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Li, D., P. He, and L. Hou. 2023. A Chinese database on ecological thresholds and alternative stable states: implications for related research around the world. Ecology and Society 28(3):16.ABSTRACT
The concepts of ecological thresholds and alternative stable states were proposed to explain nonlinear changes. However, the greatest obstacle to advance these theories and their managerial applications is a lack of data and research experience. There are almost all types of ecosystems in China, and various ecological degradation and catastrophe events occurred at the end of the 20th century. Considerable monitoring data and research cases that focus on the ecological thresholds are published in Chinese, limiting their dissemination around the world. We integrate Chinese cases and data that refer to the framework of Threshold Database and Regime Shifts Database. We introduce the China Ecological Thresholds and Alternative Stable States Database (CETASSD), developed by the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, which mainly collects research cases. The CETASSD uses a unified description framework to integrate key information from past 110 case studies from China. This paper summarizes relevant case studies with intrinsic consistency to ecological thresholds and alternative stable states in social-ecological systems. We collate and analyze 26 potential alternative stable states and 60 potential ecological thresholds in CETASSD, covering 14 types of ecosystems. We found several peculiarities of the Chinese case studies. First, more types of alternative stable states were identified in arid areas and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Second, critical thresholds research related to spatial gradient has received great attention. Third, methods of constructing highly generalized “stress-response” process lines are mainly used for threshold analysis. We suggest re-examining past research cases and methods with the latest theories of ecological thresholds and alternative stable states; strengthening research on the detection of threshold and mechanism establishment of certain ecosystems, such as the ocean in China; and further applying ecological thresholds to ecological assessment and early warning.
Changes in the state of ecosystems and social-ecological systems (SES) are not always linear, slow, or reversible. In many cases, changes are nonlinear, rapid, and irreversible (Scheffer et al. 2001, Biggs et al. 2018). The occurrence of the latter tends to have more severe negative impacts on human well-being and biodiversity (Scheffer et al. 2001). In the 1970s, important papers by Holling (1973) and May (1977) proposed concepts such as alternative stable states and ecological thresholds to understand these phenomena. They believed that there may be multiple stable states in the system under the same external conditions, and the system will shift from one stable state to another if external conditions cross the thresholds. Within 20 years after the publication of these two papers, ecologists began to try to confirm these new hypotheses in ecosystems. Scheffer’s study (1990) in shallow lake ecosystems found that there are two stable states: clear water and turbid water, and the change in total phosphorus (TP) concentration can control the shifts between these two stable states (Meijer 2000). These hypotheses were subsequently confirmed in more studies (Scheffer et al. 2001, Beisner et al. 2003, Ma et al. 2021). These concepts are believed to play an important role not only in scientific research revealing environmental changes, but also in environmental management, such as early warning of adverse changes and finding ways to prevent these changes (Groffman et al. 2006, Kelly et al. 2015, Sasaki et al. 2015). These have prompted interest in alternative stable states and ecological thresholds and have led scholars to widely discuss and explore them in more research fields.
The biggest gap between conceptual understanding and practical management is the lack of case studies (Biggs et al. 2018). Theories cannot be developed and successfully applied in management without being validated through extensive, long-term case studies (Walker et al. 2006). Because of the absence of unified, practical criteria for identifying and analyzing alternative stable states and ecological thresholds, conducting a comparative analysis and synthesis based on a limited number of research cases scattered around the world is quite challenging (Biggs et al. 2018). Resilience Alliance and Stockholm Resilience Centre scholars are aware of these serious problems. They have established databases, such as the Threshold Database (TDB, and Regime Shifts Database (RSDB,, to extensively collect existing relevant cases and potentially available data. They have also proposed consistent analysis frameworks for the research of regime shifts and ecological thresholds to guide scholars from different disciplines on how to carry out effective case studies and promote related theories’ development. However, most of the potentially usable case studies conducted in many countries and regions are published in native journals in their respective languages, making it challenging for data and experience from around the world to be widely exchanged.
In fact, dramatic environmental transitions are taking place globally (O'Brien and Barnett 2013). To continuously promote the development of relevant theories and to improve the ability to cope with the risks of environmental changes, experience and data accumulated in all countries and regions should be shared. Currently, governments of various countries attach great importance to international cooperation to jointly respond to the crisis of global environmental change (Smith et al. 2021). At the same time, there is also a need to strengthen the mutual exchange of experience in basic scientific research between countries. In response to environmental disasters and ecological degradation facing the country, Chinese scholars have conducted long-term monitoring and scientific research. However, almost none of these studies are included in TDB and RSDB. These data and experiences are also essential for promoting the development of relevant theories worldwide and dealing with global environmental changes.
China is one of the countries with the largest distribution of ecologically fragile areas (Gao et al. 2012). Affected by rapid development and construction, as well as climate warming and drying (Zhang et al. 2010) in the past few decades of the 20th century, a series of severe ecological degradation events occurred in these areas. For example, excessive deforestation caused terrible floods in the Yangtzi River (Yu et al. 2009), water pollution induced eutrophication and algal blooms in lakes of the Yangtzi River plain (Wang 2007), overgrazing led to sandstorms in North China (Dong et al. 2012), overexploitation of water resources resulted in groundwater-level declines and land subsidence in North China Plain (Liu et al. 2001), and reservoirs construction caused downstream lakes to dry up in Haihe basin (Feng 2006). In the past, Chinese scholars have carried out considerable amounts of qualitative and quantitative studies aimed at formulating ecosystem protection strategies and environmental management standards. These studies mainly focused on the identification of ecosystem change process and the quantitative detection of critical pressure-response nonlinear changes in the system (Fang et al. 2002, Wang et al. 2014, Su et al. 2019). They covered almost all types of ecosystems, and scientists have accumulated lots of basic monitoring data and research experience for various environmental changes, especially the unique environmental transitions occurring in China. However, these cases are scattered in different disciplines such as physical geography, agriculture, and forestry, and lack the guidance of a unified theoretical ecological paradigm. Few case studies have directly applied related concepts such as alternative stable states and ecological thresholds.
To this end, we developed the China Ecological Thresholds and Alternative Stable States Database (CETASSD, On the one hand, the CETASSD continuously collects published data and cases to review and re-analyze past research, on the other hand, it builds a unified analysis framework to develop new case studies on ecological thresholds and alternative stable states. To date, the CETASSD has included more than 110 relevant research cases covering various ecosystems. The database aims to convert research cases scattered in various disciplines into more intuitive information that can be compared with each other. We encourage more targeted environmental monitoring and simulation experiments based on these potentially available information to detect more effective quantitative ecological thresholds. In addition, the database contains English keywords and abstracts of the original literature to allow for access by English readers, which provides a window for international scholars to understand and learn from the Chinese research experience.
