluster focuses on resilience, with the most influential texts being Walker et al. (2004), “Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social-ecological systems” and Berkes et al. (2003), “Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for complexity and change.” Other notable publications are Holling’s (1973) landmark paper and Folke (2006) and Folke et al. (2002, 2010). This cluster also has different sub-groups, with research on the vulnerability of the biosphere to global environmental change by Turner et al. (2003) and Adger (2000), work on adaptation or adaptive capacity such as by work by Nelson et al. (2007) and Brown and Westaway (2011), and work on social resilience and social-ecological resilience (Adger 2000, Gunderson 2000, Cote and Nightingale 2012). The main authors in this cluster include a mix of backgrounds from both the natural and social sciences.
Adaptive co-management and governance
This cluster is concerned with work on how communities navigate periods of abrupt change or crises. The most influential publication in this cluster is by Folke et al. (2005), “Adaptive governance of social-ecological systems.” Other influential texts are by Dietz et al. (2003), Olsson et al. (2004) and Cash et al. (2006). Sub-groups in this cluster include work on cross-scale dynamics (Cash et al. 2006), scale mismatches (Cumming et al. 2006), learning (Pahl-Wostl 2007, Armitage et al. 2008), transformation (Olsson et al. 2004, 2006, Gelcich et al. 2010), and governance (Lebel et al. 2006). Scholars in this cluster are mainly trained in environmental studies, geography, political science, public policy, and other social sciences.
Institutional governance
This is the smallest cluster and is mainly focused on institutional approaches to managing and governing the commons. Elinor Ostrom’s publications with colleagues (1990, 2007, 2009) are the three most central nodes (most frequently co-cited texts) in this group. Other prominent texts indicated by node size in this group include John Anderies and colleagues (2004), Garrett Hardin (1968), Michael D. McGinnis and Elinor Ostrom (2014), and Eduardo S. Brondizio and colleagues (2009). This cluster is characterized by research that looks at frameworks for the analysis of SES (Ostrom 2007, 2009, McGinnis and Ostrom 2014), and those analyzing SES from an institutional perspective (Anderies et al. 2004, Ostrom 2005, Janssen et al. 2007). Scholars in this cluster come from diverse backgrounds more aligned to the social sciences.
The evolution of research themes from 1981–2019
The co-citation analyses for different time periods reveals how the SES research clusters, landmark texts, and influential scholars have shifted over time. As shown in Table 3, five clusters were found in the period 1981–1999, 12 clusters in the period 2000–2004, five clusters in 2005–2009, and four clusters in each of 2010–2014 and 2015–2019. In general, the major themes (e.g., resilience, adaptive co-management, and governance) appear as distinctive clusters from the time period 2005–2009 onward. It is also evident that the landmark publications have shifted over the years, for example, in the years 2005–2009, the most influential publication under “institutional governance” was Berkes and Folke (1998), but in 2010–2014, it shifts to Ostrom 1990.
Analysis of the first phase (1981–1999) reveals five clusters that comprise work on understanding the social-ecological system of primates (Dunbar 1992, Emory and Harris 1981), formulation of holistic models of a socio-ecological system based on systems analysis (Shaw and Öberg 1994), and management of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Bragg and Kershner 1999). In this time period, there is evidence that the field was still very sparse without a unified definition and framework of a “social-ecological system” and it can be regarded as the incubation or development stage of the SES field, where the term is not necessarily used in the way it is used in the SES field today.
Analysis of the second phase (2000–2004) represents a highly diverse environment with 12 communities that are organized by both discipline (sociology, psychology, geography, ecology) and major topics (management of natural and human systems, rangeland management). In this period, there is evidence that the field proliferated and became a highly diverse environment with research spanning from ecological resilience to understanding human–natural systems to community/human psychology (Table 2). This period is rich with calls for integrative and holistic tools for managing society–nature relations (Redman 1999, Levin 1999, Berkes and Folke 1998). The most influential texts cited in this period are Berkes and Folke (1998), Carpenter et al. (2001), Gunderson (1995), Gunderson and Holling (2002), Scheffer et al. (2001), Ostrom (1990), Levin (1999), Holling (1973, 1978, 1986), and Holling and Meffe (1996).
In the third phase (2005–2009) of our analysis, the SES field revealed five distinct clusters that are clearly organized by topics (adaptive management, institutional governance, resilience, nature’s benefits to people, and vulnerability), with other clusters organized by field or discipline (i.e., geography, psychology, sociology). The five distinct clusters in this phase are a result of the convergence of emerging thematic areas in the first and second phases. This suggests a consolidation of the field around an emerging set of core topics.
The time periods 2010–2014 and 2015–2019 both have four distinct clusters. These clusters also appear in the overall network (Fig. 5) as described above. In these two time periods, the two clusters, which were separate in the period 2005–2009 (i.e., vulnerability and cross-scale dynamics, and nature’s benefits to people), are assimilated into the more cohesive groups of resilience and coupled dynamics of SES. In the resilience cluster between the years 2005–2009, the most influential publications were Berkes et al. (2003), Gunderson and Holling (2002) and Walker et al. (2004), whereas in the years between 2010 and 2019, Folke (2006) becomes the most influential publication by node size and centrality.
In this study, we explore how the field of SES research has evolved, informed by science studies literature on the development of research fields. Focusing on the term “social-ecological systems” and its variants, we used bibliometric analyses to explore the size of the SES field, networks of collaboration, and research topics over time. Our results show a rapid growth and growing consolidation of the SES field over the past two decades. In this section, we interpret this pattern and explore four main issues:
- The development of SES research from an “invisible college” to an “epistemic community,”
- The highly collaborative nature of SES research, set within the interactive context of the internet age,
- Patterns that suggest SES research is in transition, and preliminary reflections on the future institutional structure of the field, and
- Limitations of the study and future research directions.
