The following is the established format for referencing this article:
Van de Water, A., M. E. Garaï, M. M. Burnett, M. D. Henley, E. Di Minin, J. P. Streicher, L. A. Bates, and R. Slotow. 2024. Integrating a “One Well-being” approach in elephant conservation: evaluating consequences of management interventions. Ecology and Society 29(3):15.ABSTRACT
Innovative conservation approaches are urgently needed to balance biodiversity conservation with human development. Safeguarding elephant populations often involves active management, leading to direct intentional, direct unintentional, and indirect consequences for animals, people, and ecosystems. Drawing from One Health and One Welfare principles, our study introduces a multicriteria framework for developing conservation strategies that enhance well-being across dimensions. This approach establishes priorities, acceptability zones, and One Well-being scores that guide decision making toward optimal outcomes. We applied our One Well-being framework to evaluate 12 elephant management interventions currently or historically used in South Africa. Examining data from 3306 instances of these interventions, including on-the-ground data, we assessed their relative impact on environmental, human, and animal well-being. Our analysis identified 250 consequences of these interventions, categorized as 58 direct intentional, 127 direct unintentional, and 65 indirect. Although most direct intentional consequences were beneficial (93.4%), the direct unintentional and indirect consequences were predominantly harmful (96.9% and 75.4%, respectively). Although most interventions improved environmental well-being, their consequences for animal and human well-being were less positive. This highlights a conflict among the three well-being dimensions, underscoring the importance of incorporating human and animal well-being into elephant management strategies. Recognizing the interconnected nature of these dimensions and aiming for multiple, mutually reinforcing gains is imperative. This iterative process helps address social-ecological vulnerabilities and risks while advocating for ethical conservation practices, fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, and garnering broader support for conservation efforts. Our approach aligns with global goals for sustainable and equitable wildlife management outcomes.
Existing conservation strategies have failed to halt the rapid decline of wildlife species in the face of global change (Pascual et al. 2021). Limited involvement of local communities in conservation decision-making processes, coupled with inadequate benefit-sharing mechanisms, can exacerbate human-wildlife conflicts and diminish the quality of life and health of people living near protected conservation areas (Díaz et al. 2018). Furthermore, the impact of conservation efforts on the welfare of wild animals is becoming an increasingly pressing issue (Beausoleil 2014), involving moral considerations and impacting the long-term effectiveness of conservation measures (Harrington et al. 2013, Vucetich et al. 2018). Studies on the effectiveness of conservation policies and interventions predominantly focus on their direct, intended outcomes, often overlooking the broader implications for animal populations, people, or the environment (e.g. Beausoleil et al. 2016, Mellor 2016, Derkley et al. 2019).
The growing recognition of the interconnectedness of environmental health, and animal and human well-being requires holistic approaches to global conservation. The One Welfare approach, which emerged from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) One Health initiative (Zinsstag et al. 2011), integrates animal welfare, human well-being, and environmental health, highlighting the interconnected impact of each dimension on the others (Garcia Pinillos et al. 2016, Fawcett et al. 2018). Here, we apply this approach, reframed as “One Well-being” to more accurately represent the collective and social (as opposed to individual) well-being of humans, animals, and the environment, to explore the consequences of conservation management of African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) in South Africa.
Our framework adopts a co-viability approach that recognizes the intertwined nature of well-being across the different dimensions, thereby facilitating a more holistic evaluation of conservation policies and interventions (Garcia Pinillos et al. 2016, Fawcett et al. 2018). We emphasize the mutual reliance among ecological, economic, and social factors, underlining the importance of sustainable habitats and wildlife populations for a balanced coexistence (Doyen et al. 2017). The framework acknowledges the critical dependency of human well-being on healthy ecological systems, and seeks to harmonize social and natural dimensions and promote social-ecological sustainability (Barrière 2008). It aims to mitigate vulnerabilities and risks, while promoting multidisciplinary collaboration and broader support for conservation efforts (Garcia Pinillos et al. 2016, Doyen et al. 2017). Ultimately, the goal is to develop conservation strategies that are sustainable and equitable, acknowledging the complex interplay among ecological, social, and ethical factors.
The (often indirect) consequences of management interventions for what we term “environmental well-being,”[1] along with the implications for the well-being of humans and animals, can generate positive or negative feedback loops within the social-ecological system (Garcia Pinillos et al. 2016, Bourque 2017). The interactions and feedback mechanisms between social and ecological systems, as well as the cascading consequences of conservation strategies or management actions, remain poorly understood. This gap in understanding often leads to contention (DEA 2014, DFFE 2020) and highlights the need for assessment tools to elucidate how those components interact and affect each other (Herrero-Jáuregui et al. 2018).
In this study, we introduce a framework and process designed to holistically assess conservation management interventions by evaluating their impacts on animal, human, and environmental well-being, using evidence collated from literature and practical management experience. Although policy papers and scientific articles about elephant management interventions abound, there exists a wealth of practical knowledge that has remained largely unexplored in formal assessments or published literature. Therefore, we incorporate these on-the-ground experiences to enhance our understanding of management outcomes, aiming to provide valuable insights that can support policy makers and managers in future decision-making processes. We demonstrate the application of the One Well-being approach in assessing, categorizing and evaluating the consequences of 12 elephant management interventions in South Africa.
South Africa boasts extensive experience and success in managing protected areas. The preference for establishing fenced reserves, aimed at containing and preserving large mammals, necessitates intensive management practices. However, these interventions’ long-term and/or indirect consequences are often overlooked or unknown (Hayward and Kerley 2009, Slotow 2012, DEA 2014, Zungu and Slotow 2022). Moreover, these management interventions can prove unsustainable or contentious, especially when involving charismatic “flagship species” like elephants, as their iconic status and cultural and economic importance can lead to heightened emotions and divergent opinions (DEAT 2005, Di Minin et al. 2013a, Convention on Biological Diversity 2021). Because fencing is increasingly used as a strategy to mitigate Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC; e.g., see Woodroffe et al. 2014, and the resulting letters), South Africa’s experience in managing the consequences of confining large mammals in fenced reserves (Shaffer et al. 2019, Zungu and Slotow 2022) takes on increased significance.
Although the conservation status of the African savanna elephant has recently changed from Vulnerable to Endangered on the global IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Gobush et al. 2021), the southern African population is increasing and regionally classified as Least Concern in South Africa (Selier et al. 2016). With an estimated 44,326 elephants (CITES 2022) in South Africa, the growing population numbers have raised concerns about their impact on reserve vegetation because elephants are known to push over trees and can potentially create grass-dominated landscapes (Owen-Smith et al. 2006). Various management interventions have been deployed in response, focusing on either reducing elephant densities or altering their spatial behavior (DEAT 2008, Zungu and Slotow 2022). Among these interventions, culling is arguably the most publicly debated and criticized (Owen-Smith et al. 2006, Henley and Cook 2019). Other management interventions implemented in South Africa include translocation, which involves relocating elephants between reserves; contraception to control population growth; and efforts to alter access to water and expand elephant range and increase habitat connectivity. Over 800 elephants have been translocated across South African reserves in the past three decades (Slotow et al. 2005, Naidoo et al. 2016, Selier et al. 2016, DFFE 2020). The application of contraceptives to manage elephant populations has been studied since 1995 (Delsink et al. 2013, Bertschinger et al. 2018), and range expansion initiatives have been actively pursued (Van Aarde and Jackson 2007, Di Minin et al. 2013b, Henley et al. 2023).