Users of the CETASSD website can retrieve the desired cases using key items such as the ecosystem type, author, institution, keywords, location, biological group, and threshold type. Users can register for an account and add case studies published by themselves or others. When adding case information, they must follow the standardized description framework established by the database, extract and organize key information from the case, and enter it into each necessary description item. After submission, it is reviewed and approved by the administrator.
Analysis framework
The CETASSD has developed a standardized framework to describe the various alternative stable states and ecological thresholds that exist in ecosystems, with the aim of providing a convenient way for researchers and managers to obtain useful information from the database. The CETASSD refers to the TDB (Walker and Meyers 2004) and RSDB (Biggs et al. 2018) in the setting of a series of description items (Table 1). These items form a standard framework to disassemble and organize each valid case and redescribe the useful information in it. Three of the items (title, abstract, keyword) are provided in English to facilitate retrieval and reading by international users. There are differences in content between the case studies conducted by scholars in China and other countries; for example, China’s case studies rarely identify and explain the affected ecosystem services. Therefore, the CETASSD has some differences from the TDB and RSDB in terms of descriptive items. There is no descriptive item of ecosystem services in the CETASSD.
Case selection: two basic types of nonlinear changes
The CETASSD collects two basic types of nonlinear changes. The first are shifts of alternative stable states, that is, if the system has alternative attractors under the same external conditions. The definition of alternative stable states that we use is basically the same as that used in RSDB, that is, the transition of alternative stable states is considered to be large, persistent, and usually unexpected changes in SES that can have major impacts on ecosystem services (Biggs et al. 2018). Although in RSDB they are called regime shifts, in the CERASSD they are called alternative stable states. These changes often occur on large spatial scales, and their essence is often the reorganization of the system feedback network, which is manifested as a drastic change in the overall state of the system, such as the transformation of landscape types or the transformation of large-scale biological communities. In the CETASSD we classify the first category of changes as alternative stable states because we want to search for more evidence that alternative attractors exist in SES.
The second is abrupt changes in ecosystem quality, property, or phenomena. These changes are substantial changes that occur in a short period of time or within a smaller range of drivers relative to typical rates of change (Ratajczak et al. 2018, Turner et al. 2020). We collect the second nonlinear change, not to propose a completely independent type of change from the first, but to complement the relevant case studies of the former change. A discussion of alternative attractors is not necessary when analyzing these abrupt changes, and they emphasize quantitatively explaining how such nonlinear changes occur.
The CETASSD uses a relatively broad concept of ecological thresholds. The separatrix between two or more stable attractors is an important ecological threshold concept (Walker and Meyers 2004). However, most of the current research can only detect the time of the past and retroactive regime shift, and it is often very difficult to find a critical value for key drivers (Groffman et al. 2006. Hillebrand et al. 2020). In addition, we take the critical conditions for some huge abrupt changes that occur in SES as an important part of the ecological threshold. The numerical magnitude of the threshold is the magnitude of the key driver variable at the beginning of these abrupt changes. We use the term alternative stable states to refer to the phenomenon of the existence of alternative attractors in the ecosystem and to refer to shifts to alternative attractors.
Based on the above descriptions of the two basic types of change, we clarify the ecological threshold and alternative stable states concepts employed in this paper. The numerical magnitude of the threshold is the magnitude of the key driver variable at the beginning of these abrupt changes. We use the term alternative stable states to refer to the phenomenon of the existence of alternative attractors in the ecosystem.
Alternative stable states
Although few case studies in China have directly used the concept of alternative stable states, the methods used and the issues solved are very similar to actual studies of alternative stable states. Therefore, these cases were considered as potentially valid cases and included in the database. The CETASSD currently includes 26 generic types of alternative stable states (Table 2), all of which have entered the research stage of identifying multiple stable states. Columns 2–5 of Table 2 summarize the common features that specific transitions of alternative stable states manifest in different case studies. Columns 6 and 7 list the representative and influential Chinese publications and their corresponding research locations for each type of alternative stable states research.
Research sites. There are many case studies carried out in inland arid regions and high altitude areas. From the geographical distribution of the 26 typical cases (Fig. 1), more than half of the cases are located in the northwestern region where the average annual precipitation is less than 400 mm or at high altitudes. Case studies in these regions can provide much evidence for studies on the impacts of climate change. The typical cases corresponding to the 26 types of alternative stable states in Table 2 cover the southeast coast, the rivers and lakes of the eastern plains, the western plateau and mountains, and the northwest arid and semiarid zones (Fig. 1). The typical cases of alternative stable states research included in the CETASSD cover a very wide space in China.
Systems: The alternative stable states documented to date have been most commonly found in terrestrial systems (nine alternative stable states), followed by the land-water interface (six alternative stable states). Very few case studies have been carried out in marine ecosystems (seagrass bed, coral reef, estuarine, mangrove).
Drivers: There are 14 different drivers of the alternative stable states currently collected in the CETASSD. These drivers can be mainly divided into two types: human activities and climate change. Among them, shifts between alternative stable states driven by human activities account for the majority (17 alternative stable states). The drivers caused by human activities include pollution emissions, fishing, overutilization of water resources, ecological water replenishment, dam construction, reclamation aquaculture, grazing, artificial introduction of species, and urban planning. The second category comprises the shifts between alternative stable states driven by climate change (9). Seven case studies are located in plateaus, mountains, and tundra, and two are in marine and coastal zones. Because of the sparse population in these areas, the ecosystem is less directly affected by human activities, and they are very sensitive to climate change, such as fluctuations in temperature and precipitation. In addition, coral reefs are susceptible to bleaching because of extremely low temperatures, and salt marsh vegetation is degraded because of the impact of rising sea levels.
Types: Alternative stable states numbered 1 to 2, 7 to 13, 16 to 18, and 21 to 22 can be regarded as documented alternative stable states, as the threshold and hysteresis effects of these types have been confirmed in the corresponding literature. On the other hand, types numbered 3 to 6, 14 to 15, 19 to 20, and 23 to 26 can only be considered potential alternative stable states because some key phenomena (such as threshold and hysteresis effects) have not been observed extensively and confirmed within these types. Compared with TDB and RSDB, the CETASSD mainly supplements four new types of alternative stable states. These new types are all located in the arid areas and high altitude areas of Northwest China. The four alternative stable states are briefly summarized below according to the analysis framework of the CETASSD.