From an “invisible college” to an “epistemic community”
Our analysis shows a rapid growth in SES research, since the term “social-ecological systems” was used in 1998 to conceptualize the interlinked nature of social-ecological systems (Berkes and Folke 1998), becoming a lively, productive scientific field (Fig. 3a). This growth is reflected in the size of the co-authorship network, from only eight authors in 1999 to over 11,000 authors in 2019. Accompanying this growth, we see a shift in the terminology used, notably around the year 2000, when the term “social-ecological system” increases rapidly and becomes dominant in relation to other terms describing nature–society relations (Fig. 2), as well as in relation to variants of the term SES (Fig. 3a). We also see a rapidly growing set of connections between the different areas of research within the SES field (Figs. 4a-e). Such consolidation around key terms and concepts is central to and reflects the development of new research fields (Guo et al. 2011).
Together with the growth of the field and the shift in terminology, our analysis reveals the evolution from a loosely aligned set of scholars and work in the early years to a large, highly connected set of researchers coming together to form a new scientific field (Fig. 4a-e). Our analysis suggests that the field initially functioned largely as an “invisible college” (de Solla Price 1963, Crane 1972), i.e., it consisted of researchers working in informal spaces and located in geographically dispersed places, who interacted and developed common concepts and arguments. Over time, the field has become an increasingly cohesive “epistemic community” (Renn 2018), i.e., a network of professionals with recognized expertise and competence in a particular domain housed in dedicated institutions. This is reflected by the growing proportion of the GC in the network, particularly over the last decade, from 1,111 articles between 2010–2014 to 2,512 articles between 2015–2019 (Fig. 4), as well as the establishment of several institutions specifically dedicated to SES research (Fig. 6). The field now consists of a large cohesive core of very connected scholars, and a considerable number of scholars on the periphery of the network (Figs. 4e and 6). Several factors contributed to this shift; we focus on the roles played by the development of handbooks and field-specific journals, institutionalization and positioning within universities, and the formation of a community of practice.
Engwall et al. (2018) highlight the role of handbooks in the development of a field. The handbook Linking Social and Ecological Systems: Management Practices and Social Mechanisms for Building Resilience (Folke and Berkes 1998) provided the first conceptual framework for SES research. This framework was grounded in a CAS perspective and emphasized that social and ecological systems are intertwined and interdependent. The framework also argued for the use of the term “social-ecological systems” to emphasize that these two systems should be considered equal (Colding and Barthel 2019), which marked a conceptual shift in understanding of human–nature interactions (Preiser et al. 2018). As illustrated by our analysis, the term “social-ecological systems” has subsequently become the lynchpin of a shared nomenclature in SES research.
Two institutions—the Resilience Alliance (RA 1999) and the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC 2007)—have played a pivotal role in the development of the SES field. Both these institutions were substantially influenced by and built on research programs hosted by the Beijer Institute of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in the 1990s. The Linking Social and Ecological Systems book (Berkes and Folke 1998) was produced as part of the Beijer Institute’s property rights program (Hanna et al. 1996) and the Resilience Network (RN) was created jointly by the Beijer Institute (K. G. Mäler, C. Folke) and the University of Florida, Gainesville (C. S. Holling, L. H. Gunderson). The RA evolved out the RN and played a central role in building a community of practice that pioneered SES research and facilitated the development of an “invisible college” in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The RA was set up as an international, multidisciplinary research organization in 1999, with the explicit objective of facilitating interdisciplinary social-ecological and resilience research, bringing together a group of scientists from a variety of backgrounds and a wide range of institutions spanning the USA, Canada, Sweden, South Africa, and Australia (Parker and Hackett 2012). The RA operated by meeting periodically on “islands” (remote and isolated settings) with a smallish group of people (typically 20–30) with a range of different disciplinary expertise (applied mathematics, ecological economics, ecosystems ecology, political science, sociology) to collaborate specifically on sustainability-related topics (Parker and Hackett 2012). An important commonality was that everyone was interested and bought into using a CAS-based approach to understanding SES dynamics (Parker and Hackett 2012). Members were also encouraged to bring their partners and families along, which played an important role in building personal relationships and trust that facilitated collaboration among the early network members (Parker and Hackett 2012). Once the RA become more well known, this way of working and the fact that membership was initially restricted to a very limited number of SES research “nodes” contributed to a sense of the RA being exclusionary and somewhat of an “exclusive circle” (although the group included several leading female researchers from early on). However, it can be argued that at least in the initial years, this small-group, relational way of working was crucial to creating a “safe space” for the development and growth of the SES field. The meetings, which became known as “island time” (Parker and Hackett 2012) provided an exploratory and fun space that emphasized curiosity, trust, and relationships, where the relatively radical new CAS-based SES ideas that spanned the natural–social science divide could be developed, relatively shielded from critique. Such safe, collaborative environments that enable dialog and learning, and where participants can experiment with new mental models, ideas, and practices are recognized as often being key to the development of transformative new ideas or practices (Westley et al. 2013, Fazey et al. 2018, Pereira et al. 2018).
The RA provided the platform for another important form of institutionalization, namely the establishment of the journal Ecology and Society in 1997 (initially known as Conservation Ecology). The journal was explicitly established to provide a venue for publishing SES research, by providing a space for work on the “interplay and interdependence between society and ecological systems, on both local scales and global scales to be better reflected” (Folke and Gunderson 2003:1). An important and novel feature of the journal when it was launched was that it was an online, open-access journal with the ability to comment and have discussions linked to particular publications. It was one of the first journals to adopt this feature after the first major international statement on open access, the Budapest Open Access Initiative (2002) and subsequently the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Science and Humanities (2003). Journal articles are the main currency of academic research (Kieser and Leiner 2009), and this new “intellectual home” for SES research meant more recognition for the questions and problems that the field sought to answer. It is at this point that we also see the SES field start to enter a period of rapid growth (Fig. 4c, between the years 2005–2009).
During the 2000s, the RA started gaining a considerable profile, and key members played leadership roles in a number of key initiatives. This included a background paper feeding into the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002, and leadership roles in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA 2005). These initiatives helped create the impetus for the establishment of the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) at Stockholm University in 2007, funded by, at that time, the largest ever grant from Mistra, a Swedish foundation that aims to promote environmental research (Clark 2009, SRC 2017). It is at this point that we see the field start coalescing (Fig. 4c-d, Table 3). With the establishment of the SRC, the SES field was institutionalized in a major research center within the university for the first time. The establishment of appropriate institutions is an important step in legitimizing a field of research (Whitley 1984, Stinchcombe 1994, Wenzel and Gill 2019). The SRC became an important new institutional space, and the Center’s initial joint-positioning within the faculties of science and humanities reflected the interdisciplinary orientation of the new field (Stockholm University 2006).
