183 Articles tagged with "climate change"
More than just information: what does the public want to know about climate change?PDF
Extreme events, loss, and grief—an evaluation of the evolving management of climate change threats on the Great Barrier ReefPDF
Inequalities and solidarities: interactions and impacts of sea-level-rise adaptation policiesPDF
An integrated climate-biodiversity framework to improve planning and policy: an application to wildlife crossings and landscape connectivityPDF
Special Feature
State of Alaska’s salmon and people: introduction to a special featurePDF
From fAIrplay to climate wars: making climate change scenarios more dynamic, creative, and integrativePDF
Converting monospecific into mixed forests: stakeholders’ views on ecosystem services in the Black Forest RegionPDF
Climate change stressors and social-ecological factors mediating access to subsistence resources in Arctic AlaskaPDF
Special Feature
Building adaptive capacity in a changing Arctic by use of technologyPDF
How do Indigenous and local knowledge systems respond to climate change?PDF