Static sand to sand dunes
In the arid regions of Northwest China, activities such as grazing, agricultural planting, and urbanization have resulted in the destruction of surface vegetation, and the destruction of vegetation has exposed soil and resulted in desertification. When the intensity of human grazing exceeds the threshold, soil degradation makes it impossible for sandy vegetation to recover naturally, and the fixed sandy soil will be transformed into a permanently flowing sand dunes (Dong et al. 1996). At the same wind speed, flowing sand is more likely to raise dust (He et al. 2013). A large amount of dust flows into the upper atmosphere in the western region, and the strong westerly winds in winter transfer the dust to the North China Plain and the Pacific Ocean thousands of kilometers away from the region. Sandstorms seriously affect the air quality in the densely populated areas in the east, and the impact of dustfall on marine ecosystems is also significant (Hu et al. 2021). This shows cross-scale and cross-regional effects of environmental shifts.
Xerobiochemical of permafrost vegetation
Global warming is causing the temperature of the permafrost surface to rise, which causes the permafrost to gradually thaw (Wang et al. 1996). After the top layer of permafrost in the soil thaws significantly, the burial depth of the permafrost in the soil increases significantly. Because of the lack of the blocking effect of the permafrost on the infiltration of the upper soil moisture, the surface soil moisture content gradually decreases. When the burial depth of the frozen soil increases to a certain level, the moisture content of the upper soil decreases to a threshold that cannot support the growth of the original vegetation. The original abundant and diverse wet vegetation begins to be gradually replaced by a small amount of single species of xerophytic vegetation, and the ecosystem that depended on the vegetation coverage type changes significantly (Liang et al. 2007). This shows how global climate change affects fragile ecosystems in alpine areas.
Northwest China water cycle change
Around 1987, the impact of global warming on precipitation and runoff patterns in northwestern China, mainly in Xinjiang, reached a tipping point, causing sudden climate changes in these regions. These changes are manifested in a significant increase in precipitation, glacial melt and runoff, a significant rise in the water level of inland lakes, and a rapid increase in flood disasters. This indicates that the climate pattern in Northwest China has shifted from warm-dry to warm-wet (Shi et al. 2003). Climate warming and wetting and the associated changes in water cycle patterns will have a continuous impact on the ecosystems in the arid regions of Northwest China (Shi 2003).
Climate warming and wetting in Three-River Headwater Region
Climate warming has also brought about climate warming and wetting with rising temperature and increased precipitation in Three-River Headwater Region. However, unlike the geographical conditions in Xinjiang, the Three-River Headwater Region is located on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is widely distributed with seasonal frozen soil and permafrost. When the effect of increased precipitation and increased temperature exceeds a critical point, the increase of permafrost depth caused by rising temperature is faster than the increase in precipitation. At this time, water systems such as lakes and rivers begin to shrink significantly, and high-coverage alpine meadows and swamp meadows degenerate into low-coverage grasslands (Hu 2009). The runoff reduction caused by the climate pattern transition in Three-River Headwater Region has a significant impact on the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers (Zhang et al. 2011). This shows the complexity of the impact of climate change in the plateau and alpine areas.
Ecological thresholds
Here, we introduce ecological thresholds included in the CETASSD. In the CETASSD, cases that conform to the concept of ecological thresholds proposed earlier were selected and included from quantitative studies carried out by Chinese researchers. These cases are from 14 types of ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, and forests. Table 3 lists 60 typical representative cases. These cases describe and simulate key environmental changes from the perspective of different pressure-response relationships. Table 3 shows the results of the quantitative test in each typical case and briefly describes the specific connotation of the ecological threshold. The second and fourth columns are the pressure factors and their quantitative values in the corresponding ecological threshold research.
Types: Out of all the cases currently included in the CETASSD, only five cases have detected the transition threshold for alternative stable states. Two of the cases detected the threshold of bidirectional conversion for alternative stable states (Wang 2007, Hu et al. 2010), and three cases only detected the threshold of a single conversion direction (Dong et al. 1996, Liu et al. 2014, Zheng et al. 2005). Almost all the threshold analyses performed in other cases only studied local nonlinear changes in the SES, and the detection of transition threshold for alternative stable states has not been performed.
Ecosystems: Sixty typical cases of ecological thresholds currently included in the CETASSD cover almost all ecosystem types in China. These cases have been most commonly found in forests (11 cases), followed by lake, farmland, desert, and urban (six cases). There were five cases in tundra ecosystems. However, the number of typical cases in the four marine ecosystems (seagrass bed, coral reef, estuarine, mangrove) was the lowest (one case or two cases). The CETASSD currently contains only nine cases on ecological thresholds from marine systems.
Stresses: In terms of the key stresses studied in typical cases, 51 of the 60 cases analyzed the effect of abiotic environmental factors (e.g., temperature, precipitation, slope, salinity, pollutant concentration, and groundwater depth). The most commonly studied environmental stress is temperature (eight cases), followed by water level (six cases, including groundwater depth) and salinity (six cases). In addition to environmental stress, nine cases analyzed the effect of biological indicators (such as fish density, stocking capacity, and vegetation coverage).
Access to data: There is great emphasis on ecological threshold studies by observing nonlinear changes over spatial gradients. The data acquisition methods in ecological threshold research are mainly divided into two types: dynamic monitoring of time series and observation along spatial gradients. Dynamic monitoring on time series is the most commonly used method for data acquisition. However, according to the research methods of each case summarized in the CETASSD, the cases carried out by Chinese scholars based on the data collected by spatial observation also accounted for a very large proportion. Among the 60 typical cases in Table 3, 24 cases adopted the method of spatial observation to obtain the required data.
Analytical methods: In almost all cases, complex changes are simplified by identifying the most critical drivers and responses, and constructing a “stressor-response” process line. Under the premise of fully understanding the direct or indirect interaction in SES, we identify the most critical drivers that cause nonlinear changes and use them as the horizontal axis (i.e., pressure variables) of the process line, and then identify the responses that can best represent the state change of SES and are most sensitive to the change of the drivers as the vertical axis (i.e., response variables). Stressors are generally environmental conditions or system parameters with practical ecological significance, and responses can be parameters with practical significance or statistical indicators that indirectly reflect system structure, state, and function.