Renn (2018) describes the importance of establishing “epistemic communities,” or a group of scholars with similar values and beliefs, seeking to generate, improve, and preserve knowledge within dedicated institutions. Similar institutions and schools started being established at a number of other institutions, albeit often with a wider sustainability focus, including the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University (established in 2006), the Department of Environmental Science at Rhodes University (established on 1998), the Social-Ecological Systems Institute at Leuphana University (established in 2020), and the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS; established in 2006). Newman (2004) asserts that, notwithstanding the importance of journal publishing and person-to-person contact through conferences, co-location of researchers at the same institution is paramount for communication and the growth of scientific fields.
Following its establishment, the SRC started playing a lead role within the wider RA network and made influential contributions or played leadership roles in a number of key science and policy initiatives. In 2008, the SRC and the Beijer Institute in collaboration with the RA hosted the first international resilience conference, a major gathering for SES scholars, which provided an important space for the emerging epistemic community. The SRC made influential contributions to the establishment of Future Earth and hosted the international project office of the newly established Program on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS), another key international network for SES scholars, for most of the first decade of its existence (2009–2018). The SRC and the broader RA network also made influential contributions to the Intergovernmental Science–Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES, 2012), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 (Reyers et al. 2018, Reyers and Selig 2020), which influenced the growth and scholarly debates in SES research. The first handbook on SES research methods (Biggs et al. 2021) was published in 2021 and grew out of discussions in the PECS and RA networks based on teaching experiences at SES hubs in South Africa, the SRC, RA partners, and elsewhere. The handbook involved 97 contributing authors from 16 countries and has a dedicated website with videos and other teaching resources. Much like the RA in the early years, the SRC (which today has over 100 staff members) has through these activities played a leading role in the further growth and establishment of the field over the past decade.
Despite the rapid growth and growing diversity in the SES field (Fig. 3), our analysis, like other reviews (Herrero-Jáuregui et al. 2018, Colding and Barthel 2019, de Vos et al. 2019), highlights that authors from North America and Europe are overrepresented, as is the case in the scientific community at large. North America and Europe dominate the global production of scientific publications and global investment in scientific research and development (Adams 1998, Holmgren and Schnitzer 2004, Gonzalez-Brambila et al. 2016). Consistent with de Vos et al.’s (2019) findings, the institutional affiliations of the leading collaboration clusters (Fig. 6) reveal that Stockholm University, Leuphana University, Arizona State University, and James Cook University are the dominant institutions in the production of SES research. These hubs were also the main early SES hubs established at universities. There is nevertheless evidence of the growth of the SES field in specific countries within the Global South, such as South Africa and Chile (Fig. 3b). This may partly be attributed to colleagueship and apprenticeship as described by Mullins (1962). Several prominent scholars in the Global South have been trained in the Global North, or have been part of international networks such as the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) (, Norström et al. 2022) which has specifically focused on engaging scholars based in the Global South. The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society has also intentionally held conferences in countries of the Global South, such as South Africa and Mexico, to provide a platform for SES scholars in Global South countries to foster collaboration and network opportunities. The PECS international project office is now hosted in South Africa, in a deliberate move to broaden the SES community and ownership to the Global South. Regional PECS networks like the Latin America and Caribbean Programme on Ecosystem and Change (LAPECS) (Calderón-Contreras et al. 2022) and the Southern African Program on Ecosystem Change and Society (SAPECS) (Biggs et al. 2022, 2023) aimed at building SES communities of practice in the Global South have played important roles in helping SES research become assimilated in the academic institutions in the Global South.
The collaborative nature of social-ecological systems research in the context of the internet age
Our analysis, particularly the evolution of the large GC, indicates that the field of SES research is consolidating and highly collaborative. According to Newman (2001:407), a prolific author on scientific collaboration patterns, “science would probably not work at all if scientific communities were not densely interconnected.” We argue that the volume and collaborative nature of the field reflects a response to the systemic nature of the sustainability challenges we face and has been facilitated by digitalization and the rise of the internet, but also reflects the natural science bias in the origins and culture of the field. At the same time, the extensive interconnections evident in the co-authorship and co-citation networks suggest a tight-knit network of researchers that may create a sense of the field being somewhat insular and may partly be a legacy of the early ways in which the RA functioned.
As discussed above, the RA specifically sought to bring together leading scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to grapple with sustainability challenges, using a CAS perspective as a common underlying conceptual basis and means of integration across disciplines. The initial RA products, such as the edited book Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems (Gunderson and Holling 2002), were highly collaborative, specifically recognizing that novel insights could emerge from deeply interdisciplinary (and not simply multidisciplinary) collaboration (Parker and Hackett 2012, Brandt et al. 2013, Fazey et al. 2020)). This ethos and culture have remained an important hallmark of the field and have influenced the evolution of the key themes over time (Table 3). In the early years of the field, collaboration tended to involve people with clear disciplinary PhD training in different fields, although several scholars were already working on highly interdisciplinary topics for their PhDs (Appendix 1, Table 4). However, we increasingly see younger scholars with an interdisciplinary training from their first degrees. This has both strengths and weaknesses. It has likely facilitated more collaboration as disciplinary differences are reduced, but possibly sacrificed some of the depth of thinking available in more established domains.
