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Yalu, A., and P. Matous. 2024. Which community network structures can support sustainability programs? The case of the Sustainable Cocoa Production Program in Indonesia. Ecology and Society 29(2):16.ABSTRACT
Smallholder farming is a source of livelihoods and food for many but also a major contributor to global environmental challenges. Prominent studies have found connections between the productivity and sustainability of individual smallholders’ practices and their positions in local social networks. However, the role of entire community network structures for the adoption of diverse types of practices is relatively less understood. This matters because findings from individual-level network studies of adoption of single practices do not necessarily scale up to provide relevant implications for wide-ranging landscape-level problems. This study seeks to answer the following: (1) Which community network structures are associated with adoption of a broad range of practices recommended by a sustainability program? (2) Which community network structures are associated with farmers’ adoption of similar practices as their peers within the same community? We examine a program in Sulawesi, Indonesia that aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cocoa while sustaining productivity, using data that includes over 5000 peer-to-peer social ties of 4573 individuals in 70 villages and their adoption of 22 practices. Multiple linear regressions showed that communities with more cohesive network structures tend to display more homogeneous practices. However, the adoption of recommended practices in such communities was generally lower than in less cohesive community networks where internal social influence might be weaker and openness to experiment with diverse externally introduced practices higher. This case illustrates a situation where community bonding social capital may not support an intervention aiming at greenhouse gas reduction and it provides some suggestions why the same program may be more effective in some communities than others.
Which practices farmers choose to use has large implications for the environment and food security at both local and global scales (Cui et al. 2018, Harvey et al. 2018, Reincke et al. 2018, Wekesa et al. 2018, Bezner Kerr et al. 2019). In smallholder farming, change of practice is usually not mandated and enforced top-down because smallholders are typically not anyone’s direct employees and may operate relatively informally on their plots (Balehegn et al. 2020). Nevertheless, agricultural and development agencies have been trying to influence what smallholders do and, with different degrees of success, nudging them into adopting various promoted practices (Phuong et al. 2018, Isaac et al. 2021). Orchestrating change among smallholder farmers is complicated by their large numbers and low accessibility in remote regions, so it is normally not possible for external agencies to work with every smallholder farmer in their jurisdiction directly (Matous 2023). The outcomes of most programs depend on success in two steps: (1) some members of the targeted communities adopt formal recommendations; and (2) these direct impacts are further scaled up to other community members via social influence channeled through interpersonal networks (Nakano et al. 2018).
Although research on which personal network structures correlate with individuals’ adoption of recommended practices has a long tradition, the role of network structures of entire communities in this process is not clear (Bandiera and Rasul 2006, Varshney et al. 2022). This is a problem. Although we may expect from available research that, for example, network brokers may adopt recommended practices first (Zhang et al. 2020), this does not mean that communities with abundance of brokerage should be collectively more effective in managing required transitions. Findings about individuals’ networks do not directly aggregate to collectives (Lazega and Snijders 2016a). However, the progress in empirically addressing this discrepancy has been hampered by the large demands on data required for comparisons of entire networks. This is particularly difficult to address in resource-constrained settings where most of the world’s smallholders operate. Empirical research of individuals’ links and practices can be conducted in a single network, which can be one village. To quantitatively examine the role of collective structures requires a large number of entire networks, and ideally all individuals within them, which is significantly more challenging (Bodin et al. 2019).
We focus here on the collective level and examine the adoption of recommended cocoa farming practices promoted by a program of an international development organization in communities of smallholder farmers in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The program aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cocoa farming, while sustaining productivity. We analyze (1) which community network structures are associated with adoption of a broad range of practices recommended by this sustainability program and (2) which community network structures are associated with farmers’ adoption of similar practices as their peers within the same community?
Network structures and environmental practices
The role of social networks in managing environmental challenges has been theoretically tackled by Bodin and Crona (2009). Since their seminal theorization, many of the expected relationships still await empirical confirmation (Bodin et al. 2019). We overview some of the key highlighted network characteristics and point to recent studies.
Abundant communication relations within communities have been associated with pro-environmental behavior and participation in climate change adaptation (Saptutyningsih et al. 2020, Hua et al. 2021). Network ties can facilitate farmers’ access to resources (Abdul-Rahaman and Abdulai 2020) and information-sharing about novel approaches (Isaac et al. 2021). Some authors found cohesive bonding conducive to high adoption rates of conservation practices in agriculture (Datoon et al. 2023). However, dense networks can also homogenize knowledge in a community, which can reduce its adaptive capacity (Bodin and Norberg 2005, Little and McDonald 2007). Dense internal links may even crowd out cross-level links with the outside world (Di Gregorio et al. 2019).