Characteristics and enlightenment of Chinese case studies
The summary of the Chinese case studies highlights three main features. First, more types of alternative stable states were identified in the western arid area and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Second, Chinese researchers attach great importance to the study of critical threshold of environmental gradients. Third, ecological threshold analysis is mainly carried out by constructing a highly generalized “stress-response” process line. We discuss new discoveries and insights that these characteristics may provide for theoretical development and sustainable environmental management of the world.
More than half of the alternative stable states currently included are distributed in the arid and high altitude areas of western China. North China has been affected by sandstorms in the west for a long time (Liu et al. 2002). The upper reaches of major rivers such as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are all located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In recent decades, the upstream water volume has fluctuated, which affects the downstream water resources and river ecosystems (Hou et al. 2012). These backgrounds may be what drives Chinese scholars to conduct a lot of research in the western and plateau regions. These studies find that localized destruction of vegetation by human activities may contribute to dust storms sweeping from inland to ocean (Dong et al. 1996, Hu et al. 2021). Continued global warming will significantly alter climate patterns in inland arid areas that are supplied with meltwater from mountain snow as the only water source (Shi et al. 2003). Climate change causes large-scale vegetation degradation (Liang et al. 2007) and adversely affects downstream river ecosystems by reducing runoff (Hu 2009) in alpine permafrost. These studies have provided substantial evidence for understanding the impact of global climate change on ecosystems in continental non-monsoon climate zones, as well as plateau and alpine areas. At the same time, these studies fully demonstrate that many large-scale environmental changes are cross-regional and even global. This prompts us to strengthen international cooperation in response to environmental changes, and encourage more countries and regions to participate in related research.
The studies on the critical threshold of environmental gradients may have important implications for developing a methodology for studying nonlinear changes in SES. Whether in China or other countries, dynamic monitoring on time series is the main method used to obtain data (Meijer 2000, Yi et al. 2020). However, for some environmental changes that have already occurred, it is difficult for people to accurately obtain past parameters that describe the process of these changes. Observation on spatial gradient is therefore a potentially useful method for studying nonlinear changes and an alternative method for threshold detection. China has a very wide area and a very diverse type of ecotones (i.e., transition areas at the interface between two different types of ecosystems; Gao et al. 2012). In these ecotones, there are very obvious spatial gradients in human impacts, environmental conditions, and climate patterns. The case studies accumulated in the long-term research on critical thresholds of environmental gradients by Chinese scholars can substantially contribute to promoting the research methods of ecological thresholds.
The analysis approach of threshold positions detection through trend analysis of the “stress-response” process line provides intuitive, visual, and highly generalized conclusions for researchers and managers. This approach improves people’s ability to understand complex changes (Lade et al. 2021). This approach has great advantages and value in ecological threshold research, and many international scholars have developed similar analysis methods (Toms and Lesperance 2003, Andersen et al. 2009). However, accurate identification of the stress and response variables that build the process line can only be achieved with a sufficient understanding of the feedback mechanism at specific scales.
The environmental changes that have occurred in China in recent decades are very diverse and complex, and in the past, research was very fragmented and there was a lack of systematic understanding of the changes. With the introduction of related theories such as alternative stable states and ecological threshold, researchers have developed a paradigm that can understand complex changes from a systematic and multi-scale perspective. This will not only improve the ability of Chinese managers to deal with the risks of environmental transitions and improve the ability of sustainable environmental management, but also provide more new discoveries and reference experience for promoting relevant research in the world.
Contributions of the developing the CETASSD
The CETASSD provides a platform for researchers interested in nonlinear changes in ecosystems to learn and communicate. We encourage researchers to use the unified analytical framework established by the database to conduct new case studies, which will help to form comparable conclusions. Researchers can also reorganize their own or others’ relevant research results according to the analysis framework of the database, and publish new cases on the website, which is also the main force for the sustainable development of the database. In addition, CETASSD provides managers with a convenient way to screen scientific references. Some quantitative ecological thresholds collected in the database can be used to formulate a standard system for environmental management. The information restructured in CETASSD facilitate managers’ more accurate understanding of complexity of ecosystem changes, which helps them come up with more scientific and effective strategies for environmental governance.
China’s unique geographical conditions are the foundation that cannot be ignored in the study of world environmental change. China has some unique geographical and climatic conditions and cultural backgrounds, which have led to a series of unique ecosystem changes in China. For example, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in western China is the highest plateau in the world, and its unique geographical features shape unique climatic and ecological processes (Qin 1977). In the vast agro-pastoral zone in northwestern China (Cheng 2002) and the hilly areas in southwestern China (Geng and Zhang 2021), there is an agricultural civilization and historical background unlike any other region in the world, forming a unique social-ecological complex system in these places. The CETASSD summarizes these unique changes using a unified conceptual framework to provide more evidence and basis for internationally relevant theoretical developments.
With the emergence of the effectiveness of China’s ecological restoration projects (Chen et al. 2019a), an increasing number of cases of reversal of ecosystem degradation will be included in the CETASSD. In the past 10 years, the Chinese government has promoted construction of ecological civilization and delimited the Ecological Conservation Red Line (ECRL). More than one-quarter of the Chinese mainland is included in the red line to be protected (Gao 2019), and almost all key ecological function zones and ecologically fragile zones in China will be included in the ECRLs (He et al. 2018). Strict environmental management has promoted the restorative transitions of damaged ecosystems, and benign shifts of alternative stable states and events of thresholds crossed are increasing. For example, through ecological water replenishment in 2020, the dry downstream Yongding River re-opens its entire mainstream with water, and the river ecosystem was gradually restored (Sun et al. 2021). A global study found that between 2000 and 2017, the newly increased area of vegetation in China accounted for at least 25% of the newly increased area of vegetation in the world (Chen et al. 2019a). This is mainly due to long-term afforestation projects in the desertified areas of the forest-steppe ecotone in North China. Large areas of wasteland and sandy land are gradually being replaced by closed forests. These studies provide valuable scientific references for ecosystem protection and restoration in other similar regions around the world. The CETASSD, which continues to pay attention to and include these cases, will play a greater role in promoting theoretical development and supporting environmental management.
