The following is the established format for referencing this article:
Starrs, G. I., K. J. Siegel, S. Larson, and V. Butsic. 2024. Quantifying large-scale impacts of cattle grazing on annual burn probability in Napa and Sonoma Counties, California. Ecology and Society 29(3):10.ABSTRACT
Wildfire in California is an increasing threat to life and property. The expansion of urban and suburban development into wildlands limits risk-reduction options like prescribed burning, whereas large-scale mechanical and herbicide treatments can be cost prohibitive and unpalatable to the public. Cattle grazing is a low risk, affordable treatment not frequently considered for use explicitly for fuels reduction in California. To examine the impact of cattle grazing on fire in Napa and Sonoma Counties, California, we quantified its effects as change in average annual burn probability. Probabilities were calculated for 2001–2017 using mixed-effect regression models in combination with a range of grazing intensities and extents. These grazing scenarios were designed to represent current grazing conditions, ungrazed conditions, adding grazing to high priority landscapes, and grazing the full study area. We estimated that under current grazing conditions, cattle grazing reduces average annual burn probability 45% (from 9.9% to 5.4%) compared to ungrazed conditions. Adding grazing to high priority landscapes as identified by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) decreased their average annual burn probability by 82% (from 7.6% to 1.4%) compared to under current grazing conditions. Of the scenarios assessed, grazing high priority landscapes heavily while maintaining the current extent and intensity of grazing on other rangelands provided the best return in terms of decreased burn probability per additional area grazed. Finally, we demonstrated how our methodologies can be utilized by fuel managers and planners to identify key areas for treatment with cattle grazing. Our findings suggest cattle grazing provides benefits to the study area by reducing overall burn probability, and that extending its use to treat fuels in priority areas in and around the wildland urban interface could provide further fire-risk reduction on community-adjacent lands. Land managers may find cattle grazing a valuable long term fuel-management tool at the landscape scale.
Wildfire in California is an already pervasive and worsening problem, made more challenging by the expense and difficulty of managing fuels at a large scale (Thompson and Anderson 2015, Abatzoglou and Williams 2016, Bowman et al. 2020, Hunter and Taylor 2022). In the 18th century, the introduction of European livestock and global trade to California brought seeds of invasive grasses and herbs that permanently displaced native plant species in many parts of the state (Reiner 2007, Bell et al. 2009). These Mediterranean species now dominate much of California’s rangelands, increasing fine fuel biomass and continuity, fire spread rate, and flame lengths (Reiner 2007, Bell et al. 2009, Sugihara et al. 2018, Ratcliff et al. 2022). Fire regimes maintained by Native Californians were disrupted or eliminated by colonization and genocide. By the 20th century, indigenous, natural, and agricultural burning were supplanted by aggressive fire suppression strategies (Stephens and Sugihara 2006, Sugihara et al. 2018). These strategies contributed to fuels accumulation and increased fire occurrence and severity throughout California (Steel et al. 2015). The situation has worsened with the spread of residential development into fire-prone wildlands, where human activity increases fire risk (Hammer et al. 2007, Kramer et al. 2018, Radeloff et al. 2018, Syphard et al. 2021, Li et al. 2022). This intermixing limits options available to reduce hazardous vegetation, notably constraining prescribed fire and herbicide application (Brown et al. 2018, McBride and Kent 2019).
Livestock grazing is increasingly identified as a fuel-management tool in the wildlife urban interface (WUI); however, research has historically focused on targeted fuel reduction by short term use of goats and sheep and the development and maintenance of fuel breaks by sheep and cattle (Taylor, Jr., 2006, Nader et al. 2007, Lovreglio et al. 2014, Bailey et al. 2019, Clark et al. 2023). These services are typically dependent on the availability of a contractor and can cost $927 to $2903 per ha, or $375 to $1175 per acre, providing short term, high intensity treatments that reduce brush and fine fuels (Ingram 2021, J. Walker, unpublished manuscript). Whereas this lends itself to removal of fuels on a small-scale to protect structures and inhabited areas, reducing overall wildfire risk is a challenge that extends over a much larger area (Syphard et al. 2011, 2021).
Cattle grazing is widespread in California, occurring over approximately one-third of the state (Huntsinger and Bartolome 2014, Brown et al. 2018, Saitone 2020). Whereas an estimated 1.8 million beef cattle grazed California’s rangelands in 2017, the impacts of existing cattle operations on fuels and wildfire in California have only recently begun to be assessed by the scientific community (Ratcliff et al. 2022, 2023, Siegel et al. 2022).
Cattle grazing manipulates fuel and influences other fire factors through the reduction of fine fuel loads and can cause long term alterations to vegetation structure and species composition (Ford and Hayes 2007, Nader et al. 2007, Ratcliff et al. 2022). Absent fire, dense shrub cover can develop on grasslands, increasing fire hazard and intensity and reducing options for fuel management (Ford and Hayes 2007). Whereas cattle herbivory is less effective at brush reduction than grazing or browsing by sheep or goats (Taylor, Jr., 2006), the cessation of cattle grazing in combination with fire suppression can increase shrub encroachment in coastal California (McBride and Heady 1968, Russell and McBride 2003). Anecdotally, areas where grazing has been retained are described as preferred staging areas for wildland firefighting crews because of lowered fire hazard, a near absence of hazardous fuels, and vegetation structure similar to those of protective fuel breaks (M. Turbeville, unpublished manuscript).