Distribution of links may matter more than their number. In some networks, links can be concentrated in separate components, cliques, or modules with limited bridges in between, while other networks are more broadly and cohesively interconnected. Network cohesion at its best may help communities build endogenous capacity for sustainable environmental management (Musavengane and Simatele 2016) and accelerate the diffusion of novel practices (Varshney et al. 2022). However, broadly interconnected and internally cohesive networks are not superior in all socio-environmental contexts. A certain degree of separation between subgroups in a network into distinct cliques or modules may enhance complementary developments of diverse aspects of knowledge (Crona 2006).
Other network characteristics of interest relate to the presence and relative positions of highly connected actors (Bodin and Crona 2009, Matous and Bodin 2024). In the Indonesian rural context, the presence of prominent “patrons” can be both a source of social capital for the entire village as well as a sign of possible oppression (Ferse et al. 2012, Nurdin and Grydehøj 2014). Diverse studies have suggested that networks connected through central actors may facilitate coordination (Angst et al. 2018) and collective action (Ernstson et al. 2008). Such networks may also diffuse information or simple innovations that do not require deep deliberation but may be less effective for complex issues (Leavitt 1951, Mbaru and Barnes 2017, Ramirez et al. 2018) and may constrain collaboration (Ernstson et al. 2008). Networks with a single core have been observed in smallholder communities in various parts of the world (Isaac et al. 2007) and innovations have been found in simulations (Abrahamson and Rosenkopf 1997) and some empirical studies (Albizua et al. 2020; Rockenbauch et al. 2019) to “flow” efficiently from the core to periphery in such structures. On the other hand, polycentric networks (i.e., networks with highly connected actors distributed in different parts of the network) and networks fragmented into distinct components ostensibly allow network members more freedom to experiment in adapting practices to their local needs (Pamuk et al. 2014). In polycentric structures, farmers have been found to proactively participate in agri-environmental conservation without “paternalistic” oversight (Marshall 2009, Zulkafli et al. 2017).
“It takes a village”: on the importance of understanding collective-level structures and processes
The term “ecological fallacy” captures the fact that statistical findings about individuals may not apply to collectives (Robinson 1950). Unfortunately, findings about individuals’ networks and practices are not often tested whether they apply beyond individual level before making policy recommendations (Lubell et al. 2023). Because of practical constrains, network studies of remote communities tend to include prohibitively small numbers of village networks for a collective-level statistical analysis. Consequently, collective issues are examined through an individualistic lens. It is paradoxical that individuals still prevail as the dominant analytical unit in network inquiry that emerged in response to atomistic approaches to social systems (Freeman 2004, Snijders 2016). Collectives shape individuals and individuals shape collectives (Breiger 1974). Community network structures reflect these processes, which may help or hinder individuals’ management of local problems.
Theorizations of what constitutes effective social capital diverge between individual (Burt 1995) and collective level (Putnam 1995). We have evidence on which relational structures are effective for individuals (Lin 2001) but we know less about effective relational structures for collectives within different contexts (Lazega and Snijders 2016b). According to Coleman (1988), network cohesion is a source of bonding social capital, enabling the emergence of social norms. Concepts like social cohesion do not exist at the individual level, so its examination requires a collective approach. Relational cohesion across a collective entity, such as a cocoa farming village, may give rise to perceptions of what is “normal” to do on a farm, or establish collective perception of certain practices being locally rejected. Especially in situations when “right” or “wrong” is not clear, one relies on social validation (Coleman et al. 1959). Exploring whole networks of cocoa growing communities can allows us to better appreciate social environments that create and maintain local social norms under which farmers make decisions.
The case of the Sustainable Cocoa Production Programme
Cocoa cultivation needs to become more climate-friendly and socially sustainable to protect the global environment and support growers’ communities (Vervuurt et al. 2022). Farmers are also under pressure to be more efficient. Low productivity per hectare can drive expansion of production areas, deforestation, and greenhouse gas emissions. There is not one single practice that can make a cocoa farm climate friendly and socially sustainable but better general farm management can reduce the need for further growth of local cultivation areas and reduce pressures on the environment (Vervuurt et al. 2022).