In particular, it has been argued that whereas the SES field positions itself as straddling the natural–social science divide, it privileges quantitative, positivist approaches over qualitative or critical perspectives (Stojanovic et al. 2016), and downplays important dimensions such as power, equity, and justice, which are integral to the development and functioning of SES (Cote and Nightingale 2012, Schlüter et al. 2021). This bias is more evident in the early years of SES research, but has changed substantially over the past decade, as is evident in the growing focus on topics of power, inequality, and justice and increasing engagement with the social sciences prevalent in the SES field today (Dietz 2014, Epstein et al. 2014, Pineda-Pinto et al. 2021). We suggest that this bias in the early years is partly a legacy of the natural science bias of the early field development, as many of the leading early scholars were trained in the natural sciences (Parker and Hackett 2012; Appendix 1, Table 4). This bias is also reflected in the collaborative culture of the field, as large multi-author collaborations are a much more common mode of working in the natural sciences (Newman 2004, Tian et al. 2023). The theoretical focus on SES as CAS further reflects the historical development and influence of “complexity science” which developed earlier and faster in the natural sciences than the social sciences (Waldrop 1993, Capra 1997). This was partly due to the incorporation of simple equilibrium concepts of systems in the early founding texts of sociology, such as those by Parsons (1970) and Durkheim (1984), which were strongly criticized and tended to lead to the rejection of the concept of system altogether rather than to its revision and gradual improvement (Walby 2015). However, we now see a marked growth of complexity-based concepts and approaches across a wide range of fields (Ottino 2004, Miller and Page 2007, Meerow and Newell 2017) associated with the so-called “complexity turn” (Urry 2005), which is likely facilitating further growth of the SES field and deepening integration of perspectives and approaches from the social sciences. These changes reflect that the growth of scientific fields themselves constitutes complex adaptive processes (Ziman 2000), where emerging key issues and critiques help shape the future development of the field.
We suggest that the SES field has also been substantially influenced and shaped by the fact that it emerged within the wider context of the interactive technologies associated with Web 2.0. Specifically, SES research developed from around the 2000s when the internet became widely accessible to people and institutions, facilitating access to knowledge that was previously restricted to specific locales and disciplinary silos. For example, the SRC has for almost 10 yrs been actively recording the many guest lecturers it hosts and making these videos freely available, as well as producing short videos summarizing its key research outputs.[1] These videos are widely accessed, and have made it possible for ideas and information, often still under development, to spread in ways that were not previously possible, to a much wider set of interested researchers but also policy makers, practitioners, and funders. Access to ideas still under development has been further expanded since the COVID-19 pandemic, where many workshops and conferences have gone fully online or hybrid, opening up participation to a much larger community (Parncutt et al. 2021, Puccinelli et al. 2022). This has particularly benefited scholars from the Global South who often do not have the funds to attend in-person events that are typically held in the Global North (Wu et al. 2022). Combined with the growing awareness and urgency around the sustainability crisis, we suggest that these factors aided the rapid growth of the SES field.
It is also significant that many SES journals are open access, and particularly that the founding journal of SES research, Ecology and Society, has been open access since its inception. Wenzel and McGill (2019) argue that if academic fields do not visibly and actively communicate their work through journal articles that are accessible, then “they do not exist.” Because open-access journals are freely available to a global audience of scientists, it increases the number of readers and citation rates. Ottaviani (2016) shows open-access journals have a citation advantage as high as 19% compared with the traditional journal types. Although publishing in open-access journals promotes accessibility, it also introduces new forms of inequality, as the high publication fees are a hindrance to scholars from resource-poor institutions. This serves to reinforce the centrality of well-resourced authors who can afford open-access fees and whose work is therefore more accessible (Iyandemye and Thomas 2019, Demeter and Istratii 2020, Mwambari et al. 2022).
Technological advances also mean that researchers in the SES field can collect, analyze, and share data and ideas in more efficient and effective ways. One of the most significant changes brought about by the digital era is the ability to access and run sophisticated analyses using online software, and to access support communities for questions. In earlier decades, such expertise and skills were much more difficult to access, especially for researchers based at smaller universities. Methods such as spatial mapping and analysis, historical profiling and reconstruction, future analysis, participatory data collection, and impact analysis are increasingly employed in the field (de Vos et al. 2019), and substantial resources are available online. Advances in the digital era also allow researchers to collect and process large amounts of data. The digital era has furthermore brought about new research methodologies, such as computational social science, which involves using computer simulations and mathematical models to study complex social phenomena (Cioffi-Revilla 2021). Perhaps most importantly, the digital era has opened up the possibility for interactive websites as a way of gathering, synthesizing, and co-producing knowledge in SES research. For example, the Seeds of Good Anthropocene initiative, provides an online platform for collecting and sharing examples of social-ecological innovations (or “seeds”) solicited from different communities of research and practice around the world that are used to co-construct alternative visions of the future.
Although the SES field has endeavored to engage widely, and the main scholars or the “stars” of SES research are situated in different institutions (Figs. 5, 6), it is interesting to note that most of these scholars have co-authored papers, reports, or book chapters together. Looking deeper into these dynamics shows that most of the prolific authors have met through prominent networks, institutions, conferences, and programs, such as the RA, MA, SRC, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, and PECS, highlighting the importance of these networks for building collaborations and developing new research questions (Schneider et al. 2021, Norström et al. 2022). At the same time, the tightly knit, cohesive structure of the field (Fig. 5) suggests that it exhibits characteristics of “homophily” (McPherson et al. 2001), where scholars tend to collaborate, co-author, and cite others who engage in similar research or are affiliated with the same institutions or networks. Homophily can result in limitations on how scholars receive information, the type of knowledge they use, and the interactions they have with other scholars across disciplines and departments (McPherson et al. 2001). Emerging fields of study are also known to be susceptible to “citation cartels,” where networks of authors and journals excessively cite one another inflating apparent influence and impact (Fister et al. 2016). These features, together with the historical legacy of the ways in which the RA functioned, have led to criticisms and experiences of the SES field being somewhat insular and difficult for new scholars to enter. This challenges the ambition of SES research to be open and engage with new ideas and approaches and diverse knowledge types and values (Norström et al. 2020, 2022). Partly in response to these critiques, the RA changed its membership structure more than a decade ago to accommodate individual, and not only institutional, members, as well as investing and supporting the development of a young scholars’ network. The PECS network, which forms part of Future Earth, was also from the start purposely established to be much more open, including a diverse set of scholars on its scientific committee, and more recently, specifically issuing an open call for working groups to bring new, interested scholars into the network.