The interactions between cattle grazing, climate patterns, and long term processes like vegetation cover change make it more challenging to assess annual cattle grazing as a fire hazard reduction tool compared to high intensity, short term fuel reduction treatments (Nader et al. 2007, Ratcliff et al. 2022, Siegel et al. 2022). Some small-scale research has quantified cattle-fuel interactions (Diamond et al. 2009, Leonard et al. 2010), but short term experimental approaches are inadequate for capturing the full scope of impacts that cattle grazing has on wildfire over time and across large areas (Ratcliff et al. 2022, Siegel et al. 2022).
Recent large-scale studies show cattle grazing to be effective in reducing fire risk and mitigating fire behavior (Rouet-Leduc et al. 2021, Ratcliff et al. 2022, Siegel et al. 2022). In 2017, cattle grazing removed approximately 3.5 billion kg of non-woody plant material, or 195 to 1143 kg per grazed ha, or 174 to 1020 lb per grazed acre, from California, enough to influence fire behavior and reduce fire hazard and flame lengths (Ratcliff et al. 2022). Cattle grazing in the North Bay and Central Coast of California reduced annual burn probability by 0.8–3.6 percentage points (Siegel et al. 2022). These findings suggest cattle are currently serving a fire hazard reduction role in many areas of California and have potential as an effective fuel-management strategy, even when livestock producers focus on cattle production rather than fuel-management objectives.
Understanding the current and potential role of cattle grazing for fuel reduction at temporal and spatial scales appropriate for management, planning, and decision making is essential for its possible adoption into regional and statewide fuel-management strategies (Syphard et al. 2021). We explored the current and potential roles of cattle grazing in fire risk management at a multi-county scale and within priority treatment areas in Napa and Sonoma counties. We used mixed-effects regression models to generate study-area-wide average annual burn probabilities under a suite of different grazing scenarios to answer: (1) What is the current influence of cattle grazing on burn probability in Napa and Sonoma Counties, California?; (2) How do average annual burn probabilities change under different intensities and spatial extents of cattle grazing?; and (3) How can cattle grazing be applied to most effectively reduce fire probability in the study area and protect priority landscapes?
Study area
Napa and Sonoma County rangelands are composed of grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands in the Sierran Steppe and Coastal Chaparral ecoprovinces (Bailey 1995). During the Spanish-Mexican era (1769–1846) the most widespread land use was domestic livestock grazing, including horses, cattle, sheep, and goats, which continued into the 1860s (Cleland 1941). Much of these grazing lands were replaced by cropland agriculture, vineyards, and orchards over the next hundred years (Grossinger et al. 2008). Expanding residential and agricultural development now occurs within a widespread legacy of fuel buildup due to fire suppression, initiated and perpetrated by the Anglo-American occupation of California (Stephens et al. 2018).
The study area of 452,903 ha encompasses the rangelands of Napa and Sonoma counties, excluding the California Coastal Steppe-Mixed Forest-Redwood Forest Province because of its drastically different climate and fire regimes (Stephens et al. 2018, Siegel et al. 2022; Fig. 1). A mosaic of urban and grazing lands and a high risk of rangeland conversion make these counties good candidates for studying the role of cattle grazing in wildfire hazard reduction. Sonoma County alone lost 3445 ha of rangelands to residential conversion from 1984—2008, and an additional 3208 ha was converted to vineyards (Cameron et al. 2014). The region also provides adequate temporal and spatial distribution of wildfire and grazing data for econometric analysis (CAL FIRE 2022; Siegel et al. 2022). Because our focus was on cattle grazing, grazing used hereafter refers to cattle grazing unless otherwise specified.
We compiled data at 46,864 points at 200 m x 200 m spacing throughout the rangelands of the study area (187,456 ha). This spacing was selected as a compromise needed to retain adequate points for analysis because of relative scarcity of wildfire perimeters while mitigating for unobserved spatial autocorrelation. Table 1 summarizes data sources and generated variables.
We obtained land cover classification data (NLCD) for 2001 and 2016 from the National Land Cover Database (LaMotte 2016, Dewitz 2019). These were used to limit analysis to points categorized as grassland or shrub/scrubland in 2001 that remained categorized as grassland, scrub/shrubland, or forest in 2016. This removed points that transitioned from rangeland to development or cropland, vineyards, and orchards during the study period of 2001–2017.
Long term grazing intensity data was provided by Siegel et al. (2022). It was collected via phone surveys of large private landowners with holdings over 202.3 ha, or 500 acres, with grass/shrublands throughout three major ecoregions of California. The dataset describes whether or not a property was grazed and the stocking rate aggregated to an annual level, i.e., animal unit years per grazed ha or AUY per grazed ha, estimated per year from 2001–2017 for each property. One standard animal unit month is 780 lb or 355 kg of dry matter forage, and one animal unit year is 9360 lb or 4246.63 kg of dry matter forage (Society for Range Management 2003). Animal units are the amount of dry matter forage a 1000 lb or 454 kg cow and calf are estimated to consume over a given period of time, and when calculated over an area, usually acre or hectare, are a common measure of stocking rate, or intensity of use. Data from the 22 properties that fell within the study area were included in our analyses. This amounted to 1789 sample points at 200 m x 200 m spacing.
We generated fire-history variables using fire perimeter data from 1998–2017 from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Fire and Resource Assessment Program database, which contains measured and estimated fire perimeters from 1900 to the present (CAL FIRE 2022). For each year included in the analysis (2001–2017), this data was used to determine whether or not a point burned in that year (t) and whether or not it had burned in any of the previous three years (t-1, t-2, or t-3).