What is required are overall good practices of organic matter management for carbon storage, appropriate shading, sustaining soil nutrient levels by a correct application of agro-inputs, and minimization of losses due to pests, waste, or poor tree health (Vervuurt et al. 2022). We examine the role of community network structures for the adoption of such practices promoted in Indonesia through the Sustainable Cocoa Production Programme. The program was implemented during 2012–2020 by a non-governmental non-profit organization (Swisscontact) in collaboration with their partners and support from the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs. The program has engaged 165,000 farmers across 10 Indonesian provinces who produce cocoa for export to international markets. The implementation resembled other common initiatives that aim to influence smallholder’ practices through capacity building, field demonstrations, and direct outreach (Norton and Alwang 2020). The official goals of the program were to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cocoa production while sustaining productivity.
A key component of the program was a “Farmer Coaching Plan” that promoted 22 reportedly underutilized or often incorrectly applied practices in the region. The practices are generally considered to be good practices in cocoa production, leading to lower GHG emissions per unit of produced cocoa, by promoting plant and soil health and reducing waste, while supporting yields and thus growers’ livelihoods (Vervuurt et al. 2022). The practices relate to (1) side grafting, (2) usage of certified clones, (3) application of organic matter, (4) application of organic and inorganic fertilizer, (5) cocoa tree stem maintenance, (6) chupon treatment, (7) preventing and removing mumification, (8) preventing and removing dead branches, (9) use of shade trees, (10) limiting the tree height, (11) implementation of “leopard pruning” and (12) “glass pruning,” (13) prevention and control of black pod disease, (14) cocoa pod borer management, (15) helopeltis sanitation, (16) insecticide timing, (17) insecticide fit, (18) fungicide timing, (19) fungicide fit, (20) weed control, (21) harvest timing, and (22) bean drying. Further information about the practices and their measurement is provided in the methods section and Appendix 2.
Here, we describe how we conceptualized and measured networks as explanatory variables in our models and how we measured and analyzed the adoption and similarity of farmers’ practices as dependent variables. Studies in the diffusion of innovations tradition tend to focus on individual technologies or practices (Rogers 2003). In this exploratory study, we include a larger collection of diverse practices (listed above and described in Appendix 2) to see if there exist any broader general trends regarding the role of whole networks across practices with different characteristics. In appendix 4, we further test different subsets of practices based on their expected private competitive advantage, observability, and communal benefits.
Each “network,” i.e., each observation, in this study is a village of cocoa growers in Sulawesi, Indonesia (see examples in Fig. 1). The boundary of each network is the administrative boundary of the village. Each “network actor” is a cocoa grower. The “network links” represent self-reported agricultural advice sharing among the community members. The small number of theoretically possible links between the villages in the sample is not considered in the analysis. The following subsections and appendices provide more details for the chosen approaches and the applied methods.
Analyzing the role of networks at the collective level
In addition to the conceptual reasons for our chosen level of analysis, another advantage of a collective-level analysis is that it mitigates some data reliability issues. Social network surveys can involve high levels of noise (Bernard et al. 1982), especially in large-scale surveys in remote settings. Respondents do not accurately recall communication links (Bernard and Killworth 1977) but a finding that some communities are split into a large number of network components because no one nominates peers beyond their own neighborhood is unlikely to change from day to day. Even if the dyads are captured with noise, the overall picture reflects the social reality of the community. If such whole-network network topologies are consistently associated with a community adopting similar or dissimilar practices, it is unlikely a coincidence but a footprint of real underlying processes. Such processes could be missed in an analysis of node-to-node contagion if these are driven by community characteristics (e.g., cohesive or not), rather than fluid-like flows through the pipework of imprecisely elicited links that are assumed in studies adopting an oversimplified diffusionist perspective (see Bernard et al. 2023 for a related discussion).
Data collection
The data used in this study was collected between May and December 2018 by a non-governmental development organization (Swisscontact) and their partner organization (Koltiva). The staff of the implementing agency (not the authors) surveyed farmers’ peer-to-peer information-seeking relationships and practices listed in Appendix 2. The specific prompt for gathering the network data was (as translated from Indonesian): “Please mention people outside of this household, where you get advice, you can learn from, or who can provide information and knowledge related to farming practices, especially about cocoa.” The survey that this study is based on comprised network data collection by this prompt and farm inspections of adoption of the recommended practices. The farmers consented to this data being used for research in an anonymized form and this was approved by the ethics committee of the University of Sydney. The implementation agency has collected further data from the farmers over the years, but this could not be shared for this study because of confidentiality reasons. Thus, we do not have any data on village geography, socio-demographic variables, and other potentially confounding characteristics that may affect both networks and practice adoption but we understand that all surveyed villages rely to a high degree on cocoa production.