Although there are some thresholds that have important applications in management, we need to recognize that most thresholds are far from being successfully applied in management. There are only a few detected quantitative ecological thresholds or critical points that have been successfully applied in environmental management, and they can improve human ability to deal with some major environmental disasters (e.g., agricultural development is likely to cause large-scale soil erosion when the slope is greater than 25°, and the slope of 25° has been incorporated into the legal documents of China’s soil and water conservation as a management standard; NPC 2010). However, for most ecological thresholds, they are characterized by uncertainty (Groffman et al. 2006, Hillebrand et al. 2021), and their values correspond to some specific time and place (Johnson 2013, Hillebrand et al. 2021). Thresholds for the same class can vary widely across time and place. This means that even based on long-term monitoring data, what appears to be a very reliable threshold in one area may still be difficult to apply in another area. Not only that, but the existing mathematical methods are also difficult to achieve very accurate results when determining the position of the threshold (Daily et al. 2012, Lade et al. 2021). Therefore, managers should be very cautious in viewing and using thresholds.
Research agenda
According to the summary of the cases included in the CETASSD, we present an outlook for case studies on ecological thresholds and alternative stable states. First, re-examine past research cases and methods with the latest theories, and promote the development of quantitative research and methods in a targeted manner. Second, strengthen research in certain ecosystems such as the ocean in China. Third, strive to bridge the gap between ecological thresholds and implementing management applications.
To promote quantitative research and method development of alternative stable states, it is necessary to revisit past research to ensure that it is up-to-date with the latest theories. Scholars have conducted long-term observation and investigation in the past, providing preliminary understanding of the dynamic processes of many changes, including the nonlinearity, persistence, and irreversibility of changes. Some of this information can be considered effective knowledge of alternative stable states and ecological thresholds, whereas most can only be regarded as hypotheses. Many studies in this field remain at the qualitative and semi-quantitative stages. To address this gap, it is necessary to carry out targeted environmental monitoring and simulation experiments to verify these preliminary understandings and hypotheses. When promoting quantitative research, it is important to correctly understand and explore the uncertainty of thresholds and avoid overestimating them. Furthermore, the experimental settings, survey methods, and data analysis methods used in past studies need to be revisited. Continual development of more effective methods is required to meet current and future environmental management needs.
Research needs to be strengthened in certain ecosystems, such as the ocean. According to the results of this paper, it can be seen that in China, the current research level and progress on various types of alternative stable states are uneven. Although research on the ecosystem transition in lake and arid areas is relatively in-depth, for some other types of ecosystems in China, such as seagrass beds, coral reefs, estuaries, and mangroves, the mechanisms of alternative stable states has not yet been established, and some important ecological thresholds have not been extensively detected. Despite mechanisms for many of the same types of alternative stable states having been proposed in other regions, because of the significant differences between regions, China needs to conduct local research. As a result, from the 1970s to the early 2000s, factors such as coastal urbanization, sewage discharge, fishery reclamation, and extreme climates led to the disappearance and degradation of mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds in China (Qiu 2012, Peng et al. 2008, Zheng et al. 2013). Hence, increased funding for basic research is urgently needed, along with strengthened research on alternative stable states and ecological thresholds, to support marine ecosystems protection, restoration, and management in China.
To enhance environmental management, we need to facilitate the application of thresholds. Effective ecological thresholds have significant application value in environmental management (Groffman et al. 2006). Research on alternative stable states and ecological thresholds should focus on addressing important ecological and environmental issues. While conducting in-depth basic mechanism research, we should vigorously develop the application value of research results in management. We must ensure scientific rigor, accuracy, and effectiveness in the quantitative detection of ecological thresholds, and form the threshold results into quantitative and practical standards in environmental management as soon as possible. The successful application of thresholds in environmental protection can enable effective ecological restoration, monitoring, and early warning of major environmental changes.
The CETASSD provides a unified framework to reorganize and summarize useful information, which was scattered among case studies in various research fields, to promote worldwide research on alternative stable states and ecological thresholds and has significant value for environmental management. A summary analysis of all the cases in the database indicates that China’s case studies have a solid foundation and serve as a significant driving force in promoting worldwide research on alternative stable states and ecological thresholds. A large number of new studies conducted by Chinese scholars on alternative stable states in arid areas and high-altitude areas have provided valuable evidence and explanation to reveal the impact of global climate change. Critical thresholds of environmental gradients studied by Chinese researchers may become important topics for future research on alternative stable states and ecological thresholds. The CETASSD, like the TDB and RSDB, has added many new and effective empirical cases. Considering the continuous increases in the Chinese government’s investment in basic ecological research, the CETASSD will become a vital database and will continue to track and collect relevant research cases.
In order to improve the resilience of SES to environmental risks and enhance sustainable management capabilities, we provide an outlook. First, we suggest the re-examination of past research cases and methods with the latest theories, and promotion of targeted quantitative research and methods. Second, we recommend an increase in research in specific ecosystems, such as the ocean. Third, we encourage the application of thresholds in management. Simultaneously, we hope that the framework provided by the CETASSD can guide future research in China on alternative stable states and ecological thresholds, which should be carried out in-depth using standard and normalized methods. We also hope that the quantitative data collected in the database can serve as a strong basis to support governments, enterprises, and other stakeholders in formulating management standards.
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Daikui Li: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software, Validation, Writing - Original Draft.
Ping He: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Supervision, Validation, Writing - Review & Editing.
Liping Hou: Data curation, Investigation, Project administration, Resources, Writing - Review & Editing.
We sincerely thank the many contributors (listed at who added and reviewed examples for the database, as well as colleagues who provided input and feedback on the database design. We also gratefully acknowledge funding sources that supported the authors and the development of the online platform, including the National Key Research and Development Project of China (2017YFC0506601).
Data/code sharing is not applicable to this article because no data/code were analyzed in this study.
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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of typical cases.

Table 1
Table 1. Items in the database to describe cases.
Item | Description |
Title | Short title, including introduction of thresholds and shifts |
Abstract | Summary of the details and results |
Author | Authors of the literature |
Key word | Key words of the literature to facilitate the retrieval of the case |
Background | Relevant information |
Location | Detailed location |
Ecosystem type | Type of ecosystem in which shifts occur, to facilitate classification and retrieval of cases |
Biological group | Specific groups of organisms targeted in certain studies |
Method | Research methods used, including data acquisition methods and detection methods |
Threshold type | Type of ecological threshold (e.g., threshold for biodiversity conservation, threshold of pollutant concentration) |
Description of threshold | Description of the threshold phenomenon |
Description of shifts | Mechanism and characteristics of shifts |
Certainty | Conclusion proposed or confirmed by this study |
Spatial scale | Scale at which the shift occurred |
Temporal scale of change | Time taken for the shift to occur |
Reversibility | Reversibility of state changes (e.g., irreversibility, reversibility with hysteresis) |
Related literature | Detailed information of the corresponding literature |
Management and policy recommendations | Management or policy recommendations given |
Table 2
Table 2. The 26 alternative stable states currently included in the China Ecological Thresholds and Alternative Stable States Database.