Social-ecological systems research in transition and preliminary reflections on the future of the field
Our analyses suggest that SES research is undergoing a generational change, as older scholars and founding members retire. Many pioneers of SES research, such as Crawford “Buzz” Holling, Brian Walker, Fikret Berkes, Lance Gunderson, and Carl Folke, received their PhD education in ecology-related fields, although several were already working on highly interdisciplinary topics and went on to lead or found leading interdisciplinary SES research centers (Appendix 1: Table 4). However, especially over the past decade, new entrants or young scholars have emerged who have been trained in a variety of new interdisciplinary PhD programs that have emerged over the past two decades (Appendix 1, Table 4), accompanied by a shifting emphasis in the intellectual focus of the field (Table 3). Furthermore, although the RA and SRC were pivotal in the development of the SES field, there are a growing number of SES-focused research centers within several universities around the world that are broadening the field (Fig. 6). This generational and institutional change is bringing fresh perspectives and new ideas to the field, as well as starting to shift and broaden established power structures.
The prominence of different thematic clusters has changed substantially over time (Table 3), and arguably reflects the growing prominence of social scientists and interdisciplinary scholars in the SES field. Specifically, during the 2005–2009 period there was a significant restructuring in the field, with research on vulnerability, previously categorized as an independent group, merging with resilience. Additionally, the cluster we referred to as “nature’s benefits to people” converges with the cluster “coupled SES dynamics.” We suggest this shift reflects the increasing prominence and integration of issues such as power dynamics, justice, and equity into SES research, as also noted by Norström et al. (2022). The growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusivity in SES research (Norström et al. 2020) is also being accompanied by explicit efforts to include scholars from the Global South, and increase the representation of women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups in the field. Whereas few women were involved in the early RA network (although it is notable that there were women), many SES research hubs now feature a dominance of female researchers. Researchers from the Global South are also playing increasing leadership roles in SES research, for instance, serving as editors-in-chief for Ecology and Society, and in the coordination of the PECS network. These represent substantial and possibly under-appreciated changes in the evolution of the SES field.
Social-ecological systems research is becoming increasingly data driven and reliant on digital tools and technologies. Social-ecological systems scholars are developing new skills and competencies related to data analysis, machine learning, and other digital technologies (Schlüter et al. 2021). Novel methods, such as advances in time-series analysis and Bayesian score-based approaches, have been proven to work effectively for large data sets, which is often the case in modeling complex systems. Big data, which could be previously analyzed in isolation or parts, can now be synergized to more comprehensively understand social-ecological dynamics (Schlüter et al. 2021). There is also experimentation with methods that transcend the natural and social science dichotomy through a focus on relationality, or process-relational ontologies (Schlüter et al. 2019).
Collaboration in the SES field is being increasingly facilitated through online collaboration tools, access to information, social media, and online communities. The internet provides access to a wealth of information from a wide range of fields, meaning that people inside and outside academia, can quickly and easily learn about other fields, find relevant research, and explore new ideas. Social media platforms, such as X (formerly known as Twitter), LinkedIn, and Facebook, allow people from different fields to connect, share ideas, ask questions, and advance inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration. The many online collaboration tools and platforms, such as Google Drive, Trello, Slack, and Asana, are making it easier for scholars from different fields to work together, share information, and coordinate their efforts.
Much SES research involves collaborating with stakeholders outside of academia, such as policy makers, civil society organizations, and communities, to develop more effective and equitable solutions to social-ecological challenges (de Vos et al. 2021b). A significant area of innovation in SES research methods involves the development of transdisciplinary research approaches and tools (Schlüter et al. 2021). There is also growing interest in the role of technology and innovation in addressing social-ecological challenges (Alhborg et al. 2019), including development of the idea of social-ecological-technological systems (Grimm et al. 2017, McPhearson et al. 2022), as well as in the potential of Indigenous knowledge and practices to inform sustainable management of natural resources (Stori et al. 2019). Given the rising prominence and urgency of the sustainability crises we face, there is also a growing emphasis on practical, real-world applications in SES research. These transitions in SES research are likely to shape the future of SES research in important ways.
As these transitions are underway, questions are also being raised as to whether SES research should be consolidating as a discipline or remain a more open inter- and transdisciplinary space. This debate focuses on the extent to which SES research should continue to function as an “epistemic network” or become more discipline-like. In other words, should it: (1) become more of a Kuhnian normal science, where the major SES hubs become departments, and the field becomes more of a discipline, and where there is more conceptual and methodological unity; or (2) become a more established epistemic network, expanding its transdisciplinary approach, broadening its diversity, and forgoing discipline-like coherence on concepts and methods. Some of these questions are being driven by the challenges the field experiences in locating itself within the university, struggling to find an “institutional space” and sustainably financing activities (Manyani et al. unpublished manuscript). Most SES centers or hubs rely substantially on external or “soft funding,” which makes them relatively precarious environments compared with conventional departments, but often also more innovative and dynamic. Social-ecological systems hubs may also struggle with staff retention due to a lack of academic career pathways in some of these centers. They may further struggle to adequately support students, especially if they do not have the option or resources to build and support graduate programs. These factors place pressures on the field to adopt more of a departmental or disciplinary approach.
Navigating these tensions is likely to be a key challenge for the future development of the field: Becoming more discipline-like in order to stabilize itself in the university environment, while at the same time retaining its open, transdisciplinary commitment to not only engage across disciplines but also with non-academic knowledge-holders. In forging this path, the SES field may provide an example of new ways to institute fields and disciplines within the university, that are better suited to the digital age and the urgent challenges of Anthropocene (Frodeman 2015). Critical to this endeavor will be the engagement of scholars from the Global South, given that the most pressing sustainability challenges are felt in the Global South, while at the same time these regions often have substantially less support and resources to fund research.
Limitations of the study and future research directions
Our study used the term “social-ecological system” and its variants to bound our study. It can be argued that restricting the bibliometric analysis in this way produces an overly narrow image of the SES field. Our choice was guided by an initial scoping study, during which we searched for a broader list focusing on the relationship between humans and nature. Our analysis showed that the term “social-ecological” has become substantially more dominant than other terms (Fig. 2) and also indicated that broadening the set of terms could produce an unwieldy and less coherent sample of research within the wider sustainability space. Given our specific interest in the evolution of the SES field and tradition, its particular theoretical frameworks, and grounding in a CAS perspective, we therefore focused on the term “social-ecological systems” and its variants as the lynchpin of the SES field. We nevertheless acknowledge that there is substantial overlap with the SES terminology and other terms such as CHANS, and that the contribution of authors working with alternative terminology was missed in our study. A study that incorporates a wider set of terms would also be of interest in understanding the evolution of the wider emerging domain of sustainability science, building on the work of Clark and Harley (2020).
