14 Articles tagged with "Transdisciplinary"
Special Feature
Convergence, transdisciplinarity, and team science: an interepistemic approachPDF
Reviewing relational values for future research: insights from the coastPDF
Engaging with complexity in resilience practicePDF
Fostering horizontal knowledge co-production with Indigenous people by leveraging researchers’ transdisciplinary intentionsPDF
A systematic review of participatory scenario planning to envision mountain social-ecological systems futuresPDF
Special Feature
Research pathways to foster transformation: linking sustainability science and social-ecological systems researchPDF
Special Feature
Preparing the next generation of sustainability scientistsPDF
Special Feature
Designing transformative spaces for sustainability in social-ecological systemsPDF
Participatory identification and selection of ecosystem services: building on field experiencesPDF
Special Feature
Expanding the contribution of the social sciences to social-ecological resilience researchPDF