131 Articles tagged with "governance"
Special Feature
Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Fisheries Management in the Torres Strait, Australia: the Catalytic Role of Turtles and Dugong as Cultural Keystone SpeciesPDF
Special Feature
Intelligent Tinkering: the Endangered Species Act and ResiliencePDF
The Interplay of Well-being and Resilience in Applying a Social-Ecological PerspectivePDF
Special Feature
Environmental Governance as Stochastic Belief Updating: Crafting Rules to Live byPDF
Special Feature
Cumulative Effects Assessment: Linking Social, Ecological, and Governance DimensionsPDF
Adaptive Comanagement in the Venice Lagoon? An Analysis of Current Water and Environmental Management Practices and Prospects for ChangePDF
Special Feature
A Typology of Indigenous Engagement in Australian Environmental Management: Implications for Knowledge Integration and Social-ecological System SustainabilityPDF
A Typology of Benefit Sharing Arrangements for the Governance of Social-Ecological Systems in Developing CountriesPDF
Migrations Between Villages: Incidents or Significant Drivers of Swidden Agriculture Changes?PDF
Special Feature
Participation and Protected Areas Governance: the Impact of Changing Influence of Local Authorities on the Conservation of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, PolandPDF