Our study further included only peer-reviewed articles written in English. Our study therefore does not account for work published in document types like chapters, gray literature, and conference proceedings. It also misses the contributions of non-academic outputs, such as art and poetry, that are increasingly part of many SES research endeavors. Our study also misses literature published in other languages, especially Spanish and German, which constitute important communities working in the SES domain, although the extent of published literature in these languages is unknown. Furthermore, our study only indexed journals from WoS because it had more articles and covered more subject areas than Scopus. Web of Science has, however, been criticized for introducing biases that favor natural sciences and engineering as well as biomedical research to the detriment of social sciences and arts and humanities (Mongeon and Paul-Hus 2015). Future studies that are wider in scope could address some of these limitations.
Finally, the bibliometric methods we used highlight and focus on the most prolific authors, which may crowd out more innovative, although perhaps less frequently cited, contributions to the field. The bibliometric approach we adopted also means that the “stars” in our analysis may be biased toward the authors that have a natural science background and more of a culture of large, collaborative publications. The term “social-ecological systems” is arguably also less favored and used by social scientists. Furthermore, the emphasis of bibliometric analyses on key authors and institutions, may inadvertently contribute to academia’s growing obsession with citations per scholar—number of peer-reviewed journal articles per scholar—which may be counter to the slower, transdisciplinary, solution-oriented work that the SES field often espouses as its objective. Although our ability to address these limitations was limited within the scope of the methodology we adopted, we flag these as serious issues to be considered in studies of this type.
Beyond addressing some of the shortcomings discussed above, our study points to a number of further research areas that would add to our understanding of the SES field and sustainability science more broadly. In particular, better understanding the institutional obstacles faced by SES research centers and the strategies they are using to overcome them, could be very helpful in supporting the institutionalization of the field and a wider set of institutional activities within the university context. Moreover, gaining more insight into the younger generation of SES scholars and how they are helping shape the transition to more diverse questions, particularly in relation to topics of power, diversity, and inequalities would be valuable, as would the potential impact of under-representation of some scholars from the Global South in framing the frontiers of SES research. Finally, there are also ongoing discussions about the potential for establishing an SES society that could provide a home for SES researchers; understanding some of the implications this may have for the development of the field would be a very timely and practical contribution.
Our study reflects on the development of the SES field and community, drawing on a variety of perspectives on the development of scientific fields. Our analysis suggests that the SES field has grown from an “epistemic community” (centered around RA and SRC) into a much larger “epistemic network” with a constellation of SES hubs around the world, although based mainly in the Global North. Our analysis also highlights the highly collaborative nature of SES research, which we argue has been facilitated by the digital age. However, the tightly knit, cohesive structure of the field, together with the historical legacy of the ways in which it originated, have led to criticisms of the SES field being somewhat insular. At the same time, SES research is in transition, with a new generation and an increasingly diverse set of scholars becoming leaders, and there are debates about whether the field should be consolidating as a discipline or remain a more open inter- and transdisciplinary space.
Based on our analysis, we suggest that the development of the SES field and other interdisciplinary fields of study are better understood through the lenses of more recent work on the development of scientific fields, such as those of Frodeman (2015), Renn (2018) and Funtowicz and Ravetz (2020), than focusing on the older traditions notably Kuhn (1970) and Merton (1973). The development of the SES field and its growth deviate from “normal science” as posed by Kuhn, and the assumption of relatively “closed” fields. For example, SES research has a solid footprint in policy making arenas and incorporates diverse forms of knowledge in seeking to understand problems, making the field much more “open” than more conventional scientific fields. Our analysis also suggests that, due to its history of development, the SES field has arguably been somewhat biased toward the academic practices and perspectives of the natural sciences, despite its transdisciplinary ethos. However, there is growing engagement of social science scholars, perspectives, and topics in the SES field, with issues of power and justice now increasingly being explored in SES research (Epstein et al. 2014, Fabinyi et al. 2014), and this shift and broadening of the field has arguably been under-appreciated amongst critics.
Finally, a key contribution and value of the SES field has been the diversity of expertise it has brought to bear on issues of sustainability. There has been an emphasis on engaging a wider set of societal actors, the “extended peer community” (Funtowicz and Ravetz 2020), bringing about not only legitimacy for scientific work but also a “sense of adventure for a new generation of recruits to science in the future.” The core themes of SES research today draw on a diversity of scientific theories, frameworks, and methods (Fischer et al. 2015, Preiser et al. 2018, de Vos et al. 2021a). Although this is seen by many in the field as a strength that provides methodological agility (Haider et al. 2018, Biggs et al. 2021, Schlüter et al. 2021), it has led to some authors questioning the epistemological grounding and depth of concepts used from both the social sciences and natural sciences (Stojanovic et al. 2016). Despite the ethos of inclusivity and diversity, the field is tightly knit and cohesive and has faced criticisms of being insular. It is imperative for the longer-term viability and relevance of SES research that the discourse finds ways to engage with less dominant voices and fosters broader inclusivity. We argue that this is already happening to a significant extent through the development of new networks, such as PECS, and the establishment of new SES centers in diverse places around the world. At the same time, the field faces substantive challenges in locating itself within the university, financing its activities, supporting student training, and providing a secure environment for staff. These place pressures on the field to adopt more of a department or disciplinary approach. Navigating these diverse perspectives is likely to be a key challenge for the future development of the field.
Responses to this article are invited. If accepted for publication, your response will be hyperlinked to the article. To submit a response, follow this link. To read responses already accepted, follow this link.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive feedback on the manuscript, which greatly strengthened the paper. We also thank Carl Folke, Allyson Quinlan, and Garry Peterson for inputs, particularly on the history and development of SRC and RA. AM and RB received funding from the National Research Foundation through the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) (grant 98766) and AM was also funded by the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship.
