Volume 29, Issue 3
Sep 2024
Linking institutional change mechanisms with forest management outcomes: evidence from community forestry in Nepal PDF
Special Feature
Transforming environmental peacebuilding: addressing extractivism in building climate resilient peace PDF
What makes a convivial community tool? Investigating grassroots ecological restoration PDF
Colonialism and the Blue Economy: confronting historical legacies to enable equitable ocean development PDF
Pathways for FEW nexus collaboration in U.S. city resilience planning PDF
The good, the bad, and the unseen: wild mammal encounters influence wildlife preferences of residents across socio-demographic gradients PDF
Carnivores’ contributions to people in Europe PDF
Quantifying large-scale impacts of cattle grazing on annual burn probability in Napa and Sonoma Counties, California PDF
Community-led vertebrate pest management in urban areas: barriers and motivations PDF
National environmental programs and local social-ecological system change in dryland China: implications for environmental governance PDF
Shrub encroachment and stakeholder perceptions of rangeland ecosystem services: balancing conservation and management? PDF
Place meaning, speculation, and emerging public perceptions of carbon-storing marine sediments in Dundalk Bay, Ireland PDF
Integrating a “One Well-being” approach in elephant conservation: evaluating consequences of management interventions PDF
Examining the influence of sociodemographics, residential segregation, and historical redlining on eBird and iNaturalist data disparities in three U.S. cities PDF
What does it take to build resilience against droughts in food value chains? PDF
Exploring perceptions to improve the outcomes of a marine protected area PDF
“I’ll be back”: the emergence of recentralized forest devolution in the southern provinces of China PDF
Special Feature
Conflict-related environmental degradation threatens the success of landscape recovery in some areas in Tigray (Ethiopia) PDF
Incorporating climate change into restoration decisions: perspectives from dam removal practitioners PDF
Special Feature
Dangerous environments: environmental peacebuilding’s technomoral imaginary and its power-knowledge effects PDF
Ecological agriculture and rural revitalization: toward a post-productivist countryside in Nanjing, China PDF
Special Feature
Fires as collateral or means of war: challenges of environmental peacebuilding in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq PDF
Operationalizing pathway diversity in a mosaic landscape PDF
Politics driving efforts to reduce biodiversity conservation in the United States PDF
Special Feature
Tracing a pollinator’s path PDF
Rights of the child as imperatives for transforming food systems PDF
Operationalizing the social-ecological systems framework in a protected area: a case study of Qilian Mountain National Park, Northwestern China PDF
Understanding the complex power dynamics that shape collaboration and social learning in multi-stakeholder water governance PDF
African futures: a review of scenarios for Indigenous and local people and nature in Africa PDF
The importance of geodiversity in understanding and conserving the Western Rift Valley Corridor PDF
Place-based knowledge transfer in a local-to-global and knowledge-to-action context: key steps and facilitative factors PDF
Building resilience in Africa’s smallholder farming systems: contributions from agricultural development interventions—a scoping review PDF
Understanding human-elephant interactions across time is key to illuminate pathways toward coexistence PDF