1999 Earthwatch Survey on Local Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions
about the Loma Alta Ecological Reserve

1. What is the Loma Alta Ecological Reserve?

2. Where is this reserve located?

3. How large is the reserve?    ____ 100 ha   ____ 1000 ha   ____ 10,000 ha

4. When was the reserve established?

5. Why was the reserve established?

6. What role did you play in making the reserve? (Used to create “Establishment Score”)

  __ I voted in favor of it at the assemblea (2 pts)
  __ I helped demarcate it (3 pts)
  __ I spoke in favor of it (1 pt)
  __ I did not participate in any way 0 pts
  __ I was opposed to it (-2 pts)
  __ Other:____________________________________    (not applicable as no one added anything)

7. Is the reserve located in the Comuna of Loma Alta? ____yes   ____no

8. Are there rules or laws in the reserve? ____yes   ____no

9. What activities are permitted or not permitted in the reserve? Activities tested were:

Hunting of wildlife,  cutting down trees,  expanding hat fiber fields,   reforestation,  tourism,  harvesting forest products,  collecting butterflies,  collecting plants,  working on allocated agricultural plots

10. Who made up these rules?

11. Who enforces these rules?

12. Do you agree with all the rules? If no, which ones and why not?

13. Have you received any employment or monetary benefits from the existence of the Reserva Ecologica de Loma Alta?   ____ yes   ____no
If yes explain:_______________________________

14. Have you participated in any of the workshops offered by PAN? (Circle)    (Workshop Participation Score)

   a. ecotourism and guide training (1 pt)
   b. guard training (1 pt)
   c. tagua crafts workshop (2 pt)
   d. reforestation project (3 pt)
   e. other:__________________________ (1 pt)

15. Do you think more workshops should be offered? What kinds?

16. Have your children attended any of the educational programs offered by Earthwatch and PAN? ____Yes ____No

17. How does the Reserva Loma Alta benefit you currently?

18. Number the following benefits of the reserve in order of most important (1) to least important (5).

  __ Collects water from fog
  __ Prevents soil erosion
  __ Prevents invasion by ranchers
  __ Provides employment
  __ Attracts tourists and researchers who hire comuneros or buy tagua crafts
  __ Other:_________________________________

19. What part of your annual income in 1999 was derived from activities in the protected forest (guarding, tagua sales to tourists, working when scientists come to do studies in the forest, reforestation, guiding, etc.)?

   a. None
   b. less than 10%
   c. 10–50%
   d. more than half

20. Have you assisted with the Reserva Ecologica de Loma Alta in any of the following ways? (Contribution Score derived by giving each activity a value of 1 point).

   a. Marking its boundaries
   b. Reforestation (planting and watering trees)
   c. Helping with scientific studies
   d. Promoting tourism to the reserve by telling others that it exists
   e. Maintaining trails in the reserve
   f. Visiting the reserve just to see it

21. Circle what you consider appropriate for reserve management:

   a. The Comuna makes all the decisions about how the reserve is managed.    Agree    Neutral    Disagree

   b. PAN makes all the decisions for how the reserve is managed.     Agree    Neutral    Disagree
   c. The reserve is managed by both Comuna and PAN with each having an equal say about what can be done in the reserve.    Agree    Neutral    Disagree

22. How many times have you visited the Reserva Ecologica de Loma Alta in the past year? (Scale of visitation became 0, 1, 3, 10 for categories, respectively)     None    Once     2–6 times    More than 10 times

23. Demographics of decision-maker in their family:

   a. Are you the major decision-maker for your family? ____yes   ____no
   b. Who else helps you make decisions? ______________________


Estimate of annual household income:________________

Major sources of household income:___________________

Household size (number of people defined as family living together in the house where decision-maker lives):______________