The data/code that support the findings of this study are openly available in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science citation index. Ethical approval for this research study was granted by Stellenbosch University (11606).
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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. Key steps in our application of bibliometric analysis to analyze the development of the SES research field.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2. The growth of terms used in research focusing on the relationship between humans and nature.

Fig. 3

Fig. 3. (a) Use of the terms “social-ecological systems,” “social ecological systems,” “socio-ecological systems,” and “socio ecological systems” over the years 1981–2019. The insert shows the period between 1981–2003. Source: Based on data extracted in the WoS database. (b) A cumulative stack graph showing the development of SES research across continents, covering the years 1981–2019. The number of publications for each region corresponds to the proportion it covers in the graph (by color).

Fig. 4

Fig. 4. The evolving co-authorship network of SES research over five time periods. The nodes are colored by communities detected with the modularity algorithm in Gephi. The “giant component” in each phase is circled in red.

Fig. 5

Fig. 5. Giant component of the co-authorship network of SES research between 1981–2019 showing collaboration patterns within and across 12 clusters by different colors. Only nodes with edge weight >2 are shown. The bigger the node size, the greater the total number of co-authored articles an author has produced; the thicker the lines, the greater the number of co-authored articles between specific authors.

Fig. 6

Fig. 6. Co-authorship network between SES research hubs. Only nodes >20 are shown.

Fig. 7

Fig. 7. Co-citation network of literature on social-ecological systems research. The nodes show individual publications cited in the SES literature data set, and a connecting link means the two publications are cited together. Node size reflects degree centrality, edge weight shows the degree of co-citation between the two references. Nodes are labeled with the first author’s last name and year of publication. The different colors represent the four main clusters of research areas identified in the study.

Table 1
Table 1. Definitions and descriptions of co-authorship and co-citation terminology and metrics.
Term | Definition | Description in co-authorship network | |||||||
Node | Nodes represent agents or actors within a network. | A node represents the individual authors or institutions in a co-authorship network. | |||||||
Edge | Edges represent links between agents or actors within a network. | Authors are considered connected if they have co-authored a paper together. All authors that have written a paper together are connected through an edge or link. | |||||||
Network diameter | Distance between two most distant nodes in the network to reach each other. | If a network has a higher diameter, it represents the slow rate of information movement. | |||||||
Average path length | It is the shortest possible path between all nodes in the network. | It’s a measure for information flow for the whole network, the shorter the path, the more efficient the network, also used to test the small world metric. | |||||||
Cluster | It’s a group of actors or agents within a network that are tied to one another by links and form a group or sub-community. | A cluster highlights authors that more likely publish together, compared with other authors. |
Giant component (GC) | This is largest connected subgraph, which represents the central cluster of the network. | Availability of the giant component is evidence for the presence of an “invisible college” as proposed by de Solla Price (1965). | |||||||
Modularity | Modularity represents the degree or strength of division of the network into modules or clusters. | A higher modularity value represents that the network has a clear community structure, with multiple clusters. | |||||||
Degree centrality | This is the number of connections that one node has to others in the network. | The higher number of connections represents influence within the network. | |||||||
Closeness centrality | An important node is typically close to and can communicate quickly with the other nodes in the network. | This measure represents how long it will take for information to spread to others in the network. It also describes the influence of an author in the network. | |||||||
Eigenvector centrality | An important node is connected to important neighbors. | An author who has a high eigenvector lies next to nodes that have high affluence in the network. | |||||||
Betweenness centrality | An important node will lie on a high proportion of paths between other nodes in the network. | An author with a high betweenness measure plays the role of connecting different clusters in a network. | |||||||
Sources: Bender et al. 2015, Cherven 2015, Newman 2001, 2004. |
Table 2
Table 2. The four clusters in SES research, showing the representative authors, texts (only first author’s name shown and year of publication), and major sources of these texts.
Main clusters | Themes | Representative authors | Top 10 representative texts as per degree weight | Major journals | |||||
Coupled SES dynamics | Regime shifts, critical transitions, complex adaptive systems, ecosystem services, modeling SES, sustainability, stewardship. | Fikret Berkes, Jianguo Liu, Johan Rockström, Reinette Biggs, Stephen R. Carpenter, Stuart F. Chapin, III, Marten Scheffer, Simon Levin, Robert W. Kates, Marco Janseen | Berkes and Folke 1998, Liu et al. 2007, Rockström et al. 2009, Biggs et al. 2012, Carpenter et al. 2009, Chapin et al. 2010, Scheffer et al. 2001, Levin 1998, Kates et al. 2001, Janssen et al. 2006 | Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA), Ecology and Society, Environment and Development Economics | |||||
Resilience | Social and ecological resilience, adaptation, transformation, vulnerability. | Brian Walker, Fikret Berkes, Carl Folke, Crawford S. Holling, Lance Gunderson, Stephen R. Carpenter, W. Neil Adger, Billie L. Turner, Barry Smit, Oran R. Young | Walker et al. 2004, 2006, Berkes and Folke 1998, Berkes et al. 2003, Folke 2006, 2010, Holling 1973, Gunderson and Holling 2002, Carpenter et al. 2001 | Ecology and Society, Global Environmental Change, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, Ecosystems | |||||
Adaptive co-management and governance | Scale, scale mismatches, cross-scales dynamics, social learning, collaboration, power, linking science with policy. | Carl Folke, Thomas Dietz, Per Olsson, David W. Cash, Crawford S. Holling, Graeme Cumming, David Armitage, Fikret Berkes, Louis Lebel, Carl Walters | Folke et al. 2005, Dietz et al. 2003, Olsson et al. 2004, 2006, Cash et al. 2006, Holling 1996, Cumming et al. 2006, Armitage et al. 2009, Berkes 2009, Lebel et al. 2006 | Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Science, Environmental Management, Ecology and Society, Conservation Biology | |||||
Institutional governance | Commons management, frameworks to analyze SES research from an institutional perspective, understanding institutional diversity, common property institutions. | Elinor Ostrom, John Anderies, Garrett Hardin, Michael D. McGinnis, Eduardo S. Brondizio, Oran R. Young, Claudia R. Binder, Carl Folke, Fikret Berkes, Marco Janssen | Ostrom 1990, 2005, 2007, 2009, Anderies et al. 2004, Hardin 1968, McGinnis and Ostrom 2014, Brondizio et al. 2009, Binder et al. 2013 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA), Science, Ecology and Society, Annual Reviews of Environmental Resources, Dimensions of Environmental Change | |||||
Table 3
Table 3. Research themes of identified clusters in the four phases of the co-citation network.