Climate variables were accessed from the TerraClimate global dataset using the climateR package and aggregated in R (Abatzoglou et al. 2018, Johnson 2022). TerraClimate provides monthly climate data at ~4 km spatial resolution. Because California’s plant phenology and fire seasons are both strongly driven by temporal distribution of climate variables, we aggregated them seasonally. Seasons were defined as winter, i.e., December to February; Spring, i.e., March to May; Summer, i.e., June to August; and Fall, i.e., September to November. For each year, variables were assembled for seasonal precipitation, mean maximum wind speed, and maximum and minimum temperatures.
We obtained percentage vegetation cover data using Google Earth Engine to access the cover dataset of the Rangeland Analysis Platform (Allred et al. 2021). This product consists of annual estimates of percent cover by functional group at 30 m x 30 m resolution.
Data from the United States Census Bureau and United States Geological Survey (USGS) were analyzed in ArcGIS Pro to generate temporally fixed spatial factors, i.e., distance from roads, elevation, slope, and solar radiation aspect index (SRAI), and population density estimates for 2000 (U.S. Geological Survey 2013, U.S. Census Bureau 2018). Roads included primary and secondary roads, as well as rural roads, trails, and private roads (U.S. Census Bureau 2018).
Three datasets were used to develop and test-grazing scenarios. The important farmlands product from the California Department of Conservation’s 2020 Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) was used to determine the extent of grazing lands in the study area (California Department of Conservation FMMP 2020). Grazing lands are defined by the FMMP as “land where the existing vegetation is suited to the grazing of livestock.” CAL FIRE’s “reduce wildfire threats to communities” dataset assigns scores to priority landscapes on a scale of one to five, with one considered the lowest priority for risk reduction treatment and five the highest. These scores are assigned based on housing density and wildfire threat, and were used to develop the priority scenario and stratify scenario comparisons (CAL FIRE 2018). Finally, the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset was used to provided moderately sized, geographically intuitive subdivisions of the dataset for use as hypothetical treatment units (U.S. Geological Survey 2018).
All datasets used in this analysis except for the grazing survey data are free and accessible to the public via Google Earth Engine, R, or as downloadable shapefiles from their respective sources (R Core Team 2023).
The models developed in this paper are derived from the logistic mixed-effects burn-probability model specified in Siegel et al. (2022). Logistic mixed-effects models take advantage of repeated observations of the same locations to control for unobserved characteristics of sample points, enabling better detection of changes over time. Here, we use these models with causal inference methods to estimate a series of counterfactual predictions of how altering grazing, i.e., the driver of interest, in the observed data would have changed burn probability. The selection of covariates for causal inference differs from that of predictive models (Hernán et al. 2019, Arif and MacNeil 2022). Instead of selecting the fewest predictors to most successfully predict the outcome, expert knowledge of the structure of the system being modeled is used to select covariates required to answer how grazing will influence burn probability (Table A1).
In the context of this analysis, burn probability refers to the estimated probability of a location burning in each year from 2001–2017. These estimates are generated by altering the drivers within the system while controlling for other variables to investigate how these changes influence the response variable, i.e., whether or not a location burned for each year in the dataset. This definition of burn probability is widely used in wildfire studies that employ econometric techniques (Syphard et al. 2013, Starrs et al. 2018, Siegel et al. 2022). The average annual burn probability is the burn probability for each location for each year averaged over the study period.
We used two models to understand the impact of grazing on burn probability. First, we used the burn model to estimate how burn probability is influenced by grazing and other covariates. This was sufficient for answering questions about existing grazing conditions and burn probability in the study area. However, a second model, the shrub model, was needed to explore the full impact of grazing on burn probability under hypothetical grazing scenarios.
The shrub model estimates percent shrub cover in relation to grazing and other covariates. When examining burn probabilities under hypothetical grazing scenarios, we used the shrub model first to replace remotely sensed percent shrub cover data with estimated percent shrub cover values calculated with the relevant hypothetical grazing data. These adjusted datasets were then used with the burn model to estimate the influence of grazing on burn probability under the hypothetical grazing scenarios (Fig. 2). Whereas the model specified by Siegel et al. (2022) utilized pre-regression matching to reduce standardized mean differences between grazed and ungrazed properties, they found the resulting regression results did not differ meaningfully from those produced using the full, unmatched dataset. As a result, we chose to specify both models in this analysis using the full dataset, enhancing the ability of our simulations to account for heterogeneity across the landscape.
Burn model
To estimate the influence of grazing on burn probability, we fit a logistic regression model to the grazing survey dataset using Stata, dropping highly correlated explanatory variables (|Pearson’s correlation coefficient| ≥ 0.66, p-value < 0.05; StataCorp 2021, Siegel et al. 2022) (Table A2). Variables included were those expected to influence vegetation dynamics and burn probability. Table 1 provides variable names, sources and resolution information, whereas Table A1 includes additional information on variable selection.
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The binary term “grazed” was included to capture unobserved differences between grazed and ungrazed properties that might influence burn probability but are not attributable to the impacts of livestock use alone as estimated by stocking rate (Siegel et al. 2022). Examples could be increased human presence, more developed infrastructure, and more water resources. ui is the site-specific random effect and eit is the error term for each point in each year. The interaction between AUYperGrazedAcre*ShrubCover allowed for different responses to grazing across varying amounts of shrub cover. Latitude and longitude were included and interacted to control for spatial autocorrelation (Schleicher et al. 2017, Siegel et al. 2022).