Various national policies and agreements in South Africa regulate these management interventions. The Norms and Standards for the Management of Elephants in South Africa (DEAT 2008) were gazetted in 2008 to harmonize elephant management practices throughout the Republic, aligning them with national and international agreements. The Norms and Standards specifically guide the practical application of elephant management interventions (birth/population control, water provision, fire, supplementary feeding, fencing, corridors, range expansion, translocation, and culling). Since their introduction, every reserve hosting elephants has been mandated to develop an Elephant Management Plan that complies with these Norms and Standards, as well as with the broader National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act: Protected Areas Act (Republic of South Africa 2004).
Using data from on-the-ground management experience, along with the extensive body of policies, laws, and goals developed through stakeholder participation, the One Well-being framework proposed in this study can aid policy makers and managers in developing conservation strategies for elephants and other species or ecosystems, and encourage the conservation community to develop more ethical, socially just, and sustainable conservation strategies (Lindenmayer and Kaufman 2021).
Building the framework
In our study, we built a One Well-being framework to methodically assess the consequences of elephant management interventions across the intertwined dimensions of animal, human, and environmental well-being (Fig. 1). This framework disaggregates each dimension into specific sub-components for a more nuanced and relevant analysis of the interventions’ consequences. By adopting a multicriteria approach, it allows for a comprehensive evaluation, which is especially valuable in scenarios marked by uncertainty, ethical dilemmas, or stakeholder contention, traits often found in elephant conservation discussions (Dickson and Adams 2009, Doyen et al. 2017). We consider animal well-being as criteria for basic health and functioning, natural living, and affective states (happiness; Fraser 2008). Human well-being is examined through the lenses of material well-being (wealth and livelihood), subjective well-being (physical and psychological), and relational well-being (sociocultural and spiritual; McGregor and Pouw 2017). Environmental well-being is assessed in terms of ecological functioning, the provision of ecosystem services, the risk of biodiversity loss, and ecological resilience (adapted from Bibri 2021). Our framework categorizes the consequences of interventions into three types: direct intentional consequences of interventions, where actions deliberately aim to influence animals, people, or the environment; direct unintentional, where interventions have a direct but unintended impact; and indirect, where the effects of human actions on animals, people, or the environment occur indirectly (Fraser and MacRae 2011). To understand the prevalence and nature of these consequences, we quantified beneficial and harmful impacts across each well-being dimension, calculating their frequency and differentiating between beneficial and harmful, as well as direct and indirect consequences.
The proposed decision-making process for selecting and implementing elephant management interventions is depicted in Figure 2. It synthesizes a multi-step approach that incorporates stakeholder engagement, assessing evidence, and a scoring system to evaluate the impact of interventions on animal, human, and environmental well-being. The flowchart outlines the progression from the identification of conservation concerns to the final decision of whether an intervention should be implemented, taking into account both its overall One Well-being score and the necessity and feasibility of mitigating any potentially harmful consequences. This integrated approach ensures that intervention strategies are thoroughly vetted for their implications across multiple dimensions before being put into practice.
Step 1: Identify a conservation concern, a vision, goals, and potential intervention options
The One Well-being approach advocates that biodiversity is most effectively managed through a system that clearly defines a conservation concern, a vision, and ecological and socioeconomic goals agreed upon by all stakeholders. To develop and test the framework, we focused specifically on ecological concerns related to increasing elephant densities in South Africa. In response to these concerns, a range of management interventions was implemented with the objectives of either reducing elephant population densities or modifying their spatial behavior to mitigate their impact on the reserve’s vegetation and overall ecological health. Our analysis focused on the impacts of 12 elephant management interventions commonly applied in South Africa. Interventions were organized to assess their potential impacts on both the individual level and the level of the social-ecological influence on the population as a whole. Initially, interventions were categorized into three groups based on the directness of contact with elephants (Categories A to C). These categories were further assessed for their level of invasiveness or interference with the social-ecology of larger elephant populations, using a scale ranging from low (1) to high (12) interference. The linear assignment of scores is complicated by factors such as the size of the protected area and the history of the founder population and is further nuanced by stakeholders’ priorities. This process of assigning scores can be approached from various perspectives, which can significantly influence the outcomes, leading to different scores within the same category on a case-by-case basis. In our example, category A consists of interventions that do not require direct contact with elephants (A1. doing nothing, A2. range expansion/opening corridors, A3. closure of water points [to encourage dispersal and limit population sizes]; A4. fencing, and A5. militarized anti-poaching). Category B involves interventions that necessitate direct contact with elephants (B6. population control via contraception with Porcine Zona Pellucida vaccine [pZP], B7. population control or control of problematic bull behavior through Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone [GnRH] treatment, B8. population control through vasectomy; and B9. translocation). Category C includes interventions that require direct contact with the intention of ending an elephant’s life (C10. control of damage causing animals [DCAs]; C11. trophy hunting; and C12. culling). DCA control is more common outside reserves than within protected areas. Although it represents extreme interference at the individual level, its impact on the population within protected areas may be less compared to trophy hunting, which predominantly occurs within reserves. Culling, characterized by the involvement of a larger number of animals and targeting highly protective mothers and their young, is considered more severe in terms of its impact on both levels of interference.
Step 2: Gather evidence on the consequences of interventions
In order to identify the consequences of 12 elephant management interventions, our example evaluation draws on six sources of evidence: (1) literature on elephant management interventions published between 2007 and 2021; (2) qualitative data collected through a participatory workshop with elephant managers and scientists in 2019; (3) questionnaires distributed among managers of 46 South African reserves in 2017 by the Elephant Specialist Advisory Group (ESAG); (4) databases of the provincial South African authorities responsible for permit issuance of restricted activities or interventions for DCAs, containing details of 469 DCA cases that occurred between 2015 and 2020; (5) reserve management reports about the effectiveness of 386 cases of elephant management interventions that have been conducted since 1991; (6) detailed reports from a non-profit organization, Elephants Alive, on the handling of 10 DCA incidents that occurred between 2008 and 2010 (Table 1).
