21 Articles tagged with "collaborative governance"
Collaborative governance: a tool to manage scientific, administrative, and strategic uncertainties in environmental management?PDF
Policy tools to address scale mismatches: insights from U.S. forest governancePDF
Special Feature
Understanding what shapes varying perceptions of the procedural fairness of transboundary environmental decision-making processesPDF
Mangroves, fishers, and the struggle for adaptive comanagement: applying the social-ecological systems framework to a marine extractive reserve (RESEX) in BrazilPDF
Special Feature
Volunteer stream monitoring: Do the data quality and monitoring experience support increased community involvement in freshwater decision making?PDF
Theorizing benefits and constraints in collaborative environmental governance: a transdisciplinary social-ecological network approach for empirical investigationsPDF
Achieving social-ecological fit through bottom-up collaborative governance: an empirical investigationPDF
Examining the adaptability of collaborative governance associated with publicly managed ecosystems over time: insights from the Front Range Roundtable, Colorado, USAPDF
Special Feature
Governance for Resilience: CALFED as a Complex Adaptive Network for Resource ManagementPDF
Special Feature
Who is Right to Fish? Evolving a Social Contract for Ethical FisheriesPDF