For both the burn model and shrub model, cluster-robust standard errors were calculated at the property level to control for unobserved effects of the different surveyed properties and pseudoreplication (Abadie et al. 2023). Table 2 lists the regression coefficients and cluster-robust standard errors for the burn model.
Shrub model
One mechanism through which cattle grazing can affect burn probability is by altering vegetation structure and composition over time, like shrub distribution and density. Dense shrub cover can increase fire hazard and has historically encroached into areas where fire and grazing have been removed from the landscape (McBride and Heady 1968, Russell and McBride 2003, Ford and Hayes 2007, Parker et al. 2016). To account for the influence of cattle grazing on fire probability via its effect on shrub cover, the remotely sensed shrub cover data had to be adjusted for each scenario to reflect the impact of grazing.
To estimate the relationship between grazing and percent shrub cover, we regressed percent shrub cover on grazing data, burn data, and a subset of topographic and climatic variables, dropping highly correlated explanatory variables (|Pearson’s correlation coefficient| ≥ 0.66, p-value < 0.05; Table A2). This was executed using the plm package in R using the regions of the study area for which we had existing grazing data to specify the model (Croissant and Millo 2008).
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Table A3 lists the regression coefficients and cluster-robust standard errors for the shrub model.
The shrub model was used to estimate adjusted percent shrub cover values for hypothetical grazing scenarios, enabling us to account for the influence of grazing presence and grazing intensity on shrub composition under different treatment conditions.
Estimating the current influence of cattle grazing
We applied information from the grazing dataset and interviews with University of California Cooperative Extension professionals to assign grazing intensities to FMMP grazing lands in the study area (California Department of Conservation FMMP 2020), creating a baseline scenario, or estimate of current grazing in the study area (Fig. 3a).
Using the predict function in Stata, the log-odds of burn probability was estimated for each point for each year in the dataset using the burn model (StataCorp 2021). In R, the log-odds were converted to annual probabilities and averaged over the 17-year dataset, resulting in an estimated average annual burn probability for each point for the study period (R Core Team 2023; Fig. 3b). The process was repeated for a no-grazing scenario, in which burn probability was estimated when grazing intensity and extent was set to zero, with shrub cover adjusted to match using the shrub model.
Estimating average annual burn probability under different intensities and extents of cattle grazing
Grazing scenarios were generated using the shrub model and burn model for two additional patterns of grazing use in the study area.
Full extent of study area
Full-extent scenarios applied grazing to the entire study area. These scenarios were run for 0.02, 0.41, 0.74, and 1.05 AUY per grazed ha (0.01, 0.167, 0.3, and 0.424 AUY per grazed acre), with 0 already represented by the no-grazing scenario. 0.41 was chosen as a representative stocking rate for production grazing, or a standard rate for cattle operations in the region that expect to sell calves for a profit. The highest reported stocking rate in the survey dataset was 1.05 AUY per grazed ha, which served as an extreme high stocking rate scenario. A more moderate comparison was 0.74, with 0.02 included as an extremely low but still grazed comparison.
Priority treatment areas
Priority scenarios added grazing to areas identified as priority three or greater under CAL FIRE’s “Wildfire threats to communities” ranking system in addition to areas grazed under the baseline scenario (CAL FIRE 2018; Fig. 4).
Priority scenarios were generated for 0.41, 0.74, and 1.05 AUY per grazed ha, with non-overlapping grazing lands remaining at the baseline stocking rates. Probabilities in priority scenarios were assessed both as part of the greater study area and in comparison to non-priority areas.
Scenario efficiency and key treatment units
The change in overall burn probability for each full extent and priority scenario were assessed in relation to the baseline scenario. Return for each scenario was calculated for relative comparison of scenario efficiencies.
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To demonstrate how these models might be used to decide where to apply cattle grazing as a treatment strategy, subwatersheds (12-digit hydrologic units) ranging from 4856 to 17,806 ha, or 12,000 to 44,000 acres, were used to delineate hypothetical treatment units (USGS 2018). Grazing efficiency, here defined as the decrease in a point’s average annual burn probability when going from no grazing to grazed at 0.41 AUY per grazed ha, and CAL FIRE priority landscape scores were averaged across sample points within each treatment unit (CAL FIRE 2018). The change from no grazing to 0.41 AUY per grazed ha was selected as representative of applying a stocking rate suitable for calf-cow cattle production to ungrazed areas. Grazing efficiency and priority score were cross-referenced to identify key treatment units for the use of cattle grazing to have the greatest impact on burn probability while also prioritizing community protection from fire.
Estimating the current extent, intensity, and influence of cattle grazing
We estimate that cattle grazing in the study area from 2001–2017 reduced average annual burn probability over the entire study area 45%, from 9.9% to 5.4% (Table 3; Fig. A4), when compared to a no-grazing scenario. Within lands where grazing is present, this equates to an average annual burn probability decrease of 88%, from 9.2% to 1.1%, directly attributable to grazing.
Estimating change in average annual burn probability under different intensities and extents of cattle grazing
Full extent of study area
