131 Articles tagged with "governance"
Conceptualizing trust and distrust as alternative stable states: lessons from the Flint Water CrisisPDF
Integration of nature-based solutions (NBS) in local policy and planning toward transformative change. Evidence from Barcelona, Lisbon, and TurinPDF
Regionalizing the sustainable development goals: interpretations of priorities and key actors for creating sustainable island futuresPDF
Understanding how governance emerges in social-ecological systems: insights from archetype analysisPDF
A framework to guide research engagement in the policy process, with application to small-scale fisheriesPDF
Special Feature
Everyday adaptation, interrupted agency and beyond: examining the interplay between formal and everyday climate change adaptationsPDF
Resilience in the times of COVID: what the response to the COVID pandemic teaches us about resilience principlesPDF
Strategic spatial planning in emerging land-use frontiers: evidence from MozambiquePDF
The wisdom of hindsight: a comparative analysis of timelines of environmental governance of infrastructure across the Pan-AmazonPDF
Complex human-deer interactions challenge conventional management approaches: the need to consider power, trust, and emotionPDF