189 Articles tagged with "climate change"
Operationalizing and measuring climate change adaptation successPDF
Managing beyond water: utilizing community well-being interviews in the Upper Yakima River Basin, USA, for climate change adaptationPDF
Disjointed modes of building resilience to socio-environmental crisesPDF
Identifying intangible and biocultural heritage elements toward environmental understanding: engaging stakeholders through artPDF
What’s the story? Using news articles to examine resilience pathways and domains in the southern New England American lobster (Homarus americanus) fisheryPDF
Special Feature
Everyday climate adaptation practices in agriculture contribute to food security in Sub-Saharan AfricaPDF
Natural resource management confronts the growing scale and severity of ecosystem responses to drought and wildfirePDF
Special Feature
Climate–water crises: critically engaging relational, spatial, and temporal dimensionsPDF
Rights of the child as imperatives for transforming food systemsPDF
Incorporating climate change into restoration decisions: perspectives from dam removal practitionersPDF