No. | Alternative stable states | Stable states 1 | Stable states 2 | Drivers | Location | Reference |
Aquatic | ||||||
1 | Freshwater eutrophication | Clear water | Turbid water | Pollutant emissions | Middle-lower Yangtze Plain | Wang 2007 |
2 | Lake terrestrialization | Lake without submerged plants | Swamp dominated by submerged plants | Overutilization of water resources | Lake Baiyangdian | Liu et al. 2013b |
3 | Marine fisheries collapse | High fish diversity | Low fish diversity | Fishing | Laizhou Bay | Jin and Deng 2000 |
4 | Coral bleaching | Coral-dominated reefs | Bleaching coral reef, macroalgae | Extreme temperature | Leizhou Peninsula | Yu 2012 |
5 | Coastal marine eutrophication | Low nutrients | High nutrients | Pollutant emissions | East China Sea | Zhou and Zhu 2006 |
6 | Seagrass bed collapse | Seagrass bed | Sparse seagrass bed | Fishing | Coastal areas of South China |
Xu et al. 2009 |
Terrestrial | ||||||
7 | Soil salinization | Low-salinity soils | High-salinity soils | Overutilization of water resources | Lower reaches of Tarim River | Zheng et al. 2005 |
8 | Oasis desertification | Oasis | Desert | Overutilization of water resources | Ejina Oasis | Feng 2006 |
9 | Grassland to sandy land | Grassland | Sandy land | Grazing | Hongyuan grassland in north-western Sichuan | Liu et al. 2014 |
10 | Simplification of vegetation species in arid areas | Diverse vegetation | Single vegetation dominated by Tamarix chinensis | Overutilization of water resources | Lower reaches of Tarim River | Hao et al. 2008 |
11 | Grassland to forest | Grassland | Shrub, forest | Ecological water replenishment | Lower reaches of Tarim River | Xu et al. 2003 |
12 | Static sand to sand dunes | Static sand | Sand dunes | Vegetation degradation | Wind-tunnel experiment in Lanzhou | Dong et al. 1996 |
13 | Xerobiochemical of permafrost vegetation | Wet meadow | Xerophyte meadow, bare land | Global warming | Source area of the Yellow River | Liang et al. 2007 |
14 | Permafrost thawing and carbon release | Stable frozen soil with storing carbon | Melting frozen soil with releasing carbon | Global warming | Daxing′anling Mountains | Chen et al. 2018 |
15 | Glacier to coniferous forest | Permanent glacier | Coniferous forest | Global warming | Hailuogou Glacier in Gongga Mountain |
Yang et al. 2015 |
Land-water interface | ||||||
16 | Wet meadow to xerophyte meadow in wetland | Wet/mesophyte meadow | Mesophyte/xerophyte meadow | Dam construction | Xingzi Hydrological Station of Lake Poyang | Hu et al. 2010 |
17 | Mudflat to saltmarsh | Mudflat | Saltmarsh | Sea-level rise | Jiangsu coastal areas | Li et al. 2006 |
18 | Wetland to dry lake | Wetland | Dry lake | Overutilization of water resources | Lop Nur Lake | Wang and Zhang 1985 |
19 | Mangrove transition | Mangrove | Fish farm, salt marshes, rocky coasts | Reclamation aquaculture | Shenzhen Bay | Wang et al. 2002 |
20 | Peatland transition | High productivity, high water conservation ability | Low productivity, low water conservation ability | Grazing | Gahai peat bog in Gannan | Ma et al. 2014 |
21 | Spartina alterniflora invasion | Barren mudflat | Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marsh |
Artificial introduction of species | Jiangsu coastal areas | Zhang et al. 2005 |
Climate | ||||||
22 | Climate warming and wetting in Three-River Headwater Region | Cold dry | Warm wet | Climate change | Three-River Headwater Region | Hu 2009 |
23 | Expansion of glacial lake in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau | Stable glacial lake | Expanded glacial lake | Global warming | Himalaya | Liao et al. 2015 |
24 | Glacier retreat | Permanent glacier | No permanent glacier | Global warming | Qilian Mountains | Huai et al. 2014 |
25 | Northwest China water cycle change |
Warm dry | Warm wet | Global warming | Northwest China | Shi et al. 2003 |
Social | ||||||
26 | Sprawling vs. compact city | Sprawling city | Compact city | Urban planning | Hefei | Song 2017 |
Table 3
Table 3. Typical research cases of 60 ecological thresholds currently included in the China Ecological Thresholds and Alternative Stable States Database. TP, total phosphorus; TN, total nitrogen.
