75 Articles tagged with "traditional ecological knowledge"
Identifying intangible and biocultural heritage elements toward environmental understanding: engaging stakeholders through artPDF
Ganawendan Ginibiiminaan (Take care of our Water!): mobilizing for Watersheds-at-risk with the Bad River OjibwePDF
Bringing the salmon home: a study of cross-cultural collaboration in the Syilx Okanagan Territory of British ColumbiaPDF
Special Feature
Indigenous food sovereignty through resurgent self-governance: centering Nuu-chah-nulth principles in sea otter management in CanadaPDF
The Zoʻé perspective on what scientists call “forest management” and its implications for floristic diversity and biocultural conservationPDF
Special Feature
Responsibility as humans: meaning of traditional small grains cultivation in JapanPDF
Special Feature
Getting back to that point of balance: Indigenous environmental justice and the California Indian Basketweavers’ AssociationPDF
What is sacred in sacred natural sites? A literature review from a conservation lensPDF
Special Feature
Collective responsibility and environmental caretaking: toward an ecological care ethic with evidence from BhutanPDF
Strong ethics and flexible actions, the properties of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), as key resources for socioecological resilience to the impacts of climate change: a case study of Baojiatun, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau karst area, southwest ChinaPDF