The data collection that this paper is based on covered 73 villages in total. The villages are distributed across Sulawesi. It is possible that there could be some links between the villages but that was not the focus of this study, which revolved around internal community structures. In three of these villages, there were less than 10 cocoa farmers. For comparability, we decided to remove these very small villages, considering the possibility that some network processes in tiny communities may operate differently than in large ones (Matous and Bodin 2024). Also, some network metrics are highly sensitive to network size, which complicates comparisons between networks of very different sizes (Wasserman and Faust 1994; we have subsequently also conducted analyses with the full sample and obtained qualitatively similar results, see Appendix 4.) In total, 5001 peer-to-peer social ties of 4573 farmers in the remaining 70 villages, collected by 31 enumerators, were used in the analyses presented here. In these villages, we know of 5011 cocoa farmers who were registered with the implementing organization and who participated in the Sustainable Cocoa Production Programs. This corresponds to 91% coverage of the target population by the network survey. The adoption levels for each of the 22 recommended practices were assessed during inspections of the farmers’ fields by agricultural professionals working for the implementing organization. The purpose was to see whether a recommendation was effectively implemented on the farm, rather than only surveying self-reports of adoption. Self-reports alone would be less reliable in this context especially because the surveying organizations were also the implementing organizations of the program thus there would be a possibility of farmers’ bias toward self-reporting adoption, if not verified by observation.
It was neither feasible not desirable, to examine every tree on every farm but the decision was to examine two non-adjacent parts of each farm. Based on the experience of the local staff, this was sufficient to assess whether a practice is correctly implemented. On each farm, the inspectors designed with a string two square plots of 10x10 meters distanced 20 to 50 meters apart (depending on the farm size) and examined all trees in the designated areas for their maintenance condition and presence of any disease or pest. Based on this examination and interviews with the farmers, the inspectors scored the farmers’ practices following a template developed by the implementing organization and summarized in Appendix 2.
Community-level network characteristics
The prevalence of communication links is a fundamental network characteristic that can be quantified as the number of links per actor or as network density. Social network density is defined as the proportion of existing ties in a network relative to the number of theoretically possible ties (Wasserman and Faust 1994). Thus, density increases linearly with links per farmer and decreases quadratically with the size of network. The degree to which networks are composed of separate or loosely connected components, modules, and cliques is quantified respectively by the metrics of number of network components, modularity, and global triadic closure.
Centralization, as defined by Freeman (2004), quantifies whether a single actor is significantly more central than everyone else (Wasserman and Faust 1994). Assortativity quantifies the network actors’ tendency to connect to similar others, and thus relates to the concept of homophily (McPherson et al. 2001). It can be computed on any node property, e.g., centrality measured by “degree,” which is the number of actors’ links. High-assortativity in our data identified networks in which high-degree actors connected to other high-degree actors to form a cohesive network core, rather than being distributed in different parts of the network or separated into fragmented polycentric star structures and surrounded only by their low-degree followers. The measures are described in Appendix 1 and their details are explained in (Wasserman and Faust 1994).
Community-level practice adoption
A vector of length 22, composed of 0s and 1s, describes the practices of each farmer. Manhattan distance between the vectors of practices of two farmers equals the number of practices that one of the farmers adopted and the other did not adopt. Mean Manhattan distance (i.e., the mean of the sum of absolute differences) has been calculated for all pairs of these vectors at the village level, quantifying overall differences between practices of all farmers in each village. The additive inverse of Manhattan distance reflects practice similarity at a village level, which we view as a possible trace of social influence. We use this measure as one of our two main outcome variables to capture the village-level homogeneity of adoption and non-adoption across the full set of recommended practices.
The other analyzed outcome variable assesses broader adoption trends of a wider selection of recommended practices. We developed an “internally consistent scale” of practices (Streiner 2003). We considered that a simple sum of all surveyed practices would not necessarily be most reliable because some of the practices may have substitutive function (e.g., farmers might deliberately choose only one of two or three similar practices to achieve a similar aim). Using psych package in R (Revelle 2023), we developed this adoption scale inductively by gradually dropping variables that were most detrimental to the consistency of the scale in each step until an acceptable threshold was reached (Cronbach alpha > = 0.7; Tavakol and Dennick 2011). The resulting scale included 10 highly diverse but internally consistent set of practices. The practices span grafting techniques and tree pruning, maintaining soil health and preventing pest, fungi and disease.
