63 Articles tagged with "transformation"
Special Feature
Coproduced game-changing in transformative social innovation: reconnecting the “broken city” of Rio de JaneiroPDF
Transitions between risk management regimes in citiesPDF
The contribution of sense of place to social-ecological systems research: a review and research agendaPDF
Special Feature
Regime shifts and panarchies in regional scale social-ecological water systemsPDF
Improving participatory resilience assessment by cross-fertilizing the Resilience Alliance and Transition Movement approachesPDF
Identifying opportunities to improve governance of aquatic agricultural systems through participatory action researchPDF
Resilience (Republished)PDF
Three horizons: a pathways practice for transformationPDF
Building resilient pathways to transformation when “no one is in charge”: insights from Australia’s Murray-Darling BasinPDF
Special Feature
Emergent transformation games: exploring social innovation agency and activation through the case of the Belgian electricity blackout threatPDF