Overall average annual burn probability decreased with increases in grazing intensity for full extent (Table 4, Fig. 5) and priority (Table 5; Fig. A5) scenarios. Increasing the intensity of grazing throughout the study area from no grazing to 0.41 AUY per grazed ha decreased the overall average annual burn probability 88%, from 9.9% to 1.2%, whereas increasing it from no grazing to 1.05 AUY per grazed ha decreased the overall average annual burn probability 98%, from 9.9% to 0.2% (Fig. 6a). Increasing grazing intensity from 0.41 to 1.05 AUY per grazed ha resulted in a decrease of 81%, from 1.2% to 0.23% (Fig. 6b). Applying even a nominal amount of grazing resulted in a decrease in overall average annual burn probability of 70%, from 9.9% to 3.0%, when comparing the 0.02 AUY per grazed ha full extent scenario to the no-grazing scenario. Sample points in the north-central part of the study area experienced the greatest decreases in average annual burn probability in relation to the application of grazing (Fig. 6).
Priority treatment areas
When comparing the baseline and no-grazing scenarios, the absence of grazing resulted in an average annual burn probability increase of 721%, from 1.1% to 9.4%, for low priority areas and 39%, from 7.8% to 10.8%, for high priority areas. Adding grazing to high priority areas, i.e., the priority scenarios, decreased their average annual burn probability in relation to the baseline scenario for all stocking rates (Fig. 7; Table A6). A decrease of 82%, from 7.6% to 1.4%, occurred in high priority areas when production level grazing, i.e., 0.41 AUY per grazed ha, was applied compared to the same areas under the baseline scenario. Increasing the intensity of grazing in high priority landscapes from 0.41 to 1.05 AUY per grazed ha decreased the average annual burn probability in those areas 29%, from 1.7% to 1.3%.
Scenario efficiency and key treatment units
Overall scenario efficiency was the greatest for the 1.05 AUY per grazed ha priority scenario, in which high priority areas grazed at 1.05 AUY per grazed ha were added to the baseline scenario (Fig. 8; Table A7). Priority scenario 0.73 was next, followed by full extent scenario 1.05, full extent scenario 0.74, then priority scenario 0.41.
In a more applied example, Fig. 9 shows the results of cross-referencing the grazing efficiencies and priority landscape scores to identify key treatment units for the use of cattle grazing. Seven units scored highly in both criteria, totaling 81,407 ha or 201,162 acres. These key units cluster in the center of the study area, where the majority of lands are designated wildland urban influence zone. Wildland urban influence zone is defined as wildland vegetation up to 2.4 km from WUI or intermix zones (CAL FIRE 2019).
Under baseline conditions, 37% of points within these seven key treatment units were assumed grazed. If grazing were extended to all points in these treatment units at the same stocking rate, i.e., 0.41 AUY per grazed ha, burn probability would decrease 74%, from 11.3% to 2.9%. These treatment units contained 14% of the sample points, but 26% of points with high priority landscape scores, i.e., three or greater.
Anthropogenic changes to California’s vegetation, climate, and landscapes have all contributed to the catastrophic wildfire threat the state faces today (Abatzoglou and Williams 2016). Although there are many fuel-treatment options, implementation across large areas, varied vegetation types, and changing terrain render large-scale treatment logistically impossible or economically infeasible, particularly when no product, e.g., timber, is harvested from the treatment (Thompson and Anderson 2015, Hunter and Taylor 2022). Here, we examined a possible synergy between cattle producers and communities in the WUI by quantifying the current and potential impacts of using cattle grazing as a fuel treatment in an urban-wildland study area.
We estimated the reduction in average annual burn probability attributable to cattle grazing for Napa and Sonoma Counties from 2001–2017. The decrease in average annual burn probability suggests cattle grazing created areas of lower burn probability on the landscape and reinforces recent work that demonstrates that cattle grazing plays an important role in reducing fire hazard (Rouet-Leduc et al. 2021, Ratcliff et al. 2022, Siegel et al. 2022).
Increasing the extent and intensity of grazing both independently and in combination reduced overall average annual burn probability, with the greatest extents and highest stocking rates garnering the lowest overall average burn probabilities (Table 6). Even at low intensities of grazing overall average annual burn probability decreased, with a drop of 6.92 percentage points (from 9.9% to 3.0%) from the no-grazing scenario to the application of 0.02 AUY per grazed ha over the full extent of the study area. A similar response was observed for Central Coast ecosystems, with shifts from no grazing to 0.12 AUY per grazed ha decreasing burn probability (Siegel et al. 2022). This phenomenon may not be solely due to livestock fuel manipulation, but instead may relate to inherent traits of grazing lands or to risk-reduction practices attributable to the management of grazing lands, like maintained infrastructure, well-distributed water resources, range improvement practices like the removal of invasive species or treatment of brush, and the benefits of having someone physically present, and frequently living, on the landscape and therefore able to address fires and potential fire hazards.
Scenarios in which grazing was extended to high priority landscapes resulted in decreases to average annual burn probability in high hazard, high population areas with relatively little additional acreage grazed. The most efficient scenarios assessed produced decreases of 26% and 27% respectively, 1.4% and 1.5% percentage points, in average annual burn probability from grazing high priority areas at stocking rates of 0.74 and 1.05 AUY per grazed ha. Whereas 41% of areas designated high priority landscapes for fuels treatment did not fall within grazing lands, a significant portion of these are adjacent to or share overlapping boundaries with them (CAL FIRE 2018). An extension of cattle grazing into priority areas should be considered by fuel managers seeking long term mitigation strategies, especially in combination with high intensity, short term treatments like targeted goat or sheep grazing (Taylor 2006).