The adoption scores for these 10 variables were summed to indicate a general propensity of whole collectives toward adopting a wide range of recommended practices and used as a dependent variable in multiple linear regressions (ordinary least squares: OLS). In Appendix 4, we also test a specification where all 22 practices are summed to form an overall index, even if that does not amount to an “internally consistent” scale that would ostensibly capture the same underlying construct (Streiner 2003). The p-values slightly increased in this potentially less reliable specification, but the qualitative patterns prevailed.
The reason a simple OLS regression could be applied to this data without violating independence assumptions is because the units of analysis are entire separate networks and significant interrelationships between the villages across the region are not expected. The presented analysis includes 70 observations, i.e., networks, which was sufficient for basic multiple regression models with two or three of explanatory variables (Green 1991). However, it is to be expected that small p-values may not be achieved with such minimal numbers of observation, unless the relationships between the predictors and the dependent variables is strong and there is little noise in the measures (Green 1991). The OLS does not control for potential geophysical and socio-demographic differences among the villages. Such data was not available to the research team because of confidentiality agreement and research ethics approval conditions. We tested various subsets of the selected theoretically relevant network characteristics. The presented models were chosen based on their fit and parsimony, guided by adjusted R² and Akaike Information Criterion (Cavanaugh and Neath 2019). Collinearity assessments were conducted with variance inflation factors and tolerance scores (Miles 2014). The data analysis was implemented in R using the igraph package for network analysis and mass and olsrr packages for the multiple linear regression and collinearity diagnostics (Csárdi and Nepusz 2006, Hebbali 2020).
Descriptive statistics and associations between measured concepts
Table 1 shows descriptive statistics of the researched communities. The network sizes range from 13 to 169 with a mean of 65 cocoa farmers per village. The farmers reported on average one agricultural information-sharing relationship. All villages displayed positive modularity scores. The networks were predominantly disassortative (only 4 of the 70 networks had positive assortativity scores and these were all small in magnitude). The theoretically possible minimum assortativity (-1) and the theoretically possible maximum centralization (1) were reached in one network, where every farmer reported the same individual as their agricultural information source. On the developed 10-point general adoption scale, the lowest adoption average for a village was 0.5 and the maximum was 6. Manhattan distance indicating the heterogeneity of adopted practices in each village ranged from 0.4 to 8.4, and so its additive inverse, which we use as a measure of practice homogeneity, is between -8.4 to -0.4.
Villages with more heterogeneous practices display a higher average prevalence of recommended practices (r = 0.67, p = 0.000; Appendix 3). In other words, in communities where farmers are united in their practices, fewer of these practices tend to be the recommended ones. Practices are more heterogeneous when farmers have fewer links (r = -0.46, p = 0.000) and their village networks are sparser (r = -0.305, p = 0.010), more modular (r = 0.43, p = 0.000), less transitive (r = -0.25, p = 0.038), have more components (r = 0.529, p = 0.000), and are less centralized (r = -0.25, p = 0.039). Recommended practice adoption is higher in networks where farmers have fewer links (r = -0.30, p = 0.011), more modular networks (r = 0.316, p = 0.008), with more components (r = 0.40, p = 0.001) that are less centralized (r = -0.26, p = 0.031). The following OLS analysis attempts to untangle which combinations of these network characteristics jointly predict outcomes at the village level.