Ecosystem | Stress | Description | Threshold | Location | Reference | No. |
River | Water flow rate | The swimming and breeding needs of fish cannot be met if the water flow rate is less than the threshold. | 0.3 m/s | No.2 Power Station of Jinping Hydro Project | Wang et al. 2007 | 1 |
Water flow | The spawning conditions of Acipenser sinensis are not suitable if the water flow is lower than the lower limit or higher than the upper limit. | 10000~30000 m³/s | The Yangtze River from Gezhouba to Yichang | Yi 2008 | 2 | |
Temperature | The needs of the four major Chinese carps are not met during the breeding period if the water temperature is below the threshold. | 18 °C | Downstream of Xiangjiaba, Jinsha River | Luo et al. 2012 | 3 | |
Water quality | The number of tolerant species of epilithic diatom assemblages are significantly reduced, and the community composition changes significantly if the water quality index is higher than the threshold. | 1.298 mg/L (TN) or 0.065 mg/L (TP) | Tributaries of the Three Gorges Reservoir | Tang et al. 2016 | 4 | |
Lake | TP | Clear water turn to turbid water if TP > 70~100 μg·L-1, turbid water turn to clear water if TP < 20~30 μg·L-1. | TP > 70~100 μg/L、TP < 20~30 μg/L | Middle-lower Yangtze Plain | Wang 2007 | 5 |
Temperature | The biomass of Microcystis aeruginosa begins to decrease significantly if the temperature is higher than the threshold. | 25 °C | Indoor simulation experiment | Gao et al. 1994 | 6 | |
Illumination | The seedlings of submerged plants will be bleached and normal photosynthesis cannot be carried out if the relative illumination (the ratio of illumination at the bottom of the lake to the surface of the lake) is lower than the threshold. | 5% (illumination) | Simulation study | Li and Lian 1996 | 7 | |
Water level | Potamogeton maackianus and P. wrightii began to die in large numbers after the water level continued to be higher than the threshold. | -3.5 m, -3.0 m | East Lake Taihu | Fan 2017 | 8 | |
Stormy waves | A large amount of sediment is suspended, which causes the significant release of endogenous phosphorus when the wind speed exceeds the threshold. | 6.5 m/s | Lake Taihu | Qin et al. 2003 | 9 | |
Biocenosis | When the density of stocked Hypophthalmichthys molitrix or Aristichthys nobilis is greater than the threshold, it can effectively contain algal blooms. | 46~50 g/m | Lake East, Wuhan | Liu and Xie 1999 | 10 | |
Seagrass bed | Salinity | The photosynthesis efficiency of Zostera japonica decreases and its growth starts to be restricted when the salinity is higher than the threshold. | 35‰ | Weihai, Shandong | Zhang et al. 2018 | 11 |
Coral reef | Temperature | Porites lutea begins to show an obvious stress response when the temperature is higher than the threshold. | 28 °C | Xuwen, Guangdong | Liu et al. 2013a | 12 |
Salinity | The density and chlorophyll-a content of zooxanthella on the coral surface decrease sharply, and their growth is restricted when the salinity is lower than the threshold. | 30‰ | Xuwen, Guangdong | Li 2012 | 13 | |
Estuarine | Nutrient concentrati-on | The benthic integrity is significantly reduced if the nutrient concentration is higher than the threshold. | 1.58 mg/L (NO3-N), 0.047 mg/L (NH4-N), 0.033 mg/L (PO4-P) | Pearl River Estuary | Zhao 2013 | 14 |
Salinity | The number of macrobenthos species increases sharply, and the biomass increases when the salinity is higher than the threshold. | 30‰ | Pearl River Estuary | Zhang 2014 | 15 | |
Mangrove | Temperature | The hardiest mangroves cannot grow naturally when the average temperature of the coldest month is below the threshold. | 10.9 °C | Fuding, Fujian | Zhang et al. 2001 | 16 |
Salinity | There is no distribution of mangroves when the average salinity is lower than the threshold in July. | 2.2‰ | Zhanjiang harbor | Zhang et al. 2001 | 17 | |
Coastal wetland | Water depth | The growth of Suaeda salsa is obviously restricted after the water depth exceeds the threshold. | -0.92 m | Yellow River delta region | Cui et al. 2008 | 18 |
Salinity | Scirpus mariqueter, Spartina alterniflora, and Phragmites australis cannot survive effectively if the salt concentration of water is greater than the threshold. | 21.30 ng/L, 43.58 ng/L, 13.35 ng/L | Yangtze River Estuary | Li 2018 | 19 | |
Soil moisture | The growth of Suaeda salsa is inhibited if the soil moisture exceeds the threshold range. | 22.0%, 97.6% (soil moisture) | Dalinghe River Estuary | Wang et al. 2014 | 20 | |
Inland wetland | Water level | The vegetation of wetland transforms to a mesophyte meadow if water level is below 10 m, and the vegetation transforms into wet meadow when the water level is higher than 14 m. | 10 m, 14 m | Xingzi Hydrological Station of Lake Poyang | Hu et al. 2010 | 21 |
Water amount | Zhalong Wetland may lack normal wetland ecological functions if the annual water resources are less than the minimum ecological water demand. | 9.20·108 m3 | Zhalong Wetland | Cui et al. 2006 | 22 | |
Forest | Slope | The vegetation coverage is greatly affected by the slope when the slope is less than the threshold. | 15°~25° | Guandu River basin, Hubei | Chen et al. 2019b | 23 |
Vegetation coverage | When the vegetation coverage of forest (with slopes of 20°, 25°, 30°, and 35°, respectively) is greater than the threshold, it can effectively resist a 10-year rainstorm and play a role in soil and water conservation (soil erosion modulus less than 2 t·hm-2). | 57.2%, 64.5%、70.4%, 75.5% (vegetation coverage) | Loess Plateau | Jiao et al. 2000 | 24 | |
Precipitation | Runoff occurs on slopes (covered by 54% of Pinus tabulaeformis forest and 45% of Populus davidiana secondary forest) and gullies if precipitation is higher than the threshold. | 6.2 mm | Tielongwan ForestFarm of Huanglong Mountain, Shaanxi | Wu et al. 1997 | 25 | |
Vegetation coverage | The ecosystem cannot be restored naturally if the vegetation coverage is lower than the threshold, and can be restored naturally if the vegetation coverage is higher than the threshold. | 20% (vegetation coverage) | Red soil area of Changting, Fujian | Ma et al. 2015 | 26 | |
Thinning | The chemical properties of the forest soil and the forest habitat are in good condition if the thinning intensity and the thinning bandwidth are greater than the threshold. | 20% (thinning intensity), 18 m (thinning bandwidth) | Dongfanghong Forest Farm of Xiaoxing’anling Mountains | Zhang et al. 2017 | 27 | |
Insect | The growth of Populus opera is obviously affected, and withered shoots appear if the number of emergence holes of poplar longicorn beetle is greater than the threshold. | >4.8 ind | Tongxia, Ningxia | Luo et al. 1999 | 28 | |
Distance between patches | The migration and diffusion of small rodents, reptiles, and amphibians cannot occur if the distance between forest patches is greater than the threshold. | 750 m | Gongyi, Henan | Chen et al. 2012 | 29 | |
Warmth index | When the warmth index is greater than each threshold, the vegetation is tundra vegetation, subfrigid zone (cold-temperate) coniferous forest, temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest, warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest, tropical and subtropical rainforest. | 0 °C ·month, 15 °C ·month, 50 °C ·month, 90 °C ·month | Humid East Asia | Fang 1994 | 30 | |