Literature review of the consequences of elephant management interventions
The basis of the literature review was a comprehensive systematic review of the consequences of nine elephant management interventions (Zungu and Slotow 2022), and we identified and included three more interventions in our study. Zungu and Slotow’s work synthesized research published between 2007 and 2021 that focused on interventions involving the African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana), the African forest elephant (L. cyclotis), and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), supplementing an earlier elephant management assessment (Scholes and Mennell 2008). They listed beneficial consequences, demographic responses, and unintended consequences for elephants. We classified these consequences as beneficial or harmful, included them in Appendix 1, and checked the articles mentioned in Zungu and Slotow (2022) for data related to the impact of these interventions on human and environmental well-being. The three additional interventions we have added to our study are: (1) doing nothing; (2) DCA control; and (3) militarized anti-poaching. Although assessments often overlook the impact of doing nothing to control an overabundance of elephants, we argue that this should be included because it is, in fact, a management decision with potential long-term consequences. A DCA is defined as “an individual animal or group of animals that, when in conflict with human activities, there is proof that it causes substantial loss to livestock or to wild animals; causes substantial damage to cultivated trees, crops, or other property; or presents an imminent threat to human life” (Republic of South Africa 2016). The control of DCAs is a relatively common management intervention in South Africa, which can result in the death of elephants. Militarized anti-poaching efforts are included in this assessment because they represent a critical intervention for protecting elephants (and rhinoceroses) from persistent poaching threats. These efforts, often referred to as “green militarization,” have been documented to affect human well-being (Duffy 2014, Büscher and Ramutsindela 2016, Mogomotsi and Madigele 2017). Finally, because trophy hunting is very selective, it is not suitable as a measure of population control (Milner et al. 2007) and, thus, typically not viewed as a management intervention. However, because trophy hunting is a legal, highly regulated practice within South African wildlife management and is sometimes suggested as a method to control elephant numbers (e.g., DEAT 2008), trophy hunting is also included in this assessment.
We expanded our literature search to include articles that specifically discuss the impact of (one or more of) the 12 elephant management interventions on animal, human, and/or environmental well-being. From February 2022 to January 2023, we conducted a search in Web of Science and Google Scholar for English language, peer-reviewed publications, using the search terms: “elephant” AND “laissez-faire” OR “range expansion” OR “corridor” OR “connectivity” OR “population control,” OR “artificial water” OR “water provision” OR “fencing” OR “fences” OR “militarised anti-poaching” OR “anti-poaching” OR “pZP” OR “contraception” OR “GnRH” OR “vasectomy” OR “translocation” OR “DCA” OR “trophy hunting” OR “culling.” Relevant statements and citations detailing the consequences of elephant management interventions on animal, human, and environmental well-being were extracted.
Elephant expert participatory workshop
On 5th–6th June 2019, ESAG hosted an elephant expert workshop at the Southern African Wildlife College in Limpopo province, attended by 58 delegates. The workshop facilitated group discussions on the intended and unintended consequences of elephant management interventions, encouraging delegates to share experiences about what succeeded and what failed during and after the implementation of these interventions. Following these discussions, the groups presented summaries of their discussions to all participants for further input and insight (ESAG workshop in Table 1).
Reserve management questionnaire
In 2017, ESAG distributed a questionnaire among managers of 46 reserves in South Africa as part of its long-term monitoring activities. Reserve managers, ecologists, and conservation agency staff were contacted through e-mail, by phone, and by visits to key reserves to increase participation in the survey. Managers and key staff were requested to provide reports on elephant management interventions and were interviewed in order to obtain any relevant information not included in written documents (ESAG survey in Table 1).
Provincial data on damage causing elephants
The Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) provided us with electronic spreadsheets of DCA incidents with elephants in Limpopo province. Northwest Province Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism also provided a spreadsheet with five DCA incidents. In total, we included 471 reported DCA cases that occurred between 2015 and 2020 (Provincial DCA data in Table 1).
Reports on applied elephant management interventions
Information on elephant management interventions was provided by South African National Parks (SANParks) for interventions in two National Parks, and by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, for interventions in five provincial Protected Areas. The management interventions for LEDET-managed Protected Areas are included in the DCA database mentioned above, and LEDET provided summary information on elephant management interventions conducted in one additional reserve. Two key private reserves with a substantial ecotourism presence, where a range of management interventions have taken place, also provided information (Reserves data in Table 1).
Elephants Alive, an elephant research non-profit organization, provided detailed reports on handling DCA incidents in Limpopo province between 2008 and 2010, involving the killing of 14 elephants (Elephants Alive data in Table 1). In Appendix 1, the analysis categorizes the 252 documented consequences of interventions as beneficial or harmful, further classified as direct intentional, direct unintentional, and indirect.
Step 3: Scoring the framework
For this paper, this phase was dedicated solely to testing the framework, providing a preliminary assessment of each management intervention without intending to influence conservation policy. Recognizing the importance of broader stakeholder involvement for a more robust evaluation of the elephant management interventions within the One Well-being framework, we anticipate incorporating broader stakeholder participation into future research. Nonetheless, our approach provides an initial exploration of the potential risks associated with various management interventions by holistically examining their beneficial and harmful, intended, unintended, and indirect consequences.
Eight scientists, including five researchers from the University of KwaZulu-Natal who conducted this project on behalf of South Africa’s Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE), along with three additional authors who are experienced elephant researchers, applied the framework to evaluate the consequences of the 12 elephant management interventions. Drawing on information from Appendix 1 and their expertise, these researchers individually scored each intervention. Scores ranged from -2 (very harmful effects) to +2 (very beneficial effects). The most frequent (modal) score on each sub-component for each intervention was identified. The modal scores obtained from the sub-components were averaged to calculate a single score for each One Well-being intervention. Aggregating these scores across the three dimensions provided an overall One Well-being Intervention Score for each management intervention. This cumulative One Well-being Intervention Score was then used to rank the interventions according to their relative One-Well-being outcomes.
For each of the 12 elephant management interventions, spanning 10 categories, evaluators assigned a total of 120 scores (Fig. 3). The influence of personal experiences with these elephant management interventions may have affected the scores assigned by each researcher. Therefore, the agreement level was calculated for each intervention and sub-component. We also calculated the average disagreement across the scores for each intervention as the number of scorers who disagreed with the mode score across all sub-components for that intervention, divided by 10 (the number of sub-components scored).
Step 4: Prioritizing goals, establishing acceptability zones, and considering future scenarios
This step involves establishing priorities and acceptability zones through a co-viability model approach (Hardy et al. 2013, Doyen et al. 2017). It entails a thorough assessment of the anticipated severity and likelihood of consequences, guiding the prioritization of interventions and their associated consequences over others (Delsink et al., unpublished manuscript). During this phase, stakeholders determine their priorities based on the local context and specific conservation objectives while also setting thresholds to delineate acceptability zones (Thébaud et al. 2014). Conservation priority setting, inherently influenced by scale, aims to determine the specifics of management interventions—what, when, where, and how they should be implemented first, acknowledging the impracticality of tackling all aspects simultaneously (Wilson et al. 2009). This process involves stakeholders in discussions about the levels of uncertainty tied to various outcomes and possible future scenarios. It is crucial to assess the relative significance of the three dimensions within the local context and to identify the decision makers who are authorized to establish these priorities while navigating challenges like power imbalances and the potential personal interests of influential stakeholders. Additionally, there is a crucial need to incorporate considerations of future scenarios into this phase. Evaluating interventions in isolation fails to account for the full scope of potential impacts. Management interventions like fencing, which require sustained financial support, can lead to increased DCA management if affected by governmental corruption within the socioeconomic systems designated for their upkeep. Moreover, measures such as lethal interventions or the closure of water points may have unintended consequences within the context of changing environmental, socioeconomic, and political conditions. Therefore, conservation strategies should extend beyond immediate ecological concerns, incorporating policies that promote inter-regional and intergenerational equity (Doyen et al. 2017, De Silva et al. 2023, Zungu and Slotow 2022).
