The Nature of Peace: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and its Implications for Environment and Livelihoods
Transforming environmental peacebuilding: addressing extractivism in building climate resilient peace PDF
Conflict-related environmental degradation threatens the success of landscape recovery in some areas in Tigray (Ethiopia) PDF
Dangerous environments: environmental peacebuilding’s technomoral imaginary and its power-knowledge effects PDF
Fires as collateral or means of war: challenges of environmental peacebuilding in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq PDF
Diverse understandings and values of nature at the peace–environment nexus: a critical analysis and policy implications towards decolonial peace PDF
“Everyone decided to declare war on the forest”: between territorial peace and pacification in the Colombian Andean-Amazon PDF
Colombia’s long road toward peace: implications for environmental human rights defenders PDF
The roles and values of the natural environment in Northern Uganda’s peace process: a conceptual document analysis PDF