Volume 30, Issue 1
Feb 2025
Effects of long-term ecological research and cognitive biases on the evaluation of scientific information by public land managers in Oregon and Washington, USA PDF
Recreational angler and stakeholder perceptions of policy changes to recreational fishery management: the case of red snapper devolution in the Gulf of Mexico PDF
Special Feature
Sustainability and resilience through connection: the economic metacommunities of the Western USA PDF
Identifying intangible and biocultural heritage elements toward environmental understanding: engaging stakeholders through art PDF
Disjointed modes of building resilience to socio-environmental crises PDF
Managing beyond water: utilizing community well-being interviews in the Upper Yakima River Basin, USA, for climate change adaptation PDF
Special Feature
Enabling “barrio” innovation: a grassroots approach for centering community initiatives in just sustainability transformations PDF
Cultural and empowerment priorities amid tensions in knowledge systems and resource allocation: insights from the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area PDF
Water-related problématiques: five archetypical contexts of water governance PDF
Harvesting change: unraveling social-ecological impacts of a food hub (LebensMittelPunkt) through a living lab approach PDF
Great expectations for collective management: the mismatch between supply and demand for catchment groups PDF
Operationalizing and measuring climate change adaptation success PDF
Guardians of biodiversity: unraveling Guarani-Kaiowá biocultural memories and ecological wisdom in Atlantic rainforests PDF
Special Feature
Cocina Colaboratorio: cooking transdisciplinary transformations of local food systems PDF