Step 5: Use One well-being score and acceptability zones to guide decision making
The acceptability zones and the overall One Well-being scores can be used to guide the decision-making process toward optimal outcomes. It aids in selecting interventions that align with pre-established viability and goals and ensures the incorporation of plans for potential mitigation strategies. Moreover, by promoting positive outcomes across all One Well-being dimensions, it fosters holistic and sustainable progress. Although we did not directly implement this step, we provided decision makers with a practical flowchart (Fig. 2) to effectively translate the outcomes of the One well-being assessment into actionable strategies.
Step 2: The consequences of elephant management interventions
Appendix 1 provides a comprehensive overview of all data from literature and the other five sources of data on on-the-ground practice in South Africa, detailing the direct intended, direct unintended, and indirect consequences of 12 elephant management interventions. A summary table (Table 2) is provided for ease of reference, highlighting several key beneficial and harmful consequences of each intervention. We recommend consulting this table in conjunction with the more exhaustive table in Appendix 1 for a thorough understanding. Overall, 252 consequences were identified: 58 as direct intentional, 127 as direct unintentional, and 67 as indirect (Appendix 1). Most direct intentional consequences were beneficial (91.4%), in contrast to direct unintentional and indirect consequences that were predominantly harmful (96.9% and 76.1%, respectively). All harmful direct intentional consequences concerned harm to elephants, and none to people or the environment. Comparing the beneficial and harmful consequences among the three One Well-being dimensions, 74.2% of the listed consequences for animal well-being were harmful, 73.0% of the consequences for human well-being were harmful, and 61.8% for environmental well-being were harmful. The greatest number of harmful consequences were recorded for control of DCA (29 harmful consequences, of which 9 were harmful to elephants, 19 to people, and 1 to the environment), translocation (27, of which 14 were harmful to elephants, 8 to people, and 5 to the environment), and fencing (22, of which 8 were harmful to elephants, 7 to people, and 7 to the environment). Relative to other interventions, more consequences were reported for translocation (35 consequences), DCA (34), and fencing (29), while the fewest consequences were noted for doing nothing, militarized anti-poaching, and vasectomy, with 11 consequences each.
Step 3: Scoring the framework
For almost half of the scores (45% of the 120 scores), there was either complete agreement or only one score differed from the mode score. For 36% of the scores, two of the eight scorers gave a different score from the mode, 14% of the scores had three people who assigned a different score, and in 5% of the cases, four different scores were given. Most variation in assigned scores was observed concerning vasectomy and trophy hunting. The greatest consensus was found on the scores for doing nothing, range expansion, and translocation. Spearman Rank-Order Correlation was used to compare rankings for each intervention based on the level of interference on elephants and the calculated One Well-being scores, for which we used two-tailed P values to determine the statistical significance of these comparisons. The evaluation of elephant management interventions reveals an imbalance across the three dimensions of One Well-being. Among the interventions, only range expansion and pZP contraception received positive scores in all three One Well-being dimensions. Environmental well-being benefited from 9 out of 12 interventions, with an average score of 0.49, whereas animal and human well-being saw positive scores in only four and three interventions, respectively, with averages of -0.42 for animal well-being and -0.20 for human well-being. Although five interventions achieved a positive overall score, two adversely affected human well-being and one negatively impacted animal well-being. Three interventions—doing nothing, fencing, and DCA control—scored negatively across all One Well-being dimensions. According to evaluations by eight researchers and from a One Well-being standpoint, DCA control, culling, and fencing rank as the least favored management strategies. Conversely, range expansion, pZP contraception, and the closure of water points emerged as the most preferred interventions (Figure 3).
Step 4: Prioritizing goals, establishing acceptability zones, and considering future scenarios
For the purpose of validating the framework, we determined four distinct acceptability zones: “Preferred” (score above 1), “Acceptable” (scores ranging from 0 to 1), “Caution” (scores between -1 and 0), and “Inappropriate” (scores below -1). We acknowledge the arbitrary nature of these benchmarks. To provide a visual representation and a quick reference system for the acceptability of management interventions, we have developed Figure 4 illustrating these zones, with green denoting higher acceptability compared to red (Delsink et al., unpublished manuscript).
Interference vs One Well-being ranking
Spearman’s rank correlation was used to assess the association between the level of interference and the One Well-being ranking of the 12 elephant management interventions (Fig. 5). No significant correlation was found between the ranking based on interference level (where higher numbers indicate greater interference, and, therefore a greater welfare concern for the individual involved) and the One Well-being ranking (where the top rank of 1 suggests holistic benefits in terms of the three well-being dimensions, and lower-ranking indicates reducing benefits and increasing harm, with 12 as the worst ranked intervention; rs = 0.41, n = 12, p = 0.18).
Step 5: Use One well-being score and acceptability zones to guide decision making
Guided by the acceptability zones presented in Figure 4, our case study provides a nuanced understanding of the consequences of the various elephant management interventions. The figure highlights that both “Fencing” and “Culling” fall into the inappropriate zone across two dimensions, indicating that these interventions are not recommended because they likely lead to adverse outcomes. The figure indicates that “Doing Nothing,” “Militarized Anti-Poaching,” “GnRH,” “DCA Control,” and “Trophy Hunting” each have one dimension falling into the inappropriate zone. These interventions should either be avoided or implemented with a strong focus on mitigating risks throughout the decision-making process. “Closure of Water Points,” “Vasectomy,” and “Translocation” are identified as approaches that warrant cautious application. These interventions require the implementation of specific mitigation measures to avoid, or at least minimize, potential harm. Conversely, “Range Expansion” and “pZP Contraception” are considered acceptable interventions, with “Range Expansion" being particularly promoted for its contribution to One Well-being. If management decisions hinge only on the Interference Rank (Fig. 5), options like doing nothing, fencing, or militarized anti-poaching might be favored. However, this perspective overlooks the more comprehensive and long-term consequences that the One Well-being approach brings to light.
In this study, we explored the multifaceted impacts of conservation management on the well-being of animals, humans, and the environment, aiming to bridge the gap between extensive literature on elephant management and the lesser-documented, yet invaluable practical knowledge gained from field experiences. Through synthesizing various evidence sources, we developed a framework to holistically evaluate the outcomes of these interventions based on the interconnectedness of the One Well-being dimensions. We argue that viewing these dimensions in isolation is an artificial separation (Colonius and Earley 2013, Garcia Pinillos et al. 2016). Traditional frameworks, like the three pillars of sustainable development (which presume independence of pillars), have faced criticism for often prioritizing economics based on the assumption that economic gains can compensate for shortcomings in the other pillars (Purvis et al. 2019). The interactive well-being framework developed by Wünderlich et al. (2021) integrates animal and human well-being but omits environmental well-being, which is a crucial dimension for our biodiversity conservation objectives. Their approach is more economically focused, emphasizing the concept of community (Wünderlich et al. 2021), whereas our framework expands this to encompass a broader societal context. Examining different interactive well-being frameworks through various lenses offers valuable insights and enhances our understanding of their multifaceted nature. Our adoption of the One Well-being approach, grounded in co-viability principles (Barrière 2008, Thébaud et al. 2014, Doyen et al. 2017), marks a substantial departure from purely economic-focused strategies that tend to favor short-term gains over long-term sustainability (Doyen et al. 2017, Purvis et al. 2019, Menton et al. 2020). This shift is essential for addressing issues arising from the commodification of nature, which often leads to biodiversity loss, poverty, and inequality (Menton et al. 2020, Otero et al. 2020, Van de Water et al. 2022a). Our approach recognizes that no single aspect can truly substitute for another, thus transcending the traditional economic valuation of wildlife.