Network predictors of collective outcomes
Among theoretically meaningful specifications, the network metric combinations in Table 2 predict best practice adoption and practice homogeneity. The models account for approximately one quarter of variation in overall practice adoption and one third of variation in practice homogeneity (R² = 0.26, adjusted R² = 0.23, AIC = 241.5 and R² = 0.34, adjusted R² = 0.31, AIC = 266.04, respectively). The best set predictors for recommended practice adoption were network density, number of components, and modularity. Density is determined by links per farmer and network size. When these two variables are included in the model separately instead of density, the fit deteriorates (AIC = 249.31 from 241). Links per farmer coefficient is positive with p = 0.774. Number of nodes coefficient is negative with p = 0.12. When links per farmer is removed from this specification, the fit improves (247.40) and the p-value for the node number decreases below 10%. Conversely, when links per farmer is kept in the model and the node number variable is removed, AIC increase (249.83) and links per farmer remain insignificant (p = 0.496). (Furthermore, Appendix 4 includes tests of adoption outcomes for different subsets of practices and shows that not all types of practices are associated with networks in the same way. See that Model 4 in Appendix 4 for a subset of practices related to limiting the spread of weeds, diseases, and pests has almost no explanatory power.) The best combined set of predictors for practice homogeneity is: (low) number of components, (low) modularity, and assortativity. Community practices are more similar if the entire village forms a cohesive whole that is not split into numerous disconnected components or loosely connected modules and when dissassortativity tendencies are not too strong. In other words, the community is not fractured into islands of followers of popular farmers (or “patrons”) who do not communicate with other popular farmers.
In summary, villages displaying high adoption of recommended practices tend to have more heterogeneous practices (r = 0.67; p = 0.000). An archetypical example of a village network structure with a high adoption of recommended practices and a high heterogeneity of practices is illustrated in Figure 1A (which is an actual community in the sample). The absence of connections between high-degree nodes contributes to community fragmentation into separate components and modules. (General adoption score = 4.42, adoption homogeneity = -8.38, modularity = 0.84, assortativity = -0.47, number of components = 14.) Figure 1B illustrates an archetypical village network in our sample with a high homogeneity of practices and low adoption of recommended practices. High degree nodes share information within the network core and most actors are interconnected into a single cohesive component. (General adoption score = 0.29, adoption homogeneity = -0.54, modularity = 0.46, assortativity = -0.16, number of components = 3.)
Food production is an important contributor to climate change and this challenge is particularly difficult to tackle in smallholder agriculture. In addition to environmental issues associated with agricultural production in general, there are many millions of smallholders scattered around the world, including very remote areas, and we often do not know, or are able to ethically influence, what happens on small farms that can operate quite informally. However, any small issues on such numerous farms can aggregate to large environmental impacts globally.
We have examined which community network characteristics are associated with smallholders’ adoption of practices recommended through a sustainability program. Analyzing a unique dataset of 70 village networks, the network topologies showed some similarities and some differences. All villages in our data displayed positive modularity scores, which means that their networks were more segregated into siloed clusters than what would be expected by chance. This is not surprising as social relationships are commonly constrained within local cliques by demography, geography, and social settings (McPherson et al. 2001).
It is also understandable that the heterogeneity of applied practices was higher in networks that were more fragmented into distinct clusters and separate components. However, it is interesting that the overall adoption of recommended practices was also higher in such networks. Furthermore, after fragmentation into components and modules was controlled for, assortativity (i.e., connecting to those with a similar degree) was associated with a higher homogeneity of practices. Specifically, networks and components in which high-degree individuals connect to each other and form cohesive cores appear to provide strong conditions for practice similarity, possibly because of emerging social norms and social influence channelled through such networks. In such villages, similar practices seem to diffuse and prevail against new alternatives that might not have the acceptance of the majority (yet). In the present case, the homogeneously adopted practices in cohesive village networks were not necessarily those recommended by the studied program.
The overall lower adoption trends of cohesive villages were found for a broad mix of practices when considered jointly. However, further tests in the appendices suggest, as could be expected, that different network mechanisms are likely more pronounced for adoption of different types of practices. Previous studies have identified main determinants of agricultural practice and technology adoption in terms of the characteristics of what was being adopted (Kuehne et al. 2017). These innovation characteristics do not necessarily all matter for which community network patterns affect adoption. The way in which networks influence adoption might depend on some less noted practice characteristics, for example, whether the benefits of a practice are relatively more private or public (Matous 2022). Communal pressures toward adoption may arise through cohesive networks when innovation provides non-negligible community benefits or non-adoption poses risks to the community. In the tests reported in the appendices, we do not observe negative effects of cohesive networks on adoption of practices related to limiting the spread of weeds, diseases, and pests, which are most likely to provide positive externalities to the community beyond the adopters’ plot. Possible pro-adoption effects of cohesive networks that may channel neighbors’ interests in pest-free community may have cancelled out, in the present case, the possible anti-adoption effects of bonding network-induced inertia toward status quo or distrust toward external advice. Examining divergent network influences for different types of practices in more depth would be a worthwhile subject of further research. In this study, the main focus was on comparing communities, rather than practices, to explore which whole network characteristics may affect adoption in general.