Humidity index | When the humidity index is greater than each threshold, the vegetation is humid forest (including rainforest, evergreen broad-leaved forest, etc.), deciduous broad-leaved forest, sparse forest, grassland, desert, and semidesert vegetation. | 60, 0, -20, -40, -60 (humidity index) | Humid East Asia | Fang 1994 | 31 | |
Elevation | In the altitude intervals, the vegetation types are mountain monsoon forest, mountain monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, mountain coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, alpine shrub and meadow land, cushion-like vegetation, alpine sparse vegetation, permanent ice and snow. | < 1000 m, 1000–2000 m, 2000–2500 m, 2500–3100 m, 3100–3900 m, 3900–4700 m, 4700–5200 m, 5200–5500 m, > 5500 m | South Slope of the Himalayas | Liu 1981 | 32 | |
Precipitation | When the annual average temperature is 10 °C and the annual precipitation is greater than the threshold, it is a suitable environment for forest. | 500 mm | Nationwide | BHMWP 1987 | 33 | |
Grassland | Stocking capacity | Grassland transition to sandy land when the stocking capacity is greater than the threshold. | 114~133 Yak/km² | Hongyuan grassland in north-western Sichuan | Liu et al. 2014 | 34 |
Grassland coverage | The effects of grassland vegetation on reducing runoff and sediment are limited and unstable if the grassland coverage is lower than the threshold. The effects of reducing runoff and sediment are better and tend to be stable if the grassland coverage is higher than the threshold. | 60%~80% (grassland coverage) | Guyuan, Ningxia | Zhu et al. 2010 | 35 | |
Groundwater depth | The above-ground biomass drops sharply, and the growth and development of plants is significantly inhibited when the groundwater depth is greater than the threshold. | 3 m | Lower reaches of Tarim River | Li et al. 2010 | 36 | |
Rodents | The yield of grass changes from high to low if the standard rodent units per hectare is greater than the threshold in typical steppe. | 1.74·104 ind/km2 | Xilingol steppe region | Li et al. 2018 | 37 | |
Farmland | Salinity | When the salt concentration is greater than the threshold, the winter wheat germination rate, germination vigor, coleoptile length, root length, seedling height, and other indicators drop sharply. | 320 mmol/L | Qingdao | Meng et al. 2014 | 38 |
Temperature | The grain yield per ear of rice will decrease significantly if the daily maximum temperature is higher than the threshold. | 36 °C | Tianjin | Zheng 2003 | 39 | |
Illumination | The grain weight per ear and the seed setting rate of rice will be significantly reduced if the natural illumination decreases by 50% during the heading and fruiting period. | 50% (illumination) | Tianjin | Zheng 2003 | 40 | |
Heavy metal | When the cadmium concentration in neutral and alkaline soil is higher than the threshold, the cadmium content in the brown rice of the first season rice exceeds the food hygiene standard. | 20 mg/L | Pot experiment | He et al. 1990 | 41 | |
Application phosphate | The risk of phosphorus leaching is higher if the amount of applied phosphorus is greater than the threshold. | 33090 kg/km² | Aksu | Zhang et al. 2016 | 42 | |
Nitrogen application | It is impossible to simultaneously consider food production and environmental safety if the amount of applied nitrogen is outside the threshold band. | 22099~25545 kg/km² | Jiaxing, Zhejiang | Tang 2015 | 43 | |
Desert | Groundwater depth | When the groundwater depth is greater than the threshold, the riparian soil changes from low salinity to high salinity. | 2 m | Lower reaches of Tarim River | Zheng et al. 2005 | 44 |
Groundwater depth | When the groundwater depth is greater than the threshold, the shrubs will decay, the surface will be cracked and exposed, and wind erosion and sand accumulation will easily occur. | 8 m | Junggar basin | Wang et al. 2011 | 45 | |
Wind speed | Threshold of wind velocity on sand movement at a height of 2 m from the ground. | 5.47 m/s | Otindag sandy land | He et al. 2013 | 46 | |
Vegetation coverage | Static sand transition to sand dunes when the vegetation coverage of sandy land is lower than the threshold. | 20% (vegetation coverage) | Wind-tunnel experiment in Lanzhou | Dong et al. 1996 | 47 | |
Groundwater depth | When the groundwater depth is less than each threshold, the oasis vegetation communities will be transformed into dominant communities of Sophora alopecuroides, Tamarix chinensis, reed, Tamarix chinensis, Populus euphratica, Tamarix chinensis, and Alhagi sparsifolia. | 0.9, 1.2, 2.1, 3.3, 6.0, 8.8, 15.7 m | Cele oasis | Li et al. 2009 | 48 | |
Precipitation | If the precipitation of a single precipitation event is greater than the threshold, most of the precipitation in the mobile sandy land and the fixed sandy land can be used by plant roots. | 5.25 mm | Mu Us Sands | Guo et al. 2000 | 49 | |
Tundra | Buried depth of permafrost | The vegetation is dominated by xerophytes if the buried depth of permafrost is greater than the threshold. | 2 m | Source area of the Yellow River | Liang et al. 2007 | 50 |
Temperature | Evapotranspiration will increase significantly and runoff will decrease if the temperature increases by 1 °C (based on 2007 data). | 1 °C | Three-River Headwater Region | Hu 2009 | 51 | |
Precipitation | Evapotranspiration will be significantly reduced and runoff will increase if precipitation increases by 10% (based on 2007 data). | 10%(based on 2007 data) | Three-River Headwater Region | Hu 2009 | 52 | |
Temperature | The vegetation biomass increases significantly if the annual average temperature is greater than the threshold. | 0 °C | Qinghai and Tibet | Luo et al. 1998 | 53 | |
Precipitation | The vegetation biomass increases significantly if the annual precipitation is greater than the threshold. | 400 mm | Qinghai and Tibet | Luo et al. 1998 | 54 | |
Urban | Distance from water surface | The cooling effect of a place is not obvious when the distance from the water surface exceeds the threshold. | 375 m | Tianjin | Huang 2014 | 55 |
Width of green space | The cooling and humidification effects are significant and tend to be stable if the width of the green space is greater than the threshold. | 40 m | West Fourth Ring Road, Beijing | Zhu et al. 2011 | 56 | |
Area of green space | The smallest patch area for urban green space to exhibit significant cooling and humidification effects. | 30000 m2 | Beijing | Wu et al. 2007 | 57 | |
Area of ecological land | Proportion of the minimum ecological land area required to ensure natural ecosystem services to the total area of the region. | 20.4% (percentage of ecological land area) | Dongsan Township, Beijing | Yu et al. 2009 | 58 | |
Vegetation coverage | If the forest coverage is higher than the threshold, the forest canopy closure, top fitness value, native tree species diameter at breast height level, species diversity, and the proportion of native tree species in the middle-building area and sparsely built area will increase significantly, showing a trend of reverse fragmentation of the landscape. | 35%~40%, 25%~30% (vegetation coverage) |
Third Ring Road, Shenyang | Li and Liu 2012 | 59 | |
Area of impervious ground | There is a better runoff reduction effect if the percentage of impervious ground is less than the threshold. | 60% (percentage of impervious ground) | Shenyang | An and Hou 2015 | 60 | |