165 Articles tagged with "ecosystem services"
Who Benefits from Recreational Use of Protected Areas?PDF
Transient Social–Ecological Stability: the Effects of Invasive Species and Ecosystem Restoration on Nutrient Management Compromise in Lake EriePDF
A Revised Conceptual Framework for Payments for Environmental ServicesPDF
Designing Landscapes for Performance Based on Emerging Principles in Landscape EcologyPDF
Special Feature
Editorial: Special Feature on Scenarios for Ecosystem ServicesPDF
Special Feature
Anthropogenic Drivers of Ecosystem Change: an OverviewPDF
Special Feature
Synthesis of the StorylinesPDF
Special Feature
Scenarios for Ecosystem Services: An OverviewPDF
Special Feature
Trade-offs across Space, Time, and Ecosystem ServicesPDF
Special Feature
Changes in Nature’s Balance Sheet: Model-based Estimates of Future Worldwide Ecosystem ServicesPDF