We have expanded the scope of the One Welfare framework to develop the “One Well-being Framework,” aiming to comprehensively incorporate the collective well-being of animals, people, and environments. Although animal welfare focuses on individual animals’ physical and mental states (WOAH 2023), our approach emphasizes the broader concept of well-being. This perspective accounts for the interconnectedness of individual and population health, recognizing that the distress of a single animal can have a ripple effect and impact an entire population, especially in social animals. For instance, elephant hunting in Pilanesberg National Park has adverse effects on the well-being of the remaining elephants (Burke et al. 2008). Evidence of heightened stress levels in calves from previously translocated elephants suggests the potential for trauma and stress to cause epigenetic modifications, affecting subsequent generations (Jachowski et al. 2012, Jensen 2013, Burton and Metcalfe 2014). Similarly, extremely disruptive social events like culling or translocation can impair critical social behavior, impacting both individuals directly involved as well as those who were not exposed to these interventions (Shannon et al. 2013, 2022, Garaï et al. 2023).
Insights from other studies, such as Derkley et al. (2019), which examined the effects of rhinoceros conservation policies, further underscore the importance of integrating the well-being of individual animals and entire populations. By incorporating these principles into our framework, we align more closely with human-related concerns, recognizing the need to address well-being at both individual and community levels (e.g., Tomita et al. 2022). The disconnect between the interference level (representing individual animal welfare concerns in isolation) and One Well-being rankings evident here underscores the necessity for a broader perspective in evaluating management intervention outcomes. This disparity advocates for a shift away from making conservation decisions based solely on immediate, direct effects within siloed disciplines. Instead, we recommend adopting a holistic, transdisciplinary approach that ensures the well-being of animals and humans within sustainable ecosystems and societies (Colonius and Earley 2013).
Applying the One Well-being scoring system uncovers an imbalance in conservation outcomes from management interventions, predominantly favoring environmental well-being at the expense of animals and humans. This finding is underscored by Appendix 1, which shows that listed consequences tend to focus on isolated dimensions, emphasizing either direct or indirect effects. This highlights a critical gap in comprehensive assessments, suggesting the need for evaluations encompassing both immediate and long-term impacts of conservation practices. The predominance of interventions that benefit environmental well-being likely stems from their design by biologically trained professionals primarily focused on biodiversity goals (Van Meerbeek et al. 2019). In comparison, the minimal positive outcomes observed on animal well-being suggest a possible undervaluation of this aspect in current elephant management practices. This often results in increased stress and negative well-being outcomes for the elephants. This oversight is particularly alarming when dealing with sentient beings and species under intensive management, such as elephants (Harrington et al. 2013, Beausoleil 2014). Except for militarized anti-poaching, all reviewed management interventions potentially result in increased stress among elephants, which can lead to adverse effects such as increased vulnerability, aggression, and lowered reproductive success, with lasting impacts across generations (Gobush et al. 2008, Burton and Metcalfe 2014). Moreover, the scoring system’s findings on human well-being reveal a general disregard for the social and societal implications of conservation actions, indicating a considerable gap in incorporating human-centric considerations into conservation management decisions (Van de Water et al. 2022a). The analysis also differentiates between the beneficial direct intentional consequences and the predominantly harmful unintentional and indirect consequences of interventions, suggesting that elephant management decisions are frequently made with a narrow focus on immediate outcomes without accounting for the wider, potentially negative impacts on the social-ecological system. It is important to acknowledge the variability in sample sizes across the 12 interventions assessed in this study; the minimum samples size is still large enough to draw valid conclusions. Although larger sample sizes may yield additional consequences, the overall trend of imbalance is unlikely to change substantially. It should be noted that the application of the One Well-being scoring system consistently uncovered imbalances in conservation outcomes regardless of the sample sizes. This aligns with comprehensive reviews confirming that conservation efforts often prioritize environmental goals over human and animal well-being (McKinnon et al. 2016, Cheng et al. 2020). These include reviews on elephant management that emphasize the need for considering animal welfare, as well as findings that HEC mitigation strategies are often unbalanced, as they have an immediate human-centric approach (Mumby and Plotnik 2018, Shaffer et al. 2019, Zungu and Slotow 2022).
The assessment revealed the inherent flaws in “command and control” conservation and land management strategies, which often overlook long-term harmful consequences (Zungu and Slotow 2022). In South Africa, conservation policy has historically focused on ecosystem protection and species survival, resulting in practices that limit reserve size and enforce wildlife fencing (Zungu and Slotow 2022). These measures restrict animal movement and lead to additional management challenges, with unintended adverse effects. Such management decisions not only undermine animal well-being but can also negatively impact tourism and the nation’s reputation (Edge et al. 2017). For instance, in addressing wildlife overpopulation, it is critical to consider the public’s values regarding animal welfare and select interventions likely to garner widespread support (Brown et al. 2019). Such alignment with public sentiment not only ensures the ethical treatment of wildlife but also secures the effectiveness and longevity of conservation efforts (Nugent et al. 2011). In contrast to “command and control,” the South African Constitutional Court has endorsed an integrative approach that values both individual and ecosystem well-being, suggesting a shift toward more holistic conservation solutions (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Another 2016). This approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of conservation issues and promotes strategies that respect both animals and their environments (Colonius and Earley 2013, Bilchitz 2017, Lindenmayer and Kaufman 2021).
Our study’s findings on range expansion and corridor creation illustrate the necessity of adopting a holistic One Well-being approach in conservation. Range expansion and the creation of corridors were identified as optimal strategies for elephant conservation, emphasizing their role in enhancing biodiversity, social-ecological resilience, and the conservation of elephants and their habitat (Osborn and Parker 2003, Van Aarde and Jackson 2007, Huang et al. 2024). By supporting all One Well-being dimensions, range expansion can potentially reduce the need for more invasive elephant management interventions, such as population control, although the need for coexistence solutions may increase (DEA 2014). Given the availability of adjacent suitable land, the feasibility of significant range expansion in South Africa presents a promising avenue for conservation. However, the success of these initiatives hinges on strategic planning and maintenance to prevent human development from undermining connectivity goals and exacerbating human-elephant conflicts (Ngene et al. 2010, Canney 2021, Okita-Ouma et al. 2021, Henley et al. 2023). Militarized anti-poaching, on the other hand, while beneficial for animal and environmental well-being, poses significant risks to human well-being, including potential human rights violations (Witter 2013, Büscher and Ramutsindela 2016, Booker and Roe 2017, De Leeuw et al. 2018, Duffy et al. 2019). The severity of these consequences, which undermine social agreements, elevate their importance and necessitate prioritizing them above others, is essential because these consequences directly challenge the foundational agreements that bind communities, and ignoring these concerns could lead to a breakdown of the social compact (Van de Water et al. 2022a). This emphasizes the critical need for a detailed assessment of interventions, taking into account the implications of each consequence both within individual dimensions and across multiple dimensions. We advocate for anti-poaching strategies that do not exacerbate inequity or violence, suggesting community-driven initiatives as viable alternatives (Di Minin et al. 2022). For instance, empowering women through snare sweeping and wildlife protection advocacy can positively impact both human and animal well-being, fostering greater community support and potentially reducing poaching (Massé et al. 2017, Agu and Gore 2020, Janssens et al. 2022).