Time range | Research themes in their clusters | Major texts based on degree weight | |||||||
1981–1999 | History, evolution, and social structure of primates | Delson 1975, Sokal 1952, Smith 1973, Simonds 1974, Southwick 1963 | |||||||
Social behavior and ecology of primates/animals | Jolly 1972, Sinclair 1977, Wrangham 1980, Waser 1977, Struhsaker 1967 | ||||||||
Fisheries–forestry planning, riparian zones management | Hartman 1987, Gregory et al. 1991, Bragg 1997, Froehlich 1973, Sedell et al. 1982 | ||||||||
Systems thinking, industrial metabolism, complexity thinking, complex adaptive systems, systems modeling, | Stigliani 1988, 1990, Stigliani and Anderberg 1992, Heilig 1993, Meadows et al. 1972, Nilsson et al. 1990 | ||||||||
Hydrology, earth physics, remote sensing | Vinogradov 1981, Vostokova 1982, Vostokova and Letsko 1984 | ||||||||
2000–2004 | Understanding the intertwined nature of ecosystems, resilience, and stability of ecological ecosystems, management of human–natural systems, understanding resilience of SES and its analysis | Gunderson et al. 1995, Levin 1999, Holling 1973, Holling and Meffe 1996, McIntosh et al. 2000, Walker et al. 2002 | |||||||
Management of human–natural systems, measuring resilience, ecological resilience | Berkes and Folke 1998, Berkes et al. 2003, Gunderson and Holling 2002, Carpenter et al. 2001, Pinkerton 1998, McIntosh et al. 2000 | ||||||||
Shifts/change in ecosystem dynamics, understanding drivers of regime shifts, geographical collapse of human–natural systems, understanding and managing change | Ostrom 1990, Scheffer et al. 2001, Holling 1986, Tainter 1988, Walker 1993 | ||||||||
Global change, building resilience to global change, driving forces of land-use land-cover change, social resilience | Kirch 1997, Folke and Berkes 1998, Colding et al. 2003 | ||||||||
Human–environment interactions, calls for integration between disciplines (interdisciplinarity, multi-disciplinarity), complexity, understanding why scale matter | Redman 1999, Scoones 1999, Wilbanks and Kates 1999, Pickett 1999, Folke et al. 2002 | ||||||||
Network science, bibliometrics, co-authorship, co-citations | Mullins et al. 1977, Small 1973, 1978, Small and Griffith 1974, Smith and White 1992, Soper 1976 | ||||||||
Anthropological insights of society–nature relations, rethinking distinctions between society and nature, new perspective of seeing relationships rather than components | Latour 1993, McIntosh et al. 2000 | ||||||||
Human alteration of the environment, insights on the management of the commons, sustainable development in the wake of climate change | Vitousek et al. 1997, Berkes 1989, Bromley 1992, Holling et al. 1995 | ||||||||
Action-based research, the culture of learning in the South, improving the school climate for learners, monitoring and evaluation, community organization, human psychology, counseling drug, sex addicts | McNiff 1988, Steyn 1998, 1999, Perold 2000, Tanaka and Reid 1997, Patton 1997 | ||||||||
Soil science, ecosystem modeling, forest management | Zimov et al. 1995, Lukina et al. 2000, Nellemann and Thomsen 2001, Mascia et al, 2003, Vilchek 1997 | ||||||||
Psychology of children in schools, home, and communities | Malecki and Elliot 2002, Ysseldyke 1997, Slavin 1992, Olweus 1993 | ||||||||
Sociology—man and society in social structures, sociology of science | Morin 1992, Peirce 1878, Sorokin 1985, Mannheim 1997 | ||||||||
2005–2009 | Institutional governance (governing the commons) | Berkes and Folke 1998, Dietz et al. 2003, Ostrom 1990 | |||||||
Resilience, adaptive capacity | Berkes et al. 2003, Gunderson and Holling 2002, Walker et al. 2004 | ||||||||
Adaptive co-management and governance | Folke and Gunderson 2003, Holling 1978, Olsson et al. 2004 | ||||||||
Vulnerability, cross-scale dynamics, scale mismatches | Turner et al. 2003, Cash et al. 2006, Young et al. 2006 | ||||||||
Nature’s benefits to people, ecosystem services, ecosystem valuation | Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005, Costanza et al. 1997, Daily 1997 | ||||||||
2010–2014 | Resilience, adaptive capacity, vulnerability | Folke 2006, Gunderson and Holling 2002, Walker et al. 2004 | |||||||
Institutional governance | Ostrom 1990, 2007, 2009, Anderies et al. 2004, Holling and Meffe 1996 | ||||||||
Adaptive co-management and governance | Folke et al. 2005, Berkes and Folke 1998, Olsson et al. 2004 | ||||||||
Ecosystem change, dynamics of SES, ecosystem services, sustainability, SES as CAS, complexity | Liu et al. 2007, Rockström et al. 2009, Carpenter et al. 2009 | ||||||||
2015–2019 | Institutional governance, frameworks to analyze SES from an institutional perspective, managing common-pool resources | Ostrom 1990, 2007, 2009 | |||||||
Resilience, adaptation, vulnerability, climate change, transformative agency, traps, collective action | Folke 2006, Walker et al. 2004, Holling 1973 | ||||||||
Adaptive management and governance, social learning, cross-scale dynamics, scale mismatches, transformation, power, inequality, justice | Folke et al. 2005, Dietz et al. 2003, Olsson et al. 2006 | ||||||||
Dynamics of coupled SES, changes in SES, SES as CAS, regime shifts, modeling SES, sustainable development, stewardship | Liu et al. 2007, Rockström et al. 2009, Carpenter et al. 2009 | ||||||||