Identifying key long term treatment areas is crucial for the adoption of cattle grazing into fuels management plans. As the installation and upkeep of fencing and infrastructure for cattle can be expensive, deciding where to invest in adopting cattle grazing as a fuel-management strategy requires careful consideration. Potential concerns like cattle grazing impacts on water quality, habitat, recreation, and other resources should be carefully considered, but contextualized with the reduction in burn probability provided by grazing and the impacts of a fire on the same resources. We used the findings of our study to exemplify how a land manager could determine where cattle grazing would be most effective in protecting communities by cross-referencing reduction in average annual burn probability due to grazing and priority landscape scores for a set of land units.
The number of cattle grazing in California has been declining for decades (Cameron et al. 2014, Brown et al. 2018, Saitone 2020, Swette and Lambin 2021, Shapero et al. 2022). Quantifying the benefits of grazing may be crucial to ensuring it remains extensive enough to maintain current fuel loads on rangelands, and to retain grazing as an option for treating additional areas in the future (Ratcliff et al. 2022). Ranching in California is an economically marginal activity, with 70% of ranchers making less than $10,000 profit annually (Wetzel et al. 2012). Recently, long term droughts and rising demand-based land prices have increased costs (Cameron et al. 2014, Macon et al. 2016). Whereas payment for fuel treatment by sheep and goats is a common practice, cattle ranchers usually pay grazing fees to lease federal or private lands, which they rely on to provide enough forage for their herds (Huntsinger and Bartolome 2014, Rimbey et al. 2015, Saitone 2020). The availability of these key government-controlled resources is also in decline, with authorization of grazing on federal lands decreasing by 36% in California from 2010–2015, to some extent due to the invasion of woody vegetation and policy-driven land use change (Oles et al. 2017). With little margin for error and highly volatile market prices for beef, diversification of income is a strategy employed by ranchers to maintain their operations (Brown et al. 2018, Saitone 2020). If the services cattle provide in protecting homes and precluding wildfire can be quantified, payment for fire hazard reduction or discounted grazing leases may provide additional revenue streams, continuing the availability of grazing to manage vegetation in California’s highly altered ecosystems (Germano et al. 2012, Barry and Huntsinger 2021, Buckley Biggs et al. 2021, Barry 2022).
We utilized econometric methods to estimate the cattle-fire relationship over time and space, which allowed for the incorporation of long term, large-scale trends in the regression analyses (Starrs et al. 2018, Siegel et al. 2022). For these analyses, data had to be available and consistent throughout the study period and exhibit adequate spatial and temporal variation. The grazing survey data was aggregated to an annual stocking rate at the property level, which eliminated the ability to account for seasonal and spatial variations in stocking rate within operations, both of which influence the impacts of grazing on vegetation use. The grazing scenarios and baseline estimate could similarly be improved if more temporally and spatially explicit data existed. A more complete fire dataset including smaller fires and data from additional rangeland properties could improve model performance.
The climate dataset chosen was a compromise between spatial and temporal resolution. Seasonal variation in climate variables has great influence on both vegetation and fire behavior. Terraclimate provided data for a suite of climate variables at monthly temporal resolution, but a spatial resolution of approximately 4.5 km (Abatzoglou et al. 2018). With the majority of the dataset at 30-m resolution, sampling at 200 m likely resulted in underestimation of standard error values for the regression coefficients. Increasing the distribution of sample points was not feasible because of the limited grazing and fire perimeter data. These factors may in part be responsible for the generally higher estimates for annual burn probabilities in comparison to analyses derived from other products and fire behavior models (Short et al. 2020, Siegel et al. 2022).
Whereas additional factors relevant to implementing cattle grazing should always be considered when making recommendations, e.g., fence locations, access to water, distance to roads, impacts to sensitive areas, management capacity, and alternative operation goals, this methodology provides the groundwork for providing decision support for two main objectives: determining the worth of services that cattle grazing provides to communities in terms of fire risk reduction, and assessing where, how much, and how intensely cattle grazing should be applied for fire risk reduction.
Grazing for fuel reduction has the potential to offer a low cost, landscape-level fuel treatment (Germano et al. 2012) and is already doing so on millions of acres of working landscapes of California. With fire hazard increasing as fuels go untreated, every tool available should be considered in addressing potential fire risk at scale, especially when many cattle operations already conveniently neighbor many communities in the WUI. With the advent of new data sources and methodologies, research into cattle grazing and fuel reduction is capturing the interest of the scientific community. What remains to be seen is how this translates to the formal adoption of cattle grazing into larger fuel-management strategies, and if it results in helping sustain grazing lands and grazing practitioners.
Responses to this article are invited. If accepted for publication, your response will be hyperlinked to the article. To submit a response, follow this link. To read responses already accepted, follow this link.
We thank the Russell L. Rustici Rangeland and Cattle Research Endowment, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and the University of California for funding this research; and Miranda Redmond, Maggi Kelly, and Lynn Huntsinger for their guidance and support.
The code that supports the findings of this study is available on request from the corresponding author, GIS. All data used are publicly available from resources available in the public domain, with the exception of the private property shapefiles and stocking levels, which the authors do not have permission to share.
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Fig. 1