We acknowledge two limitations of the One Well-being scoring system. The first limitation concerns prioritization and power dynamics. It is necessary to determine the relative importance of the three dimensions within the local context, and identify who has the authority to set these priorities amidst challenges such as power imbalances and the potential personal interests of powerful stakeholders (Van de Water et al. 2022b). A broad range of stakeholders, including conservationists, local communities, wildlife authorities, commercial entities, NGOs, researchers, and the public, have vested interests in elephant management, often leading to conflicting views (Biggs et al. 2017). Despite the recognized need to align conservation and human well-being, trade-offs remain common (McShane et al. 2011, Van de Water et al. 2022a). Balancing the diverse values of biodiversity, profits, and ethics is challenging, especially with conflicting interests within each dimension. Our goal is to identify a process for solutions that benefit all well-being dimensions without resorting to trade-offs (Hansmann et al. 2012). We suggest using the acceptability zones for all dimensions (Fig. 4) in order to evaluate management decisions, guide acceptable interventions, and plan mitigation of potential harm (Doyen et al. 2017). Policy makers and managers must weigh the impact of negative scores, considering long-term effects and feedback loops. The scoring system aids in developing strategies that either minimize negative trade-offs or make them fully transparent for informed decision making and strategic planning for risk mitigation. Therefore, we advocate for a risk management approach to address any negative impacts, allowing for the strategic planning of risk mitigation, monitoring, and adaptive management to navigate future challenges (DEAT 2008, Gillson et al. 2019). Adopting a proactive risk management approach ensures that stakeholders are well-informed about significant risks, emphasizes the prioritization of mitigation strategies, and facilitates the successful realization of conservation objectives (Delsink et al., unpublished manuscript). This method fosters an iterative process for continuous improvement, enabling policy makers and managers to evaluate, adjust, and enhance management practices effectively.
The second limitation concerns the number of scoring inputs in this example. Our validation of the One Well-being scoring system was conducted by only eight researchers, necessitating a cautious interpretation of the outcomes. The involvement of a broader range of stakeholders is crucial for future assessments to mitigate bias and provide a more robust perspective. Incorporating viewpoints from researchers, landowners, reserve managers, and communities coexisting with wildlife can enrich such an assessment. These diverse stakeholders often have varying priorities, for instance, marginalized communities may focus more on human well-being, whereas landowners may emphasize the well-being of animals and the environment (Van de Water et al. 2023).
Despite these limitations, the One Well-being framework introduces an innovative process for developing win-win solutions and navigating conservation trade-offs, thereby enhancing the well-being of life on Earth (Colonius and Earley 2013). It offers a tool for assessing interventions at a site or landscape level, assisting policy makers and managers in devising conservation strategies that ensure social-ecological resilience, aligned with best practice principles, and adapting to evolving policies and legislation that focus on achieving One Well-being through an interactive process. Contrasting our One Well-being approach with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we find the SDGs lacking in recognizing the intertwined relationship of humans, nature, and well-being (van Norren 2020). They overlook nature’s intrinsic value and fail to encourage a reciprocal relationship with wildlife and nature, rooted in a growth-centric model that demands endless resource use to sustain it. The SDGs compartmentalize social and environmental justice rather than integrating them into their core principles (Menton et al. 2020). Unlike our method, which emphasizes collective well-being and reciprocity, the SDGs focus more on achievements against individual targets. We propose that the SDGs could better consider a One Well-being framework that prioritizes interconnectedness and mutual benefits over mere development, adopts iterative processes rather than end goal-focused thinking, and aims for holistic earth stewardship rather than a static definition of sustainability (van Norren 2020).
This study highlights that the most effective conservation strategies are those that integrate human, animal, and environmental well-being. Emphasizing ethical and effective management interventions (Friswold et al. 2023), such as the expansion and connectivity of protected areas, offers elephants the necessary space to thrive, while also fostering community engagement and promoting human-elephant coexistence, benefiting both wildlife and human populations.
This study emphasizes the usefulness of a One Well-being approach in conservation and wildlife management, advocating for holistic strategies that integrate the well-being of animals, humans, and the environment. By developing a framework, we address the limitations of conventional conservation strategies that often prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability and equity. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating both animal and human well-being into conservation efforts, aligning with global shifts toward recognizing animal and human well-being’s impact on policy making and the moral and legal obligations encapsulated in national constitutions to safeguard a healthy environment (Boyd 2018, Brown et al. 2019, Menton et al. 2020, CITES 2021). The One Well-being approach integrates these aspects, thereby supporting these global aspirations, suggesting management actions that uphold people’s rights and garner local and international conservation support. The One Well-being approach facilitates a shift toward conservation practices that are aligned with societal values and legal mandates for nature protection (Van de Water et al. 2022a). Adopting this approach envisions a future where conservation is ethical, equitable, and environmentally sound, fostering a world that values sustainable coexistence and the interconnectedness of all life.
[1] We use the term environmental well-being rather than environmental health, to more accurately reflect its conservation relevance (Lindenmayer and Kaufman 2021).
Responses to this article are invited. If accepted for publication, your response will be hyperlinked to the article. To submit a response, follow this link. To read responses already accepted, follow this link.
A.W. and R.S. developed the One Well-being scoring system and developed the table in Appendix 1. All authors reviewed Appendix 1 and used the table to assign scores to each elephant management intervention. A.W. and R.S. conducted the analysis. A.W. prepared the first draft of the manuscript, and M.G, M.B., M.H., E.D.M., J.S., and R.S. contributed to the development of the main arguments and to writing and improving the structure and style. A.W. led the manuscript revision process.
We thank the participants in the various workshops for their contributions. We thank the Elephant Specialist Advisory Group for setting up their meeting, dealing with the logistics, and allowing us to run our workshops with the delegates. Similarly, we thank SANBI, Mongena Lodge, Dinokeng, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, and Graham Kerley at Nelson Mandela University for providing venues for the workshops. We extend our gratitude to SANParks, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environment, and Northwest Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism, as well as two private reserves, for providing information on management interventions. We are grateful to the reserves that participated in the ESAG questionnaire and to Elephants Alive for providing additional data on DCA control. A special thank you to those who aided in group facilitation and note-taking during the workshops and those who reviewed this paper before its submission. Lastly, we acknowledge the National Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment of South Africa for funding this work and providing feedback on the draft report.
