Table 1. Checklist for a valuation study.

Main features of a valuation
Checklist questions
Objectives and definition
What are the objectives and alternative scenarios?
What is being valued and how? (What, where, when, and for whom?)
How are values defined and quantified (units, measurement, estimation, and calculation)?
What are the uncertainties associated with these quantities, relationships, and sum values? This should consider:
     a) omissions,
     b) sampling,
     c) biases, and
     d) other errors
Context dependence, extrapolation, and generality
How can value variations be related to localities, times, and contexts within the local neighborhood?
To what extent can these values be related to other locations, times, and contexts?
Interpretations and worldviews
How are the main results interpreted?
Have local explanations been examined?
How robust are the results to changes in assumptions?
Who’s worldview is the study addressing?