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Hmalan Hunter-Xenie
First published in Ecology & Society in 2011
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1 published article
Aug 2011
Developing Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating Joint Management Effectiveness in Protected Areas in the Northern Territory, Australia
Arturo Izurieta, Bevlyne Sithole, Bruce Campbell, Hmalan Hunter-Xenie, Jessie Brown, Lincoln Wilson, Paul Donohoe, Natasha Stacey, Bevlyne Sithole, Bruce Campbell, Hmalan Hunter-Xenie, Jessie Brown, Lincoln Wilson, Paul Donohoe, Bevlyne Sithole, Bruce Campbell, Hmalan Hunter-Xenie, Jessie Brown, Lincoln Wilson, Paul Donohoe, Bevlyne Sithole, Bruce Campbell, Hmalan Hunter-Xenie, Jessie Brown, Lincoln Wilson, Paul Donohoe, Bevlyne Sithole, Bruce Campbell, Hmalan Hunter-Xenie, Jessie Brown, Lincoln Wilson, Paul Donohoe, Bevlyne Sithole, Bruce Campbell, Hmalan Hunter-Xenie, Jessie Brown, Lincoln Wilson, Paul Donohoe