32 Articles tagged with "local ecological knowledge"
Special Feature
Networking the environment: social network analysis in environmental management and local ecological knowledge studiesPDF
Special Feature
The role of game mammals as bushmeat In the Caatinga, northeast BrazilPDF
Grazing game: a learning tool for adaptive management in response to climate variability in semiarid areas of GhanaPDF
Local knowledge production, transmission, and the importance of village leaders in a network of Tibetan pastoralists coping with environmental changePDF
Integrating local pastoral knowledge, participatory mapping, and species distribution modeling for risk assessment of invasive rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) in Ethiopia’s Afar regionPDF
Special Feature
Consilient knowledge in fisheries: a case study of three species of wolffish (Anarhichadidae) listed under the Canadian Species at Risk ActPDF
How accurate is the local ecological knowledge of protected area practitioners?PDF
The potential of, and threat to, the transfer of ecological knowledge in urban areas: the case of community-based woodland management in Tokyo, JapanPDF
Special Feature
Community-Based Conservation and Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Implications for Social-Ecological ResiliencePDF
Ecosystem and Social Construction: an Interdisciplinary Case Study of the Shurkul Lake Landscape in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.PDF