The data and code that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author, AW. None of the data and code are publicly available because they contain information that could compromise the privacy of research participants. This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by the UKZN Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (approval number HSS/2144/018). The ESAG survey was approved by the University of Pretoria (approval number EC170403-107). Questionnaire data from Elephants Alive were provided through a study that was ethically approved by Western Kentucky University (approval number WKU IRB# 12-301).
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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. The One Well-being Framework illustrates an integrated approach to wildlife management. The framework acknowledges the interconnectedness of animal, human, and environmental well-being, and aims for multiple, mutually reinforcing gains that improve well-being outcomes. For each of the sub-components of the three well-being dimensions listed (see text for sources), consequences of management measures are categorized as direct intentional, direct unintentional, or indirect, and the degree of benefit or harm to the sub-components are evaluated and integrated to assess the overall well-being outcome.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2. A flowchart designed for policy makers and managers to foster discussions on conservation and management decisions, facilitating the adoption of the One Well-being approach for improved holistic well-being outcomes. The evaluation process is outlined for elephant management interventions, from the initial identification of conservation issues to the final decision on intervention execution, considering stakeholder engagement, priorities, impact evaluation, and mitigation strategies.

Fig. 3

Fig. 3. Scores for management interventions. The eight researchers used Appendix 1 to rate each intervention against the sub-components of the three well-being dimensions. Interventions are ordered from lowest to highest interference level (A1 to C12). Scores range from very harmful (-2) to very beneficial (+2). For all evaluations, the mode average was determined from the eight scores provided by the researchers. Unhighlighted scores (45.0% of all 120 scores) signify either unanimous agreement among all eight scorers or a deviation of just one score from the mode. Light blue scores (35.8%) indicate deviations by two out of the eight scorers from the mode. Medium blue scores (14.2%) indicate that three researchers provided scores different from the mode. The darkest blue scores (5.0%) had four differing scores from the mode. The different sub-component scores were then averaged to yield a singular score for each well-being dimension, shown in blue (+) or red (-) text under the three One Well-being dimensions. The column for average disagreement illustrates the proportion of scorers whose evaluations differed from the mode across all the categories for an intervention, divided by the 10 sub-components. The Interference Rank represents the interference level on elephants from low to high (A1–C12) and represents (A) where no direct contact (A) is shown in blue, direct contact (B) is yellow, and direct contact with intention to end an elephant’s life (C) is red. The One Well-being intervention score represents the aggregated mean values for each intervention across the three dimensions, and the One Well-being average (in the final column) represents the mean across these dimensions, with the text color indicating the acceptability zones (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4

Fig. 4. Performance of the interventions across the three well-being dimensions. Porcine Zona Pellucida vaccine is abbreviated as pZP, Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone as GnRH, and damage causing animal as DCA. The interventions are ordered according to their Interference Rank from low to high. The scores for animal, human, and environmental well-being are plotted across four zones of acceptability, with each zone color-coded to indicate the suitability of interventions. Dark green zones represent preferred interventions, light green signifies acceptable ones, light orange marks interventions that should be approached with caution (i.e., requiring mitigation of risks), and dark orange identifies interventions that may be unsuitable for implementation. Note that the acceptability of interventions should be based on the scores of each intervention, and not on the average score, to avoid assumptions that a high score of one dimension can compensate for shortcomings in the other dimensions.

Fig. 5

Fig. 5. The ranking of management interventions is mapped out according to their One Well-being scores and their level of interference. Porcine Zona Pellucida vaccine is abbreviated as pZP, Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone as GnRH, and damage causing animal as DCA. Each intervention is positioned by its Interference Rank, where higher values indicate more significant interference, suggesting increased welfare concerns for the affected individuals. Simultaneously, the One Well-being Score is plotted, with lower rankings symbolizing holistic benefits across all three well-being dimensions, and the highest rankings indicating diminishing benefits and increasing harm, with 12 marking the lowest ranked intervention. The labels for management interventions are color-coded to reflect their interference category as shown in Figure 3, where blue indicates no direct contact with elephants, yellow indicates direct contact with elephants, and red indicates direct contact with an intention to end an elephant’s life. The background shading visually distinguishes the acceptability zones of the interventions. Orange shades highlight interventions that have at least one score falling within the inappropriate zone. Yellow indicates interventions that do not contain any scores in the inappropriate zone, but have at least one score in the caution zone. Light green is used to identify interventions where all scores are within the acceptable or preferred range in Figure 4. The interventions below the blue horizontal line scored positively on One Well-being, and the interventions above the line had a negative One Well-being score. There was no significant correlation between the ranks of two variables (rs = 0.41, n = 12, p = 0.18).

Table 1
Table 1. The number of cases per elephant management intervention that were used as evidence per data source: literature, a participatory workshop with members of the Elephant Specialist Advisory Group (ESAG), a reserve management survey conducted by ESAG (N = 46), a provincial database on damage causing animals (DCAs), reserve management reports, and reports compiled by Elephants Alive. Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone is abbreviated as GnRH. For the ESAG survey, the numbers for waterholes detail the number of waterholes that have been created, for the application of Porcine Zona Pellucida vaccine (pZP), the data specifies the number of days it was administrated to elephants, for range expansion, it states the number of events, and for all other interventions, the data reflect the number of elephants that were subjected to the respective intervention, as per the data we have received. In total, we used evidence from 3306 instances of elephant management interventions.
Source (year) | Articles cited | ESAG workshop input | ESAG survey | Provincial DCA data | Reserves data | Elephants Alive data | TOTAL | ||
Intervention | (1973–2023) | (2019) | (2017) | (2015–2020) | (1991–2022) | (2008–2010) | |||
Artificial waterholes | 11 | 4 | 1304 | 2 | 1321 | ||||
Culling | 74 | 10 | 84 | ||||||
DCA control | 16 | 1 | 104 | 40 | 161 | ||||
DCA: chasing | 71 | 133 | 2 | 206 | |||||
DCA: culling/hunting | 46 | 74 | 5 | 12 | 137 | ||||
DCA: return on their own | 171 | 6 | 177 | ||||||
DCA: not found | 50 | 50 | |||||||
Doing nothing | 12 | 1 | 1 | 14 | |||||
Fencing | 23 | 3 | 2 | 28 | |||||
GnRH contraception | 7 | 6 | 47 | 1 | 4 | 65 | |||
Militarized anti-poaching | 16 | 16 | |||||||
pZP contraception | 7 | 7 | 215 | 79 | 308 | ||||
Range expansion | 24 | 6 | 73 | 8 | 111 | ||||
Translocation | 46 | 18 | 220 | 68 | 352 | ||||
Trophy hunting | 31 | 15 | 186 | 232 | |||||
Vasectomy | 8 | 4 | 32 | 44 | |||||
TOTAL | 201 | 65 | 2198 | 471 | 349 | 22 | 3306 | ||
Table 2
Table 2. Summary with examples of beneficial (+) and harmful (-) consequences of 12 elephant management interventions on animal, human, and environmental well-being. The full overview of direct intended, direct unintended, and indirect consequences is included in Appendix 1, with data drawn from a literature review, a participatory workshop with members of the Elephant Specialist Advisory Group (ESAG), a reserve management survey conducted by ESAG (N = 46), a provincial database on damage causing animals (DCAs), management reports from reserves, and reports compiled by Elephants Alive. Human-elephant conflict is abbreviated as HEC, Porcine Zona Pellucida vaccine as pZP, and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone is abbreviated as GnRH.
