24 Articles tagged with "drought"
The role of agroforestry in building livelihood resilience to floods and drought in semiarid KenyaPDF
Restoring people and productivity to Puanui: challenges and opportunities in the restoration of an intensive rain-fed Hawaiian field systemPDF
Assessing the resilience of a real-world social-ecological system: lessons from a multidisciplinary evaluation of a South African pastoral systemPDF
Special Feature
Long-term community responses to droughts in the early modern period: the case study of Terrassa, SpainPDF
Collapse of a historic oyster fishery: diagnosing causes and identifying paths toward increased resiliencePDF
Diversity, flexibility, and the resilience effect: lessons from a social-ecological case study of diversified farming in the northern Great Plains, USAPDF
Special Feature
Impacts of the 2010 Droughts and Floods on Community Welfare in Rural Thailand: Differential Effects of Village Educational AttainmentPDF
Special Feature
Indigenous Past Climate Knowledge as Cultural Built-in Object and Its AccuracyPDF
Developing Adaptive Capacity to Droughts: the Rationality of LocalityPDF
Special Feature
Dynamics of Forage Production in Pasture-woodlands of the Swiss Jura Mountains under Projected Climate Change ScenariosPDF