Fig. 1. The study area in the context of California and Napa and Sonoma Counties, here distinguished by color. The west portion of Sonoma County was excluded because of climate and fire conditions distinct from the rest of the region. Within this area, analysis was limited to rangelands, with developed areas, forests, cropland, vineyards, and orchards excluded.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Workflow model illustrating the analysis performed and the relationship between the two models and the resulting predictions.

Fig. 3

Fig. 3. (a) Stocking rates in animal unit year per grazed ha and extent of grazing under the baseline scenario, where all rangelands designated important grazing lands are assumed to be grazed at customary levels for the region. (b) Average annual burn probabilities estimated under the baseline scenario.

Fig. 4

Fig. 4. Stocking rates in animal unit years (AUY) per ha and extent of grazing under the priority scenarios. Priority scenarios include lands grazed under the baseline scenario (in gray) with the addition of grazing to lands with high wildfire threat to communities (in black). Stocking rates remain the same as the baseline scenario with the exception of priority areas, where they were examined at a range of stocking rates from 0.41–1.05 AUY per grazed ha.

Fig. 5

Fig. 5. Average annual burn probabilities under full extent scenarios, where all rangelands were grazed at the same intensity, under stocking rates from: (a) no grazing; (b) 0.02 animal unit year (AUY) per grazed ha; (c) 0.41 AUY per grazed ha; (d) 0.74 AUY per grazed ha; and (e) 1.05 AUY per grazed ha. (f) depicts the difference in average annual burn probability over the study area between the scenarios.

Fig. 6

Fig. 6. The variable results of implementing grazing across the landscape. In (a) the decrease in percentage points from no grazing to the highest intensity of grazing assessed (1.05 animal unit years (AUY) per grazed ha) across the study area shows the greatest reductions in average annual burn probability are concentrated in the north-central and northeast parts of the study area when grazing was applied. (b) illustrates the same pattern is present even when grazing is already present by displaying the decrease in percentage points intensifying grazing from production-level (0.41 AUY per grazed ha) to 1.05 AUY per grazed ha.

Fig. 7

Fig. 7. Average annual burn probabilities grouped by CAL FIRE priority landscape ranking (5 indicates highest priority for treatment) under different grazing scenarios. Numbers in the grazing scenarios indicate the grazing intensity in AUY per grazed ha. Adding grazing to high priority areas captures vulnerable portions of the landscape not grazed under the current conditions scenario.

Fig. 8

Fig. 8. The relative efficiency of grazing scenarios, calculated by taking the ratio of the percent change in average annual burn probability and the percent change in grazing extent for each scenario relative to the baseline. For each 1% increase in the amount of area grazed over baseline, average annual burn probability over the study area decreased by the percent indicated on the y axis. Table A7 provides the numeric values used in the calculations.

Fig. 9

Fig. 9. Bivariate map of hypothetical treatment units by grazing efficiency (reduction in average annual burn probability from no grazing to 0.41 AUY per grazed ha) and priority landscape score. Units in the center of the study area exhibit the greatest confluence of the two metrics, where the introduction or expansion of cattle grazing might confer the greatest benefits.