Networks that are divided into distinct components and polycentric networks where most influential actors are not closely intertwined seem to come with more opportunities to adopt something new and different from others rather than maintaining the same old collectively accepted local practice. There are various possible interpretations of this finding. Less cohesive networks perhaps better nurture diverse knowledge. Lower cohesion may be effective in adaptation to changing environmental conditions as long as there are opportunities to collectively learn from these different pools of knowledge and experience. The network links in our study capture only significant information exchange partners. Within these smallholder communities, there is likely a visibility of the conditions on the plots of other farmers beyond the reported links to the most important advisors. Therefore, farmers may learn and eventually benefit from experimentation in separate network components.
Previous studies finding substitution between intra-community and external information sharing and influence (Bandiera and Rasul 2006) also suggest why cohesive community networks could block externally-induced change. Strong networks within a limited circle of partners were found to support old locally validated practices rather than practices promoted through agri-environment schemes in the name of sustainable adaptation to environmental change (Arnott et al. 2021, Cofré-Bravo et al. 2019). In the presence of strong network bonding, innovation champions were reported to need to “break through the constraint of over-connectedness” to get their message across (King et al. 2019:131). Bonding can come at the expense of bridging and linking social capital, which matter for sustainable technology adoption (Datoon et al. 2023). Bridging and linking was not examined in our study. Our data comes from the final periods of an 8-year program. It would be another question for a future study, who kept the adopted practices after the program was completed, when external professionals departed, and with them a potential source of bridging and linking social capital?
The cross-sectional nature of the network and adoption data does not allow us to directly address causality and the inherent dynamics of the above-implied diffusion and normative social influence processes. We could only observe at one point in time the aggregated results of farmers’ past networking choices and their previous adoption or disadoption decisions. It would have been ideal to empirically prove the channels of influence but causality is extremely difficult to establish in ways that are both internally and externally valid in networked contexts with interdependent actors, even in longitudinal experimental studies (Pratiwi and Matous 2024).
Nevertheless, despite the lack of direct evidence of exact causal pathways and a lack of control for numerous unknown factors that could be confounding the reported quantitative associations, the present findings demonstrate which network structures predict achievement of intended program outcomes. We believe it is useful to know in general in which types of communities this type of program might work and where other approaches should be considered. Even if we cannot prove causality behind the observed regularities, networks are at least a measurable marker, and perhaps a footprint, of unobserved but consequential community characteristics and social processes.
Other studies in similar contexts that engaged more directly with farmers’ lived experience, and employ qualitative inquiry and naturalistic participant observation, further help to make sense of our quantitative findings (Bray and Neilson 2018, Vicol et al. 2019). Such studies remind us that sometimes “sustainability programmes may be inadvertently attempting to encourage household investment in a particular kind of agriculture, which is intended to assist sustainability of supply, but is poorly aligned with prevailing processes of poverty alleviation” (Bray and Neilson 2018:368). We do not examine the environmental and socioeconomic consequences of the recommended practices. The practices have been researched and endorsed by others in works cited in Appendix 2. However, we understand that interventions can come with unintended consequences (Isaac et al. 2021). Hence, despite the potential virtues of well-implemented evidence-based agricultural training and greenhouse gas reduction programs, we would like to avoid our results being interpreted as cohesive community networks being universally detrimental to sustainability of smallholder agriculture. This study took an implicit “pro-adoption” perspective (stemming from a long tradition in the diffusion of innovations literature; Rogers 1976) but we understand that local people have intimate knowledge of their land and may know better what works in their landscape than external experts. This may particularly be the case for people living their whole lives in communities with abundant community-wide exchange of experience, which may be a factor why members of such cohesive communities may be less dependent on external advice.
Networks present both opportunities and constraints (Kadushin 2012), with the latter perhaps not as often acknowledged as the former. Leveraging a uniquely broad dataset for its kind, this study subjected to empirical scrutiny some rarely tested theoretical expectations on the role of community networks in environmental conservation. Although literature review showed that strengthening community networks and social capital is a well-regarded strategy in sustainability programs, our findings illustrate that cohesive community network structures may not always support the expected outcomes of such programs.
Community network structures that form one cohesive whole and where popular individuals communicated with each other displayed, perhaps unsurprisingly, a higher homogeneity of practice, but this was not necessarily in line with recommendations. By contrast, and perhaps surprisingly, in disconnected community networks, a higher proportion of farmers used practices that diverged from the community mainstream and aligned with expert recommendations. Although cohesive networks may homogenize practices, they do not automatically diffuse what is “implanted” into them from outside. Cohesive networks may rather cement in what is already there and make it harder for different practices to break through.