Elephant Management Intervention | Consequences for Animal Well-being |
Consequences for Human Well-being |
Consequences for Environmental Well-being |
A1. Doing nothing/laissez-faire | (+) Avoids controlling elephants. (+) Respects elephants’ rights. |
(+) Enhances tourist attraction. (+) Prevents public outcry. |
(+) In open systems, promotes environmental health and diversity. | ||||||
(-) Population crashes during droughts. (-) Depletion of local food sources. |
(-) Affects reserve managers. (-) Reduces landscape aesthetics. |
(-) Can harm vegetation, species diversity, and ecological function. | |||||||
A2. Range expansion/corridors | (+) Supports conservation & well-being. (+) Can reduce HEC. |
(+) Can benefit communities. (+) Economies of scale. (+) Reputational benefits. |
(+) Biodiversity conservation. (+) Ecological resilience & sustainability. |
(-) HEC when managed poorly. |
(-) HEC when managed poorly. (-) Legal and ownership issues. |
(-) More elephants in preferred habitats. (-) Degradation of unprotected corridors. |
A3. Population control/Spatial use: closure of water point | (+) Natural population and distribution fluctuations. | (+) Reduces stakeholder polarization. (+) Avoids lethal population control. |
(+) Reduced population growth. (+) Reduced local vegetation impact. |
(-) Increased movement distances: stress, mortality of weaned calves. (-) Climate change risks loss of natural water sources. |
(-) Reduced elephant sightings. (-) Witnessing suffering affects tourism, risks public outcry. |
(-) Lack of evidence on effectiveness in reducing elephants. (-) Impact on nearby areas. |
A4. Fencing | (+) Reduces HEC and poaching. (+) Effective containment & management. |
(+) Protects communities. (+) Facilitates management and creates job opportunities. |
(+) Increases landscape use heterogeneity. (+) Reduces disease transmission. |
(-) Limits mobility, affecting survival during droughts. (-) Causes stress, conflict between animals, injuries, or mortality. (-) Reduced migration & resilience. |
(-) Conflict from spatial injustice. (-) Ownership issues, reduced tolerance. |
(-) Prevents natural dispersal, affecting environmental well-being. (-) Habitat fragmentation, threatens genetic diversity. |
A5. Militarized anti-poaching | (+) Reduces poaching. (+) Protects animal well-being. |
(+) Reduced poaching benefits biodiversity. | |||||||
(-) Human rights violations may lead to revenge poaching. |
(-) Normalizes violence. (-) Rights violations, social inequality. (-) Restricts access to resources. |
(-) Human rights violations may lead to retaliatory environmental harm. |
B6. Contraception: pZP | (+) Reduces population growth. (+) Reversible, safe, and humane. |
(+) Complication-free. (+) Maintains support. |
(+) Reduced population growth prevents biodiversity loss. | ||||||
(-) Fewer calves may affect cohesion. (-) Exposure to helicopters causes stress. |
(-) Ongoing costs from boosters. | (-) Potential effects on genetic diversity. (-) Not practical in open systems. |
B7. Contraception or control of problematic bull behavior: GnRH | (+) Can suppress aggression, reduced need for lethal control. | (+) Less aggression improves tourism and management. | (+) Can reduce population numbers and vegetation impact. | ||||||
(-) Irreversible. (-) Physiological and behavioral changes. (-) Disrupts social cohesion. |
(-) Aggression from younger bulls. | (-) Younger male paternity can affect the health and genetics of the population. | |||||||
B8. Vasectomy | (+) Once-off procedure. (+) No observed behavioral changes. |
(+) Low-risk and cost-effective. | (+) Viable in small populations to support ecological functioning. | ||||||
(-) Invasive procedure: risks complications. (-) May disrupt social cohesion and population fitness. |
(-) Emasculate bulls, but to a lesser extent than GnRH. (-) Invasive nature of this intervention may reduce public support. |
(-) Ineffective in larger populations or if not all males are treated. (-) Younger male paternity can affect the health and genetics of the population. |
B9. Translocation | (+) Introducing elders can lessen aggression and abnormal behavior in young males. | (+) Educational and job opportunities. (+) Reputational benefits over culling. |
(+) Creates new populations, restores trophic interactions, boosts ecological resilience. | ||||||
(-) Chronic stress, disrupts social cohesion, risk of problematic behavior and mortality. (-) Reduced fitness and altered sex ratios. |
(-) Aggression toward people. (-) Homing behavior can impact tourism and cause HEC (especially if lack of elephant knowledge). (-) Expensive. |
(-) Habitat degradation, population growth damages vegetation, risk of disease, and genetic dilution of subspecies. | |||||||
C10. Damage causing animal (DCA) control | (+) Prevents disease spread. (+) Suitable for severe injuries or human safety risks. |
(+) Quick and cost-effective decrease of risks, improves community relations. (+) Meat distribution. |
(+) Prevents disease transmission, allowing continued fortified reserve management. | ||||||
(-) Often ineffective or not needed; many return or can be chased back without harm. Provocation can lead to unnecessary deaths. (-) Injuries, stress, and trauma. |
(-) May be motivated by income. (-) Legal complexities, governance issues and misunderstanding elephant behavior. (-) Provocation can lead to unnecessary deaths. (-) Psychologically fuels intolerance of coexistence possibilities with knock-on environmental consequences of decreased connectivity. |
(-) Reduces elephants’ ecosystem services vital for ecosystem health. | |||||||
C11. Trophy hunting | (+) Properly conducted trophy hunting may not significantly alter the behavior of remaining elephants. | (+) Generates revenue quickly and sets up a value chain. (+) Can support rural communities. |
(+) Supports conservation, keeps areas wild. (+) Small environmental footprint. |
(-) Stress, injury, loss of older bulls disrupts social order and behavior, with potentially increased, aggression. (-) Imbalanced sex ratios, reduced breeding, genetic changes, weakened offspring. |
(-) Controversial, conflicts with moral values, negative public perception impacts ecotourism. (-) Uncertainty about long-term, equitable community benefits, power dynamic risks. |
(-) Can diminish ecological resilience and ecosystem services. (-) Not effective population control for maintaining environmental well-being. |
C12. Culling | (+) Humane alternative to prevent slow deaths when resources limited. | (+) Distribution of meat is supportive, can enhance community relations. | (+) Short-term reduction of numbers. (+) Reduced population growth through orphaning, further reducing vegetation impact. |
(-) Stress and injury. (-) Skews age composition and inbreeding depression. (-) Disrupts social networks, cohesion, and decision making, affecting long-term viability. |
(-) Causes controversy and division, legal challenges, affects ecotourism. (-) May promote illegal killing of elephants. |
(-) Ineffective long-term (unless ongoing), fails to protect vegetation. (-) Halting culling results in very rapid population increases. |