Table 1
Table 1. Data sources, resolutions, and variables. Variables for grazing intensity, population, distance from roads, and topography did not vary over time. Land cover, baseline grazing extent, landscape priority, and hydrologic units were used to develop grazing scenarios and treatment units, but not in models or model specification.
Data | Source | Source Spatial Resolution | Variables | ||||||
Grazing intensity | Siegel et al. 2022 | 22 Properties; Vector | Grazed: Binary, point in grazed or ungrazed property | ||||||
AUYprGA: Animal Unit Years per Grazed Acre | |||||||||
Fire perimeters (1998–2017) | CAL FIRE 2022 | CA Fire Perimeters | BurnYN: Burn in current year, binary | ||||||
PBY3: Burn within previous three years, binary | |||||||||
Climate | TerraClimate (Abatzoglou et al. 2018) | ~4 km (1/24 degree) | Wind: Seasonal mean of monthly maximum windspeed | ||||||
Prcp: Seasonal total precipitation | |||||||||
PrevyrPrcp: Previous year total precipitation | |||||||||
Tmin: Seasonal minimum temperature | |||||||||
Tmax: Seasonal maximum temperature | |||||||||
Percent cover | Rangeland Analysis Platform (Allred et al. 2021) | 30 m | PrctShr, PrctTree: Percent cover (trees, shrubs, herbaceous) | ||||||
Population | U.S. Census Bureau 2018 | Vector | logPop00: log of 2000 population | ||||||
Distance from roads | U.S. Census Bureau 2018 | Vector | logRddist: log of distance from road, m | ||||||
Topography | USGS 2013 | 30 m | Solar Radiation Aspect Index (SRAI): calculated from aspect | ||||||
Elevation | |||||||||
Slope | |||||||||
Land cover | LaMotte 2016, Dewitz 2019 | 30 m | Categorical land cover | ||||||
Important farmlands (grazing lands) | California Department of Conservation FMMP 2020 | Vector | Grazing extent for “baseline” scenario | ||||||
Wildfire threats to communities | CAL FIRE 2018 | 30 m | Priority: priority landscape score (1 = low, 5 = high) | ||||||
Watershed boundaries | USGS 2013 | Vector | 12-digit Hydrologic Units | ||||||
Table 2
Table 2. Burn model regression coefficients. Cluster-robust standard error was calculated by surveyed property. 1789 sample points were used to specify the model with 17 years of data. A colon (:) indicates an interaction term between two variables. Significance levels are denoted as *** for p < 0.01 and ** for p < 0.05.
Variable | Coefficient | Cluster-Robust Standard Error | |||||||
Intercept | 8386*** | 1028 | |||||||
Grazed | -2.313*** | 0.675 | |||||||
Animal Unit Years per grazed acre (AUY per GA) | -6.750 | 5.231 | |||||||
Percent shrub cover | 0.00834 | 0.0207 | |||||||
Animal Unit Years per grazed acre : Percent shrub cover | -0.259 | 0.331 | |||||||
Burn in previous 3 years | -2.985*** | 0.264 | |||||||
Log of 2000 population density | 0.255 | 0.280 | |||||||
Log of distance to roads | 0.199 | 0.156 | |||||||
Elevation | 0.00115 | 0.000885 | |||||||
Slope | 0.0435** | 0.0194 | |||||||
Solar Radiation Aspect Index (SRAI) | 0.115 | 0.000885 | |||||||
Fall precipitation (cm) | 0.484** | 0.230 | |||||||
Winter and spring precipitation (cm) | 0.106** | 0.0439 | |||||||
Summer precipitation (cm) | -3.024 | 6.243 | |||||||
Previous year precipitation (cm) | 0.0415 | 0.0334 | |||||||
Maximum temperature, Fall | 2.005** | 0.965 | |||||||
Minimum temperature, Fall | -2.224** | 1.066 | |||||||
Maximum summer windspeed (m/s) | 1.847 | 2.229 | |||||||
Maximum fall windspeed (m/s) | 4.321 | 2.851 | |||||||
Percent tree cover | 0.0117*** | 0.00261 | |||||||
Longitude (X) | -0.0156*** | 0.00579 | |||||||
Latitude (Y) | -0.00200*** | 0.000738 | |||||||
Longitude : Latitude | 3.68e-09*** | (1.36e-10) | |||||||
Table 3
Table 3. A comparison of overall average annual burn probability (AABP) and other summary statistics for the baseline and no-grazing scenarios.
Baseline | No Grazing | ||||||||
Overall Average Annual Burn Probability (AABP) | 5.42% | 9.87% | |||||||
Median AABP | 2.16% | 9.73% | |||||||
Minimum AABP | 1.69e-04% | 7.71e-03% | |||||||
Maximum AABP | 34.71% | 34.72% | |||||||
Percent of area grazed | 54.9% | 0% | |||||||
Table 4
Table 4. Summary statistics for average annual burn probability (AABP) under full extent grazing scenarios. All rangelands are grazed at the same level ranging from 0–1.05 animal unit years per grazed ha. Burn probability decreases over the study area with the intensification of grazing.
No Grazing | All at 0.02 | All at 0.41 | All at 0.74 | All at 1.05 | |||||
Overall Average Annual Burn Probability (AABP) | 9.87% | 2.95% | 1.20% | 0.52% | 0.23% | ||||
Median AABP | 9.73% | 2.10% | 0.63% | 0.22% | 0.08% | ||||
Minimum AABP | 7.71e-03% | 5.05e-04% | 1.58e-04% | 3.62e-05% | 9.32e-06% | ||||
Maximum AABP | 34.72% | 22.00% | 15.98% | 11.69% | 8.15% | ||||
Table 5
Table 5. Summary statistics for average annual burn probability (AABP) across the entire study area under priority grazing scenarios. Priority areas are grazed at stocking rates ranging from baseline to high intensity (1.05 animal unit years per grazed ha).
Baseline | Priority at 0.41 | Priority at 0.74 | Priority at 1.05 | ||||||
Overall Average Annual Burn Probability (AABP) | 5.42% | 4.16% | 4.01% | 3.94% | |||||
Median AABP | 2.16% | 1.34% | 1.07% | 0.95% | |||||
Minimum AABP | 1.69e-04% | 1.58e-04% | 3.62e-05% | 9.32e-06% | |||||
Maximum AABP | 37.41% | 33.23% | 33.23% | 33.23% | |||||
Table 6
Table 6. Decrease in average annual burn probability in percentage points and percent change (in parentheses) of average annual burn probabilities for the study area compared to the baseline scenario.
Stocking Rate | Priority | Full Extent | |||||||
No grazing | - | -4.45% (-82.1%) | |||||||
0.02 AUY per grazed ha | - | 2.47% (45.7%) | |||||||
0.41 AUY per grazed ha | 1.26% (23.3%) | 4.22% (77.9%) | |||||||
0.74 AUY per grazed ha | 1.41% (26.1%) | 4.90% (90.4%) | |||||||
1.05 AUY per grazed ha | 1.48% (27.3%) | 5.19% (95.7%) | |||||||