This study points to the social fabric of agrarian villages as one possible marker as to why the same program may produce expected outcomes in some communities and not others. There is no reason why stronger community networks should support societal or environmental goals per se (Rothstein and Stolle 2008). Social capital of cohesively interconnected villages is not waiting there to be leveraged by others. Excessive “bonding” social capital with peers from the same social group can obstruct larger societal goals without trustful “bridging” or “linking” to the external world (Putnam et al. 1993, Woolcock 1998, Aldrich and Meyer 2015). For good or bad, cohesive communities where influential farmers communicate with each other might be harder to convince to leave established customs and follow official recommendations.
When bonding social capital dominates over other types, trust is rarely extended to institutions beyond the community (Dale and Newman 2010, Kant and Vertinsky 2022). In turn, distrust and disconnect from formal institutions may encourage more bonding (Rothstein and Stolle 2008). External interveners need to be sensitive to such issues in their search for appropriate points of entry into closed networks to repair trust and broaden the communities’ social opportunities (Varshney et al. 2022). Especially, they need to be open to the possibility that the members of cohesive communities may have more effective solutions at their disposal, know better what works in their local context, and intervenors need to be ready to listen and learn. We hope that the questions raised in this study can be further empirically explored with experimental, larger number, whole-network studies, more longitudinal data as well as deeper ethnographic insights, which will help us better understand community norms, and farmers’ motivations and cultural practices.
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The authors are thankful to Swisscontact team in Indonesia for their collaboration and frequent sharing of invaluable local insights as well as to the reviewers and editors for very useful comments.
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The data can be requested from the implementing organization upon signing a confidentiality agreement. The code that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author, PM. University of Sydney human ethics committee approved that the researchers access and use the data after these datasets were fully anonymized by the organizations that collected them.
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Fig. 1![](
Fig. 1. (A) An archetypical example of a community with dissimilar practices and a relatively high proportion of externally recommended practices. (B) An archetypical village network structure with similar practices but with low levels of externally recommended practices. Nodes are farmers; links are farming information-sharing relationships.
![Fig. 1](figure1.jpg)
Table 1![](
Table 1. Summary statistics of network parameters and adoption outcomes of the 70 villages.
Parameters | Min | Median | Mean | Max | |||||
Network properties | |||||||||
Number of nodes | 13 | 57 | 65.53 | 169 | |||||
Edges | 9 | 62 | 71.44 | 215 | |||||
Average degree | 0.588 | 1.018 | 1.075 | 1.867 | |||||
Density | 0.013 | 0.036 | 0.046 | 0.154 | |||||
Modularity | 0.000 | 0.677 | 0.628 | 0.953 | |||||
Transitivity (global) | 0.000 | 0.024 | 0.044 | 0.187 | |||||
Number of components | 1 | 4 | 6.643 | 28 | |||||
Assortativity on degree | -1.000 | -0.334 | -0.373 | 0.100 | |||||
Degree centralization | 0.038 | 0.268 | 0.313 | 1.000 | |||||
Adoption outcomes | |||||||||
General adoption scale | 0.051 | 2.415 | 2.644 | 6.000 | |||||
Adoption homogeneity | -0.373 | -4.620 | -4.519 | -8.376 | |||||
Table 2![](
Table 2. Best fitting ordinary least squares (OLS) models for (1) general adoption of recommended practices and (2) similarity of practices within a community.
(1) General adoption | (2) Adoption homogeneity | ||||||||
Estimate (std. error) |
p | Estimate (std. error) |
p | ||||||
Density | 20.693 (6.930) | 0.004 | |||||||
Number of components | 0.107 (0.038) | 0.006 | -0.136 (0.044) | 0.003 | |||||
Modularity | 2.503 (1.246) | 0.049 | -2.400 (1.404) | 0.092 | |||||
Assortativity | 2.157 (0.980) | 0.031 | |||||||
(Intercept) | -0.600 (0.945) |
0.528 | -1.303 (0.969) | 0.183 | |||||
N | 70 | 70 | |||||||
R2 | 0.262 | 0.337 | |||||||
Adjusted R2 | 0.228 | 0.307 | |||||||
AIC | 241.452 | 266.039 | |||||||