Everyday Adaptations to Climate Change
Sedentarization as an adaptation to socio-environmental changes? Everyday herding practices in pastoralist communities in southern Ethiopia PDF
Gendered vulnerability and inequality: understanding drivers of climate-smart agriculture dis- and nonadoption among smallholder farmers in Malawi and Zambia PDF
Challenges and prospects of Local Adaptation Plans of Action (LAPA) initiative in Nepal as everyday adaptation PDF
Everyday adaptation practices by coffee farmers in three mountain regions in Africa PDF
Governance and everyday adaptations? Examining the disconnect between planned and autonomous adaptation through justice outcomes PDF
Everyday adaptation, interrupted agency and beyond: examining the interplay between formal and everyday climate change adaptations PDF
Everyday mobility and changing livelihood trajectories: implications for vulnerability and adaptation in dryland regions PDF
Salt in the wound: embodied everyday adaptations to salinity intrusion in the Sundarbans PDF
The relationship between household structures and everyday adaptation and livelihood strategies in northwestern Pakistan PDF
The Yamal Nenets’ traditional and contemporary environmental knowledge of snow, ice, and permafrost PDF
Collaborative everyday adaptation to deal with peatland fires: a case study on the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia PDF
Mountains of inequality: encountering the politics of climate adaptation across the Himalaya PDF
Everyday climate adaptation practices in agriculture contribute to food security in Sub-Saharan Africa PDF
Dichotomy or continuum? A global review of the interaction between autonomous and planned adaptations PDF