362 Articles tagged with "resilience"
Managing beyond water: utilizing community well-being interviews in the Upper Yakima River Basin, USA, for climate change adaptationPDF
Disjointed modes of building resilience to socio-environmental crisesPDF
Resilient niches: how non-financial capitals helped to overcome the COVID-19 crisis in local food systemsPDF
“Going back to what really held us together”: re-adaptation as resilience in the Torres Strait Islands, AustraliaPDF
Overcoming collapse of farming systems: shifting from vicious to virtuous circles in the extensive sheep farming system in Huesca (Spain)PDF
Special Feature
How state-reinforced knowledge infrastructure influences adaptive urban water governancePDF
Defining cultural-ecological resilience through community and sovereign food systemsPDF
Special Feature
Guided transformations for communities facing social and ecological changePDF
Building resilience in Africa’s smallholder farming systems: contributions from agricultural development interventions—a scoping reviewPDF
What does it take to build resilience against droughts in food value chains?PDF