132 Articles tagged with "governance"
Special Feature
Governing sinking worlds: sensemakings of subsidence in Rotterdam, The NetherlandsPDF
Special Feature
Dichotomy or continuum? A global review of the interaction between autonomous and planned adaptationsPDF
Moving beyond binary metrics of compliance in small-scale fisheriesPDF
Enforcement, deterrence, and compliance in co-managed small-scale fisheriesPDF
Pathways for FEW nexus collaboration in U.S. city resilience planningPDF
Collaborative networks for collective action in a Brazilian Marine Extractive ReservePDF
State role and involvement in determining wetland mitigation performance standards in the United StatesPDF
Post-crisis risk management: water, community, and adaptation in a South Australian irrigation districtPDF
Individual and collective political efficacy predict farmer engagement and support for groundwater policies: implications from the California Sustainable Groundwater Management ActPDF
Transitioning toward “deep” knowledge co-production in coastal and marine systems: examining the interplay among governance, power, and knowledgePDF